| - This item is autokeep. This means that if you die with it, you will always keep it.
- It is created when you are given the dark dagger by Echned Zekin, requesting that you take the hat, which is actually Viyeldi, then use the dagger on it; it will kill him and will convert the dark dagger into a glowing dagger. If you have dropped your glowing dagger after completing the quest, it can be reobtained by returing to the Kharazi Dungeon and going to the room with the winch, which requires casting a Charge Orb spell on the door to enter. Smash the barrels in the room to retrieve it.
- It is created when you are given the dark dagger by Echned Zekin, requesting that you take the hat, which is actually Viyeldi, then use the dagger on it; it will kill him and will convert the dark dagger into a glowing dagger. If you have dropped your glowing dagger after completing the quest, it can be reobtained by returning to the Kharazi Dungeon and going to the room with the winch, which requires casting a Charge Orb spell on the door to enter. Smash the barrels in the room to retrieve it.
- Glowing Dagger er brukt i Legends' Quest. Dens bonuser er like som bronze dagger, bortsett fra +1 mer i stab og slash bonuser og ingen strength bonus, Dette gjør den til en av de svakeste daggerene i spillet. Det er ingen forskjell mellom Glowing dagger og Dark dagger med unntak av hvordan de ser ut. under Legends' quest, får du en Dark dagger. Og hvis du prøver å ta hatten som faktisk er Viyeldi for så å bruke daggeren på han, vil det drepe han og endre Dark dagger til Glowing dagger dette våpenet kan ikke bli poisoned.
- It is created when you are given the dark dagger by Echned Zekin, requesting the player to kill Viyeldi because he was the one that murdered him and wants revenge. Once the dagger is used to kill Viyeldi, it will convert the into a glowing dagger. It must then be taken back to Echned Zekin, who will reveal his true form - the demon Nezikchened. The Glowing Dagger has the same combat stats as an Iron Dagger, only lacking the +4 strength bonus.