| - Housing is a slowing factor and eventually a limit on File:Citizen6.png Population growth in each city. The simplest source of File:Housing6.png Housing is a water source. Fresh water (River, Lake or Aqueduct) provides 5 File:Housing6.png Housing. Coast provides 3 File:Housing6.png Housing if you don't have fresh water. Many buildings grant File:Housing6.png Housing. After researching Pottery, every city is able to build a Granary, which adds 2 File:Housing6.png Housing, and later they can build Sewers, which also adds 2 File:Housing6.png Housing. Buildings in other districts sometimes add File:Housing6.png Housing, such as the Barracks in the Encampment district, the University in the Campus, and the Lighthouse in the Harbor. With religious beliefs such as Religious Community and Pagoda, certain buildings that can be built in the Holy Site add File:Housing6.png Housing. The Palace building in your File:Capital6.png Capital city also adds 1 File:Housing6.png Housing. Each Farm, Pasture, Plantation, or Camp supports a small amount of File:Citizen6.png Population — 1 File:Housing6.png Housing for every 2 such improvements. Supporting rural File:Citizen6.png Population in this fashion will allow for slightly larger File:Citizen6.png Populations prior to the Industrial Era, when the Neighborhood district becomes available.