| - Shadow-Mirror is the primary antagonistic organization of Super Robot Wars Advance and one of the antagonist forces in Original Generation. It is a special task force of the Earth Federation force from an alternate universe, coming into the actual universe in order to plunge the world into eternal war in order to maintain evolution and progress for humanity.
- The Shadow-Mirror are a special unit of the Earth Federation forces. The kanji for their official name translates into "Special Task Maneuver Squad." They are an elite group similar to the Titans in Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. They exist in a parallel dimension, wherein several events happened differently in their continuum compared to the one they are invading. They serve as the primary antagonists in Super Robot Wars Advance, and also appear in Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation 2. In Advance, for example, Vindel Mauser refers to Amuro Ray as a master sergeant, when in the game he is a lieutenant. The Vanishing Trooper Incident, wherein SRX Team pilot, Raidiese F. Branstein lost his hand, also happened in the Shadow-Mirror "homeworld," scaring the Personal Trooper developers there from designing anything resembling a Huckebein. In both games that they have appeared in, the goal of the Shadow-Mirror is to plunge the world in eternal war. Vindel, their leader, believes that war brings about change and the best in humanity, so there is no reason to desire for peace. He defines peace as the stagnation in between one war and the next, causing man to become corrupt and weak, and is thus undesirable.