| - Elsa and Jack are at a town called Sugarland as they ask everyone about a girl who stole the weapons back at the workshop. But, nobody answers because they are too scared to tell them, as they called her "the glitch", so they keep walking to ask everyone else, until one person knows where she's at. She tells them to go into the woods and set up a trap in order to get her and get the weapons back. She gives them a map to help them find the girl. So, they are off to set up traps in every part of the woods, but funnily enough, "the glitch" can just outsmart them because Jack steps on a trap when a rope gets him by the ankle and swings him around while being upside-down. Then, she laughs and runs off, making him angered. Elsa laughs at him, but she gets him down. So, they try all the time to g
| - Elsa and Jack are at a town called Sugarland as they ask everyone about a girl who stole the weapons back at the workshop. But, nobody answers because they are too scared to tell them, as they called her "the glitch", so they keep walking to ask everyone else, until one person knows where she's at. She tells them to go into the woods and set up a trap in order to get her and get the weapons back. She gives them a map to help them find the girl. So, they are off to set up traps in every part of the woods, but funnily enough, "the glitch" can just outsmart them because Jack steps on a trap when a rope gets him by the ankle and swings him around while being upside-down. Then, she laughs and runs off, making him angered. Elsa laughs at him, but she gets him down. So, they try all the time to get her, but nothing works. Elsa and Jack are talking, but they don't know that she is on the tree, listening, and she knows how she feels. So, she goes off. But then, he gets an idea because Elsa said something about letting "the glitch" get Jack Frost's staff. So, they wait for it, then she comes and is about to get it. Suddenly, an icy bolt zaps her bag on the tree. Then, she meets Jack Frost and Elsa with the bag. He asks why she stole the weapons. She tells him that it's none of his business. As they hear a bird flying out, she rushes, gets his staff, and runs away. So, they run after her. As she is almost there, she is grabbed by her hoodie. She is grabbed by Jack Frost. So, he gets his staff back, and then she gives up. She is revealed to be a little girl with a ponytail. Elsa asks her a question. Her answers are that it's because her friend made a bet and she lives at the orphanage called Candy Kingdom.