| - Mega Man (also written alternatively as MegaMan and Megaman; known as Rockman in Japan, China, Asia, Taiwan and Korea) is a video game franchise created by the Osaka-based video game development and publishing company Capcom. The game features the playable robot protagonist Mega Man, who utilizes his Mega Buster arm cannon to fight his enemies. Since its release in 1987, the series has sold over 29 million copies worldwide, spawning multiple spinoffs across various gaming platforms. The series itself contains seven sub-series: the original series, X series, Zero series, ZX series, Legends series, Battle Network series and Star Force series.
- Most of the main games in the series are referred to as "Mega Man" (or "Rockman") followed by a number (2, 3, etc.). However, the ninth game in the classic series (not counting the "side-stories") is called Mega Man & Bass. The tenth official game in the classic series is titled Mega Man 9, while the eleventh one is titled Mega Man 10; both of which have a retro look, imitating the 8-bit appearance of the NES Mega Man games.
- Mega Man was the late 80's NES platformer that was a big success for Capcom. So big, in fact, that they cranked out 5 more NES games featuring the fighting robot, and rounded out the classic series with Mega Man 7 for the SNES. MM was not represented in the Game Contest of 2004, to the disappointment of everyone, because nominators could not come to an agreement on which of the 7 games to support. For the next game Contest, Board 8 has agreed to rally behind Mega Man 2 (thanks in large part to Explicit Content deciding to have all the Stats Gurus nominate it).
| - Mega Man (also written alternatively as MegaMan and Megaman; known as Rockman in Japan, China, Asia, Taiwan and Korea) is a video game franchise created by the Osaka-based video game development and publishing company Capcom. The game features the playable robot protagonist Mega Man, who utilizes his Mega Buster arm cannon to fight his enemies. Since its release in 1987, the series has sold over 29 million copies worldwide, spawning multiple spinoffs across various gaming platforms. The series itself contains seven sub-series: the original series, X series, Zero series, ZX series, Legends series, Battle Network series and Star Force series.
- Most of the main games in the series are referred to as "Mega Man" (or "Rockman") followed by a number (2, 3, etc.). However, the ninth game in the classic series (not counting the "side-stories") is called Mega Man & Bass. The tenth official game in the classic series is titled Mega Man 9, while the eleventh one is titled Mega Man 10; both of which have a retro look, imitating the 8-bit appearance of the NES Mega Man games.
- Mega Man was the late 80's NES platformer that was a big success for Capcom. So big, in fact, that they cranked out 5 more NES games featuring the fighting robot, and rounded out the classic series with Mega Man 7 for the SNES. MM was not represented in the Game Contest of 2004, to the disappointment of everyone, because nominators could not come to an agreement on which of the 7 games to support. For the next game Contest, Board 8 has agreed to rally behind Mega Man 2 (thanks in large part to Explicit Content deciding to have all the Stats Gurus nominate it). The classic Mega Man series made it into the Series Contest of 2006, where it looked good in a convincing win over Mario Kart before holding up pretty decently (all things considered) against Final Fantasy in the second round. It finished a respectable 7th in the X-Stats for the season, just behind Sonic (Series) and Metal Gear.