| - Not only did Pokemon collectively combine for 45% of the vote, but the entire poll scored 132,000 votes despite there being three first party Nintendo games. You can look at these very final numbers and see the trouble Metal Gear Solid was in next round. RBY held up well despite GSC and Majora's Mask in the way. Replacing Majora's Mask with Ocarina of Time and removing GSC altogether spelled terrible for Metal Gear Solid, especially given MGS can't pull off miracles unless it's dealing with low vote totals. And this is just from looking at the final numbers. RBY stayed even with MGS for a little while, and MGS didn't truly begin pulling away until the poll was an hour old. If MGS had all this trouble with GSC clearly leeching the hell out RBY, how could it beat an unhindered RBY? The short answer is it wouldn't. Gold/Silver/Crystal and Majora's Mask are worth mentioning here, because they held up extremely well given the circumstances. Majora's Mask especially was an unquestioned bomb in the first round, but this match showed it had some bite in it and was perhaps SFFd to a huge degree by Pokemon RBY. GSC, despite a last place finish, leeched RBY quite a lot and cost it a first place finish. RBY would get a chance to prove itself without a younger brother around to suck up votes in round 3, but for now it had to deal with second place. The true loser in this poll was Metal Gear Solid. It's rare you see a game come in first place by nearly 10,000 votes and look the worst, but it looked like crap here. MGS vs 3 Nintendo games and it doesn't begin pulling away for an hour? Only 33% of the total vote with Nintendo splitting three ways? Bad performance in every way, it just happened to land in first place.