| - Emily Bishop (née Nugent, previously Swain) is a long-standing Coronation Street resident and former owner of No.3, where she lives with Norris Cole. A kindly, retiring woman, Emily is one of the few religious residents of the Street. Born in Harrogate, she later moved to Weatherfield having attended Bessie Street School in her youth. Emily owned a baby linen shop in Rosamund Street, Weatherfield in the early 1960s, which merged with Swindley's Emporium in 1961. Emily maintained a close professional relationship with Leonard Swindley, lay preacher at the Glad Tidings Mission Hall, serving as his assistant at clothing shop Gamma Garments as well secretary for the Mission committee. Emily was briefly engaged to Swindley but jilted him at the last minute, deciding to wait to marry someone she
| - Emily Bishop (née Nugent, previously Swain) is a long-standing Coronation Street resident and former owner of No.3, where she lives with Norris Cole. A kindly, retiring woman, Emily is one of the few religious residents of the Street. Born in Harrogate, she later moved to Weatherfield having attended Bessie Street School in her youth. Emily owned a baby linen shop in Rosamund Street, Weatherfield in the early 1960s, which merged with Swindley's Emporium in 1961. Emily maintained a close professional relationship with Leonard Swindley, lay preacher at the Glad Tidings Mission Hall, serving as his assistant at clothing shop Gamma Garments as well secretary for the Mission committee. Emily was briefly engaged to Swindley but jilted him at the last minute, deciding to wait to marry someone she loved, despite her worry that she was destined for spinsterhood. Emily found a kindred spirit in another lay preacher, photographer Ernest Bishop as she entered her forties. They got married in 1972 and had a happy marriage but in 1978 Emily was widowed when Ernest was shot and killed in a robbery. Emily remained devoted to Ernie years after his death but allowed herself to fall in love again in 1980 when she met and married pet shop owner Arnold Swain. Only a short time into the marriage, Emily found out that Arnold was still legally married to his first wife. Arnold later died in a psychiatric hospital. As she approached old age, Emily was joined at No.3 Coronation Street by lodgers including Curly Watts, Percy Sugden, Norris Cole, Ernie's niece Freda Burgess and her own nephew Geoffrey "Spider" Nugent, who she was especially fond of as she regretted never having children. Spider even convinced the usually quiet Emily to join him in a protest against renovating the Red Rec. The incident saw pensioner Emily spend the night in a tree in 1998. An active member of the community, Emily has long been engaged in volunteer work and continues to work in charity shops.