| - Attacking anything will cause your invisibility to wear off.
* A Scroll of Mirror Image is very powerful against all bosses.
* The Scroll of Psionic Blast is great to use against Yog-Dzewa's Larvae, after defeating the eyeball. The scroll can do surprising amounts of damage, though this is inconsistent.
- This will allow you to safely attack the eyeball without worrying about the fists.
** You should throw a Seed of Earthroot beside the eyeball, and step on it for protection during the fight.
- The larvae will start to wander randomly when you disappear; if they are on top of the key, or blocking the exit, be patient & wait a few turns for them to move.
- After dispatching Yog-Dzewa, another potion of invisibility will speed your escape; with luck, the invisibility will last long enough for you to pick up the key and exit the depth without fighting the larvae .
- This will dramatically decrease the damage received from fists & larvae to damage.
** Using the Wand of Flock, by firing sheep at the wall directly horizontal to the Hero/ine , will create a safer barrier around the Hero/ine than the Larvae, when attacking Yog-Dzewa's eyeball.
* Try luring the fists to the other side of the room, so they don't attack you while you attack the eyeball.
* Melee-centric combat approach:
- * A weapon that inflicts an approximate average of Dmg is needed, to face & defeat Yog-Dzewa.
* :
- Fight the eyeball while standing in a corner, so when you hit it, you will be surrounded by the eyeball and the larvae.
- When about to tackle Yog-Dzewa, step off the stairs to remove the initial walls, use a Potion of Mind Vision and/or Scroll of Magic Mapping to locate the Eyeball, or at least expedite exploration , drink a Potion of Invisibility to avoid the Fists , throw a Seed of Earthroot onto a square next to the Eye , step on it and melee him.
- Be sure you're absolutely ready to face Yog-Dzewa before descending to D-25.
* Ranged-centric combat approach:
- It is advised for the Hero/ine to focus on the eyeball, as it has no dodge/armor; and as the fists die when it dies.
- full|center|250 px
* : Yog-Dzewa Boss Guide
* Armor that absorbs up to Dmg, is needed to get through the fight.
- Once you step off the stairs at Depth 25, to reveal the boss room & you'll be .
- If attacking with Magic Damage , the eyeball will NOT spawn larvae.
* The eyeball is particularly weak against the Poisoned debuff, so inflict it on the eyeball before attacking, for additional Damage-Over-Time, expediting the fight.
* Obtaining a rare Vampiric-enchanted weapon can be a real boon when fighting Yog-Dzewa. If your HP gets below 50%, simply focus your attacks on the accumulating larvae, until your HP reaches a safe amount.
* Melee-centric combat approach:
- Each hit will summon a larva, which will keep the Fists out of range, while you kill the Eye .
| - * Yog-Dzewa is the final boss.
* He is a giant eyeball and 2 fists:
** Rotting fist,
** Burning fist.
* The eyeball does not move, or attack, unless its state is modified with Scroll of Lullaby, Challenge, or Terror.
* When attacking, it does not make damage at all.
* Each time the eyeball is hit, or hurt with Physical Damage, a larva is summoned at a free tile around him.