| - The training routes were special routes on the Midnight Ocean that circled an island. The training route charts were placed aboard training ships by the governor of an island. However, some players were able to borrow a few training route charts and memorize them. Known training routes that were memorized by at least one player are:
* Byrne Island
* Cnossos Island
* Guava Island
* Jorvik Island
* Oyster Island
* Spring Island
* Turtle Island All training routes were the same, forming a Pac-Man figure around an island by traveling southeast from the island and then circling clockwise. Image:Map I.gif Image:Map W.gif Image:Map T.gif Image:Map W.gif Image:Map W.gif The training ships and their charts were deleted with release 2004-07-09, making the league points unique to these routes extinct. Players who memorized the routes are still able to use their league points when charting routes. It is not possible to chart the original training route using the charting table only once, as a player charted course cannot visit the same league point, in this case the island, twice. The Learn to Sail, Bilge or Carp missions using the automated navy vessels on any ocean use a training route of sorts to the south of the home island of the pirate taking the mission. The route forms a diamond shape, which the navy vessel travels in an anti-clockwise direction. Note, however, that there are no player-obtainable charts that describe this route, and so the league points are not memorizable. Image:Map I.gif Image:Map T.gif Image:Map T.gif