| - Jennifer compares Lois Griffin to her when she first met her in "Chitty Chitty Death Bang". She appears in "Mr. Griffin Goes to Washington", when she is hired as the Griffins' maid since Peter Griffin became president of the El Dorado Cigarette Company. Eventually Lois fires her when she realizes that Peter became the president for all the wrong reasons. After Lois leaves, Martha says that she is finally alone and free to do whatever she wants. So, she lets a big fart rip. Martha Stewart is voiced by Alex Borstein.
- Martha Stewart appears on TV in the Season Six episode, "Red Hot Catholic Love". Keeping up with recent eating trends, she showed her audience how to cook a turkey, prepare it, and then eat it with their rectums. She also reappeared in the Season Thirteen episode, "Eat, Pray, Queef", where she shows her female audience how to decorate their queefs. She reappears in "200" and "201".
- Grover, Elmo, Big Bird, Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch, Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy and others have appeared in segments on her various shows. Miss Piggy appeared on Stewart's 1995 special Martha Stewart's Home for the Holidays, where she helped Stewart make a gingerbread house. Stewart contributed a "Gingerbread" recipe for Miss Piggy's 1996 cookbook, In the Kitchen with Miss Piggy. Stewart was spoofed by Miss Piggy in the 1997 calendar Muppet Parody Calendar: The Sequel, and on Sesame Street as Martha Sewer.
- {{Personaje |nombre = Janet Olsen;(apellido de soltera Jackson) |sexo = femenino |cabello = naranja |edad = 103 (95 al morir) |familia = marido : Jay Olsen
- Martha Stewart is the American businesswoman, writer, and television personality. As founder of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, she has gained success through a variety of business ventures, encompassing publishing, broadcasting, merchandising, and electronic commerce. She has written numerous bestselling books, is the publisher of the Martha Stewart Living magazine, and hosted two long-running syndicated television shows, Martha, which ran from 2005 to 2012, and Martha Stewart Living, which ran from 1993 to 2005.
- Her Web site, blog and shows give recipes, decorating, gardening, crafts, pet care, holiday celebrations and entertaining. Her first book Entertaining, was published in 1982.
- Martha Stewart är en kvinnlig Tau'ri och Överste Jonathan J. O'Neill nämnde henne när han såg hur Kheb Tempel var byggd skämtade han att någon läst Martha Stewart. (SG1: "Maternal Instinct")
- thumb|Martha StewartMartha Stewart (* 3. August 1941 als Martha Helen Kostyra in Jersey City, New Jersey) ist eine US-amerikanische Fernsehmoderatorin und -köchin, Unternehmerin und Autorin. Sie wurde bekannt durch ihre Projekte auf Gebieten wie Kochen, Hauswirtschaft, Gartenarbeit, Etikette und Basteln sowie handwerkliche Tätigkeiten. Sie wird oft als „Amerikas beste Hausfrau“ bezeichnet. Wegen verschiedener Delikte hatte sie eine Gefängnisstrafe zu verbüßen.
- Martha Stewart is the wife of John Stewart. She went to jail once for a bad stock sale. Dr. Colbert was on her show Nov 21, 2008 where he found that Martha doesn't like it when Stephen touches her. He's since checked her into a psychiatric hospital for evaluation. Martha Stewart returned the favor by visiting The Colbert Report on Nov 10, 2010.
- She has written numerous bestselling books and is the publisher of the Martha Stewart Living magazine, while her syndicated talk show, Martha, is broadcast internationally.
- Martha Stewart (née Kostyra, born May 20, 1908) is the world's best known tart. We don't know if she has reproductive organs because the two men who have ventured to that region have never returned. It has been confirmed by King George that Martha is, in fact, hiding aliens in her vadge. It's a good thing.
- MarthaStewart.jpg Martha-stewart.jpg 120811lunchmartha 512x288.jpg Martha Stewart (born Martha Helen Kostyra; August 3, 1941) is an American business magnate, author, magazine publisher, and television personality. As founder of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, she has gained success through a variety of business ventures, encompassing publishing, broadcasting, merchandising, and electronic commerce. She has written numerous bestselling books and is the publisher of the Martha Stewart Living magazine, while her syndicated talk show, Martha, is broadcast internationally.
- Martha Stewart was a famous interior decorator. At one point, she was involved in a scandal relating to a Congressional investigation. On a showing of Late Night Laughs with Ray Bettelman soon after President-elect David Palmer announced his divorce from his wife Sherry, Bettelman suggested that Palmer could start dating Stewart instead, saying that "after she redecorates the White House, she can give Palmer pointers on defying Congress!" (Findings at CTU)