| - 掃えよ気散じの風は目覚めを隠して吹く蹂躙の師団の足音糜爛の眠りを敷き 時を経て過去から固く今を縛る 鳴れ Alarm 鳴れ Alarm AH! 震えよ 憂う日を指して「時は来る」と偽の声銃身の先に立つキミに空想の夜を降ろす 時を経て未来は固く今を縛る 鳴れ Alarm 鳴れ Alarm AH! 鳴れ Alarm 鳴れ Alarm AH! 笑えよ 見えるのは嘘と急襲のぬかりを突き銃身の先に立つキミは重鎮の裸を見る 時を超え陰りは清くキミに裂かれ 鳴れ Alarm 鳴れ Alarm AH!鳴れ Alarm 鳴れ Alarm AH!
- Virus.DOS.Alarm.1820 or Alarm is a virus that runs on MS-DOS.
- The alarm is a -like mechanic in the Final Ninja series.
- A song written for Momone Momo's Birthday 2012.
- An alarm is a
- Level: , , Components: V, S, F/DF Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Area: 20-ft.-radius emanation centered on a point in space Duration: 2 hours/level (D) Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No
- Alarm is an enchanted magic alarm clock that has been made to protect the Clock Tower from intruders.
- Alarms can be set to trigger their assigned Alarm event after x steps.
* in code (set Alarm 0 length to 10 steps): alarm[0]=10;
- Mit Alarm bezeichnet man eine Warnung bezüglich einer Sicherheitsverletzung. Wenn eine falsche Meldung bezüglich eines Alarmes ausgegeben wird, bezeichnet man das als einen Fehlalarm. (DS9: ) Um die Jem'Hadar und die Cardassianer von der Fährte von Major Kira und Rom abzulenken, verursacht Odo mehrere Fehlalarme, als die Beiden versuchen, die Energieversorgung zum Computerkern zu unterbrechen. (DS9: )
- [[Category:]] Alarm was an abjuration spell designed to alert its caster.
- Casting Time: 1 minute Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (a tiny bell and a piece of fine silver wire) Duration: 8 hours You set an alarm against unwanted intrusion. Choose a door, a window, or an area within range that is no larger than a 20-foot cube. Until the spell ends, an alarm alerts you whenever a Tiny or larger creature touches or enters the warded area. When you cast the spell, you can designate creatures that won’t set off the alarm. You also choose whether the alarm is mental or audible. A mental alarm alerts you with a ping in your mind if you are within 1 mile o f the warded area. This ping awakens you if you are sleeping. An audible alarm produces the sound of a hand bell for 10 seconds within 60 feet.
- ALARM (Air Launched Anti-Radiation Missile) is a British anti-radiation missile designed primarily to destroy enemy radars for the purpose of Suppression of Enemy Air Defense (SEAD). It is used by the RAF and the Royal Saudi Air Force.
- Alarm is the ninth episode in Season 1 of the show Rescue Me. It is the nineth overall episode.
- Casting Time: 1 minute Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (a tiny bell and a piece of fine silver wire) Duration: 8 hours You set an alarm against unwanted intrusion. Choose a door, a window, or an area within range that is no larger than a 20-foot cube. Until the spell ends, an alarm alerts you whenever a Tiny or larger creature touches or enters the warded area. When you cast the spell, you can designate creatures that won’t set off the alarm. You also choose whether the alarm is mental or audible. A mental alarm alerts you with a ping in your mind if you are within 1 mile of the warded area. This ping awakens you if you are sleeping. An audible alarm produces the sound of a hand bell for 10 seconds within 60 feet.
- Description: Alarm sounds a mental alarm each time a creature of tiny or larger size enters the warded area. A mental alarm alerts you (and only you) so long as you remain within 1 mile of the warded area. You note a single mental "ping" that awakens you from normal sleep but does not otherwise disturb concentration. A silence spell has no effect on a mental alarm. Custom spell: This spell is part of the Grimoire and is not part of standard Neverwinter Nights.
- Alarms are usually activated by alarm panels located on walls and other areas. If personnel or civilians detect the player, they will usually run to the alarm panel and activate the alarm. The alarm panel, once activated, will set off an alarm and put the entire area on alert. Security cameras, lasers, motion sensors and failure of hacking can also trigger alarms. In first two games the guards uses radio to trigger alarm, rather than use alarm panel in the environment. Depending on the level, and the objective conditions, alarms may cause Mission Failure for the player.
- As a rule of thumb, whenever an alarm bell goes off, the party has to be prepared to face opponents. There is, for example, a scripted alarm in Level 4 of Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord after the party has entered the Testing Ground Control Center. However, "Alarm" is also the name of a chest trap in Wizardry I - V, although the trap is called "Sirens" in Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstorm. When the trap is triggered, new monsters appear, which may be extremely unfortunate after a hard fight to win the chest in the first place.
- You ward an area up to 10 squares by 10 squares, and designate a spoken password that allows a creature to enter the warded area without triggering an alarm. This alarm can send a mental signal to you or make an audible ringing sound. If a Tiny or larger creature enters the warded area without speaking the password, the alarm you set triggers, and the ritual is discharged. However, an insubstantial creature or any creature that succeeds on a Stealth check (DC 10 + your Arcana check modifier) does not trigger the alarm.
- In Deus Ex, alarm panels can be bypassed using multitools. If a guard attempts to use the bypassed panel, no alarm will sound. Alarm panels can also be permanently destroyed with powerful attacks, typically explosions, in the same way one would destroy a camera or a turret. Destroying or bypassing an alarm panel while the alarm is still sounding will stop the alarm. There is also an achievement/trophy for not causing a single alarm.