| - The Mad Raccoons are one of the two opposing teams in Total Drama: Paradise Falls, the other being the Angry Birds. The team consists of Alice, Benny, Catheryn, Faustino, Lancelot, Lorelai, Mindy, Nigel, Orlando, Yumi, and Zachariah. The team color is cornflower blue, and the logo is a mad raccoon. They get the rooms 28 and 29. The Raccoons lost the first challenge in The Alive Host’s Chest. That night, they voted for Lancelot. They won both parts of the challenge in Rowing in the Deep. The team lost again in Project Next Top Model, due to Helen's sabotage. They voted for Yumi.
| - The Mad Raccoons are one of the two opposing teams in Total Drama: Paradise Falls, the other being the Angry Birds. The team consists of Alice, Benny, Catheryn, Faustino, Lancelot, Lorelai, Mindy, Nigel, Orlando, Yumi, and Zachariah. The team color is cornflower blue, and the logo is a mad raccoon. They get the rooms 28 and 29. The Raccoons lost the first challenge in The Alive Host’s Chest. That night, they voted for Lancelot. They won both parts of the challenge in Rowing in the Deep. The team lost again in Project Next Top Model, due to Helen's sabotage. They voted for Yumi. The team won again in Be A-Mazed!, due to them being able to find the exit before the Birds. The team lost the challenge in I Survived a 20 Questions Game Show. They voted for Orlando. In Scavenger Manhunt, they ended up losing the challenge. They voted off Catheryn, but she played an immunity idol, causing Benny, who had the second most votes, to leave. The team won in Super Drama Bros, thanks to the efforts of Alice, Nigel, Zachariah, and a help from a special guest. The team won once again in And Then There Was One, thanks to Faustino, who was the last remaining contestant at the challenge. The team lost the challenge in Wimps’ Olympics. That night, they sent Catheryn home. In The Best Part is When We Go to the Whale, Chris merged the teams.