| - In The Elder Scrolls Online, Dungeons are special instances that players are able to interact with. They always contain one or more bosses, large amounts of enemies and loot. Dungeons may also contain chests, quests, skyshards, ingredients, collectible books and other items. While Dungeons are usually not actual dungeons, the term has been universally used by many other MMO and RPG players to refer to any kind of indoor or outdoor instance that is separate from the main world.
| - In The Elder Scrolls Online, Dungeons are special instances that players are able to interact with. They always contain one or more bosses, large amounts of enemies and loot. Dungeons may also contain chests, quests, skyshards, ingredients, collectible books and other items. While Dungeons are usually not actual dungeons, the term has been universally used by many other MMO and RPG players to refer to any kind of indoor or outdoor instance that is separate from the main world. Group Dungeons and Trials will scale to you or your group leader's level if entered manually, but do not scale below the level they are introduced. For example, Fungal Grotto begins scaling to your level from level 12 but does not scale below that. Trials, which are made for 12-man groups, are similar to Group Dungeons. Trials are also called Raids, which is an MMO term used for a large group instance. There are exactly 144 dungeons and Trials in the game's initial version (145 if you include the Dragonstar Arena), and 136 are dungeons, delves and other group instances, the other 3 are Trials. There are 6 delves, 1 public dungeon and 1 group dungeon per zone, with the exception of Khenarthi's Roost, Betnikh, Stros M'kai, Bleakrock and Bal Foyen, which have no dungeons at all, and Craglorn, which has no solo or public dungeons but has 29 group dungeons, 30 if you count the Dragonstar Arena.