| - Abû-Qatâda al-Filisṭînî (Arabic: أبو قتادة الفلسطيني), sometimes called Abû-Omar (ابو عمر) is an Islamist militant. Under the name Omar Mahmoud Othman (عمر محمود عثمان), he is under worldwide embargo by the United Nations Security Council Committee 1267 for his affiliation with al-Qaeda. He is wanted on terrorism charges in Algeria, the United States, Belgium, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, and his native Jordan. Abu Qatada is a Jordanian national, having been born in Bethlehem in 1960, at which time the West Bank was part of Jordan. Al-Filistini means the Palestinian.
| - Abû-Qatâda al-Filisṭînî (Arabic: أبو قتادة الفلسطيني), sometimes called Abû-Omar (ابو عمر) is an Islamist militant. Under the name Omar Mahmoud Othman (عمر محمود عثمان), he is under worldwide embargo by the United Nations Security Council Committee 1267 for his affiliation with al-Qaeda. He is wanted on terrorism charges in Algeria, the United States, Belgium, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, and his native Jordan. After the liberation of Kuwait from Iraq (which Abu Qatada opposed) he was expelled from Kuwait to Jordan. From there he travelled to the UK in 1993 on a forged UAE passport, and requested asylum on grounds of religious persecution. He was granted asylum the following year. He has been in British custody since his most recent arrest, in August 2005, shortly after the July 2005 London bombings. A British court ruled on February 26, 2007 that he may be deported to Jordan. Qatada won the appeal against deportation in April 2008 under the British Human Rights Act 1998 and European Convention on Human Rights despite suspected continued terrorist involvement, but remained in prison. On 8 May 2008 he was granted bail by the Special Immigration Appeals Commission with security provided by former terrorist hostage Norman Kember who Qatada had requested the release of before his rescue by the SAS in 2006. In November 2008 Qatada was rearrested for breaking his bail conditions. His bail was revoked and he was sent back to prison pending his deportation from the United Kingdom. Abu Qatada is a Jordanian national, having been born in Bethlehem in 1960, at which time the West Bank was part of Jordan. Al-Filistini means the Palestinian.