| - The recipe to craft Washers (by using your Crafting Menu, default key "Q" or at Crafting Tables (which still exist in older worlds) will be unlocked by crafting/taking a Taming Collar. To craft 1 Washer you'll need (as of R27 in January 2016):
* Stone Rods made of Stone, Limestone or Bedrock in a Processor or found in Stone Treasure Chests
* 2 Obsidian (bars) made in a Forge from Obsidian Ore
* 2x Water (not Mineral Water, not Bog Water, not Corrupted Water) Pets will ask to be washed by showing the Washer in their thinking-bubbles and in their pet-menus. This will occur immediately after "harvesting" from your pets. If you take a closer look, you will see that the pets are actually dirty after the harvest. To use the Washer(-abilty) you have to "equip" it by right-clicking, which will make it go into the tool-slot next to your character's portrait. By switching to tool-mode (default key TAB) you will "ready" the washing-ability of your gauntlet You can only wash Pets that need washing and are asking for it by showing the Washer in the thinking-bubble. Pointing on them with the washer ready for action will then show a green X. Use the Washer on a Pet by left-clicking and holding down the left mouse-button for 7 seconds, until the Pet is clean and the green bar is full. While the Washer is on, you will hear a splashing/blubbering sound. The Washer-tool will lose a little bit of durability (or power) with every usage (only after finishing washing a pet), until it will fall apart.