| - There is an irony to the Wyrm, for as a being of destruction and entropy, he is immortal and indestructible, but also imprisoned within the webs of the Weaver. And while he isn't able to push through the webs himself, his thoughts, feelings, desires and other emotions are. Slipping through the cracks and spaces between the strands, they search out new minds who resonate with the overall message of the urge they represent. But these "emotions" are a far cry from what any human can ever feel. Some like to draw parallels between the Urge Wyrms and Earthbound demons.
| - There is an irony to the Wyrm, for as a being of destruction and entropy, he is immortal and indestructible, but also imprisoned within the webs of the Weaver. And while he isn't able to push through the webs himself, his thoughts, feelings, desires and other emotions are. Slipping through the cracks and spaces between the strands, they search out new minds who resonate with the overall message of the urge they represent. But these "emotions" are a far cry from what any human can ever feel. These are the extreme feelings of shame and failure brought about by the insane madness of a beast that not even the most "enlightened" can hope to understand; nor would they want to. These Urges were once part of the greater whole, as were all things dealing with the Wyrm. However, as balance turned to corruption, they changed, mutated, spoiled. They outlived their usefulness and their purpose and found new purpose in feeding off mortals who heard their whisperings and trying to dig their way into their hearts. Their one weakness is their link to the Maeljin; if one of the Dark Lords is destroyed by their specific weakness, their respective Urge is gravely wounded for the next century or so, but even this will be healed in time. For the Urge Wyrm, using mortal victims is easy enough, but sometimes a stronger receptacle is required. This is where the Maeljin Incarna come into play: Powerful, intelligent and infuental spirits, each of them serving a head of the Hydra itself, and who collectively form the reigning "nobility" of the Bane hordes that in turn serve the Wyrm. Once mortals, over time they became so infested and infused with an Urge Wyrm that they were transformed into the absolute embodiment of said Urge, acting as its eyes, its claws, its host to inflict its twisted purpose. Most others in service to the Wyrm view these Incarna as either useless or rivals, not wanting to deal with their petty politics; As such rarely do the Maeljin show themselves, and not all Urges have them. Some like to draw parallels between the Urge Wyrms and Earthbound demons.