| - There are several different types of battles which occur in "battlefield" zones, small zones which consist of the equivalent of a lobby with a circle, door, or wall which has an item traded to it to gain access to an isolated battlefield for a battle that has defined limits for the number of players entering, a level cap possibly, as well as a set time limit. The easiest way to tell if this battle is occurring in a battlefield is if the Battlefield Status icon appears on the top of the screen. Limbus (Temenos & Apollyon) are technically Battlefields since they have this same status icon, but it is basically a hybrid of Dynamis and a BC. Assault missions also have the same status icon, though are closer to Limbus in design than these Arena Battles. Different dialogue also occurs when enteri
| - There are several different types of battles which occur in "battlefield" zones, small zones which consist of the equivalent of a lobby with a circle, door, or wall which has an item traded to it to gain access to an isolated battlefield for a battle that has defined limits for the number of players entering, a level cap possibly, as well as a set time limit. The easiest way to tell if this battle is occurring in a battlefield is if the Battlefield Status icon appears on the top of the screen. Limbus (Temenos & Apollyon) are technically Battlefields since they have this same status icon, but it is basically a hybrid of Dynamis and a BC. Assault missions also have the same status icon, though are closer to Limbus in design than these Arena Battles. Different dialogue also occurs when entering an area for an Assault. Unlike most battlefieds, Assault areas also have maps (except for the The Ashu Talif, but that is a special Assault area), and, unlike other battlefield areas, the Assault missions are verified in and entered from other areas. With the exception of the Ashu Talif, Assault areas (unlike battlefields) do not contain the same music throughout the whole mission and usually have mixed monster families. Assault areas (except for the Ashu Talif) also do not have constant music like a normal battlefield, and instead have special engaging music. However, both Limbus and Assault give their "main" rewards via armoury crates, much like a normal battlefield. There are a few exceptions to these general rules, specifically the Special BCNMs (explained below).
* Generally only members from one monster family are fought in any given battlefield. There is 1 exception though. Wings of Fury features monsters from the Bat and families (although SE seems to consider them as subfamilies in a single family). Divine Punishers, Amphibian Assault, Jungle Boogymen, and Kindred Spirits have beastmen enemies mixed with elementals/wyverns, however they are pets of their respective beastmen masters. Ouryu Cometh and The Wyrmking Descends also features mixed families (avatars/wyrms/worms/undead/elementals), although some are pets plus these battles are different from other battlefield challenges.