Randomness is stuff that you can create by putting some completely unrelated things together.
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| - Randomness is stuff that you can create by putting some completely unrelated things together.
- Randomness is the act and perjury of doing random crap, often to the point of death or at least sexual assault. Random people are often annoying to talk to because you can't friggin understand what they're talking about because you're not near smart enough to be able to. That is why you must get a gas mask. So you can understand them better. It's a proven fact, believe it or not. If you don't believe it, go take a driver's test or something.
- Every run of cookie clicker has a unique seed, stored in Game.seed. This seed is five lowercase letters. The seed can only be changed by ascending or hard resetting.
- Randomness is a game coming soon...
- In a time long before August 12, 2008 (A week earlier). The awesome and cool Moderator known as Travis thought it was a stupid topic and decided to, not lock it, but delete it. So the original topic of Randomness was deleted, but Guapochalupa didn't want to stand for this so he remade his topic, and everything was back to normal. In the original topic of Randomness, all that is remembered is just SgtAlano and J talking about Guppies...yeah.
- Firetruck roastbeef Randomness is anti-truthiness. Randomness can best be found in games like "mad libs" or psychosis like "word salad". Randomness have been shown not to be truthiness due to the slim possibility that a feature of liberalism might sneak in there. This cannot be allowed to happen as liberalism is antithetical to everything truthy. All Americans know this. Nixo-facto, randomness is not truthiness. Not now, not ever. Image:WWTS1sted1.png "Randomness"is a part of Wikiality.com's dictionary, "Watch What You Say". For the full dictionary, click .
- Notngionhuigrhguierhguihtuierhieurtheui Gfrilfhdgfhsfhasdflshdfhsfhskfhhjilfgtu
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Randomness/preload editintro=Randomness/editintro width=25 Featured article: Fate itself
- Randomness is a critical factor in all video games, including the Super Smash Bros. series. Random events challenge players to think quickly and cause a game to never be played the same way twice.
- This is my first Random story, and Cloudpaw and Waterpaw are from The Sharpest Sword -Leafy :| :) :D Cloudpaw: *eating a mouse* Darth Vader:Cloudpaw, come to the dark side Cloudpaw:Er, what's the Dark Side? Darth Vader: To be honest I really don't know Harry Potter:*comes singing the Veggie Tales opening song.* "Brocolile, cerey, gota be, Veggie Tales!" Waterpaw:Cloudpaw! Evil Twolegs! *attacks Harry Potter but Harry just stepped aside, causing Waterpaw to crash.* Cloudpaw:You evil Twoleg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* attacks Harry but yet again Harry just stepped aside.*
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| - Randomness is stuff that you can create by putting some completely unrelated things together.
- This is my first Random story, and Cloudpaw and Waterpaw are from The Sharpest Sword -Leafy :| :) :D Cloudpaw: *eating a mouse* Darth Vader:Cloudpaw, come to the dark side Cloudpaw:Er, what's the Dark Side? Darth Vader: To be honest I really don't know Harry Potter:*comes singing the Veggie Tales opening song.* "Brocolile, cerey, gota be, Veggie Tales!" Waterpaw:Cloudpaw! Evil Twolegs! *attacks Harry Potter but Harry just stepped aside, causing Waterpaw to crash.* Cloudpaw:You evil Twoleg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* attacks Harry but yet again Harry just stepped aside.* Hollyleaf was plotting to kill Leafpool with candy corn. A disenbodied Voice named Jayfether: Woah. . Waterpaw: Cloudpaw, wake up. Cloudpaw: Huh? Waterpaw: Cloudpaw, your dreaming. Cloudpaw: Huh? A funny voice: Cloudpaw!" Wake up!! Cloudpaw: OMG IT'S DARTH VADER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CATZ, RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waterpaw: Er, Cloudpaw, you okay? Cloudpaw:I'M NOT CLOUDPAW I'M CLOUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waterpaw: Huh? *looks up* What are you talking about? Cloudpaw: UDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDUDU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waterpaw: Uhhhhhhhhh. Cloudpaw:* pulls out a lightsaber* I'M HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A random cat:OMG!! A disenbdied Voice Named Jayfeather: Cloudpaw, you could hurt someone will that Cloudpaw:So? *stabs herself* A disenbodied Voice Named Jayfeather: This is a good show, gime some popcorn!
- Randomness is the act and perjury of doing random crap, often to the point of death or at least sexual assault. Random people are often annoying to talk to because you can't friggin understand what they're talking about because you're not near smart enough to be able to. That is why you must get a gas mask. So you can understand them better. It's a proven fact, believe it or not. If you don't believe it, go take a driver's test or something.
- Every run of cookie clicker has a unique seed, stored in Game.seed. This seed is five lowercase letters. The seed can only be changed by ascending or hard resetting.
- Randomness is a game coming soon...
- In a time long before August 12, 2008 (A week earlier). The awesome and cool Moderator known as Travis thought it was a stupid topic and decided to, not lock it, but delete it. So the original topic of Randomness was deleted, but Guapochalupa didn't want to stand for this so he remade his topic, and everything was back to normal. In the original topic of Randomness, all that is remembered is just SgtAlano and J talking about Guppies...yeah.
- Firetruck roastbeef Randomness is anti-truthiness. Randomness can best be found in games like "mad libs" or psychosis like "word salad". Randomness have been shown not to be truthiness due to the slim possibility that a feature of liberalism might sneak in there. This cannot be allowed to happen as liberalism is antithetical to everything truthy. All Americans know this. Nixo-facto, randomness is not truthiness. Not now, not ever. Image:WWTS1sted1.png "Randomness"is a part of Wikiality.com's dictionary, "Watch What You Say". For the full dictionary, click .
- Notngionhuigrhguierhguihtuierhieurtheui Gfrilfhdgfhsfhasdflshdfhsfhskfhhjilfgtu
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Randomness/preload editintro=Randomness/editintro width=25 Featured article: Fate itself
- Randomness is a critical factor in all video games, including the Super Smash Bros. series. Random events challenge players to think quickly and cause a game to never be played the same way twice.