| - Sergent Nikolai Belinski (En russe: Николай Белинский) est un soldat russe qui a combattu dans l'Armée Rouge, et est un personnage jouable dans le mode Zombies. La couleur de son indicateur est bleu (comme Robert McNamara et Robert Englund) mais est aléatoire dans Moon
- Nikolai Belinski (Russian: Николай Белинский) is a Russian soldier who fought in World War II and is a playable character in Zombies Mode. His player indicator color is blue (shared with Robert McNamara and Robert Englund), but his color is randomized in Mo on.
- Nikolai Belinski ist ein spielbarer Charakter aus de, Überlebenskampf. Er ist einer der vier Hauptcharaktere der Zombie Geschichte und fester Bestandteil seit Call of Duty: World at War.
- Nikolai's reputation was so widespread and so horrible that even Joseph Stalin himself was afraid of him, which was why Stalin deliberately drafted him into the front lines as soon as World War II started, hoping he would be killed. Like the Takeo and Dempsey, Nikolai had been captured by Dr. Richtofen prior to the events of the game(s) and experimented on with Element 115. After killing Dr. Maxis, Richtofen brainwashed them and gave them amnesia so that they would fight alongside him against the zombies as part of Richtofen's scheme to find Samantha Maxis and take control of the zombies.
- Sergeant Nikolai Belinski (Russian: Николай Белинский) is a Russian soldier who fought in the Red Army, and is a playable main character in Zombies. His player indicator color is blue (shared with Robert McNamara and Robert Englund) but is randomized in Moon and all subsequent maps. An alternate version of Nikolai appears in Origins, and reappears in Call of Duty: Black Ops III, in The Giant, Der Eisendrache, Zetsubou No Shima, Gorod Krovi (which also includes the original timeline Nikolai Belinski) and Revelations.
- Nikolai Belinski (Russian: Николай Белинский) was a Red Army soldier who fought in World War I and World War II, and is part of the main protagonist team known as the originals. His player indicator color is blue (shared with Robert McNamara and Robert Englund) but is randomized in Moon and all subsequent maps.