| - Red squad was a military unit of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and a part of Reekeene's Roughnecks. They used red armpatches for identification.
- i think Red Platoon is a pretty cool guy. Eh shuts down Earth's power grid, attacks Dominican capital ships and doesn't afraid of anything.
- The Red Squad (or Cadet Training Squadron 47) was an elite group of Starfleet Academy cadets that received advanced classes of field training. In 2372, the Red Squad was used by James Leyton to sabotage Earth's main power grid in his attempted coup. (DS9: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost") Alexandra Dalton turned down Red Squad membership, citing its over-eagerness for battle. (Star Trek: Banshee Squadron)
- In 2372, members of Red Squad aided Admiral James Leyton in his attempted coup d'etat on Earth, by disabling Earth's power distribution center in Lisbon. (DS9 episodes: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost") Other cadets were assigned to other key postings, such as Bael Nomine on Starbase 375. (TNG eBook: Slings and Arrows: The Oppressor's Wrong) Johnny Madden became a member of Red Squad in 2372, a fact that annoyed Jayme Miranda as she felt the group was elitist. (TNG novel: The Best and the Brightest)
- Seventeen years after Emergence Day, the island of Azura was discovered and attacked by the Locust Horde. Red Squad was sent by Cpt.Paul Dury to secure Pinnacle Tower and prevent the Locust from reaching Professor Adam Fenix's Imulsion Countermeasure Weapon. The Gears set up barricades at the entrance and set up snipers on the roof to kill any approaching Locust. When Adam and Dr.Nevil Estrom arrived at the tower, one member of Red Squad told Adam to get up to his room and lock the doors. He commented that the entire Locust army and Queen Myrrah were coming for the tower, but Adam said that Myrrah would not kill him since she needed him alive. The Sergeant remarked that Adam seemed oddly confident, and one of the other Gears told him that Adam had known the Queen at some point in the past.
- thumb|320px|Das Emblem des Red Squadron. RED SQUAD ist die Kurzform für RED SQUADRON. Es ist eine Eliteeinheit von Kadetten der Sternenflottenakademie, die ihre speziellen Schlafräume und ihre speziellen Trainingseinrichtungen zur Verfügung haben. Das SFC gründet diese Einheit auf der Basis, dass sich junge Kadetten besondere Leistungen aneignen können, die sie in ihrer zukünftigen beruflichen Offizierslaufbahn gut gebrauchen können, welche aber im Rahmen der allgemeinen Ausbildung nur schwer zu vermitteln sind.
- In 2372, the program was a relatively new idea. A group of Red Squad cadets, including Riley Shepard, disabled the global power distribution center in Lisbon, allowing Admiral Leyton to launch his coup attempt. (DS9: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost")
- thumb|Das Emblem des Red Squadron. [[Datei:Red Squadron Abzeichen.jpg|thumb|Das Abzeichen des Red Squad. Es wird am Kragen der Uniform getragen.]] Red Squad ist die Kurzform für Red Squadron. Es ist eine Eliteeinheit von Kadetten der Sternenflottenakademie, die ihre speziellen Schlafräume und ihre speziellen Trainingseinrichtungen zur Verfügung haben. (DS9: ) Laut Fähnrich Nog sei bei dieser Einheit einfach alles speziell. (DS9: )
- Red Squad or Cadet Training Squadron 47 was an elite group of cadets at Starfleet Academy. Red Squad members received special classes and advanced fieldwork training. In 2372, the program was a relatively new idea. A group of Red Squad cadets, including Riley Shepard, disabled the global power distribution center in Lisbon, allowing Admiral Leyton to launch his coup attempt. (DS9: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost") Info was found at memory-alpha
| - thumb|320px|Das Emblem des Red Squadron. RED SQUAD ist die Kurzform für RED SQUADRON. Es ist eine Eliteeinheit von Kadetten der Sternenflottenakademie, die ihre speziellen Schlafräume und ihre speziellen Trainingseinrichtungen zur Verfügung haben. Das SFC gründet diese Einheit auf der Basis, dass sich junge Kadetten besondere Leistungen aneignen können, die sie in ihrer zukünftigen beruflichen Offizierslaufbahn gut gebrauchen können, welche aber im Rahmen der allgemeinen Ausbildung nur schwer zu vermitteln sind. Normalerweise absolvieren Kadetten auf der USS REPUBLIC im Sonnensystem ein Training, um Erfahrungen in der Kommandostruktur zu sammeln. Da diese jedoch nicht mehr warpfähig ist, werden Red-Squad-Kadetten auf der USS VALIANT / NCC-74210 ausgebildet. Die Elitetruppe wird 2372 während des Militärputschs, den Vice Admiral Leyton plant, eingesetzt, um das Energienetz der Erde zu sabotieren, ohne den Befehl zu hinterfragen.
- Red squad was a military unit of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and a part of Reekeene's Roughnecks. They used red armpatches for identification.
- i think Red Platoon is a pretty cool guy. Eh shuts down Earth's power grid, attacks Dominican capital ships and doesn't afraid of anything.
- In 2372, members of Red Squad aided Admiral James Leyton in his attempted coup d'etat on Earth, by disabling Earth's power distribution center in Lisbon. (DS9 episodes: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost") Other cadets were assigned to other key postings, such as Bael Nomine on Starbase 375. (TNG eBook: Slings and Arrows: The Oppressor's Wrong) Johnny Madden became a member of Red Squad in 2372, a fact that annoyed Jayme Miranda as she felt the group was elitist. (TNG novel: The Best and the Brightest) In late 2373, a group of Red Squad cadets were assigned to the USS Valiant for an advanced training mission that we see them circumnavigate Federation space. However, part way into their voyage the Dominion War broke out, and the Valiant found itself behind enemy lines. When the ranking officers aboard the ship were killed, Cadet Tim Watters assumed command, and kept the ship behind enemy lines. For eight months, the Valiant participated in missions behind the lines, until they engaged a Jem'Hadar battleship. They were heavily outmatched and eventually destroyed, only three survivors made it back to Federation space. (DS9 episode: "Valiant") After the Dominion War, members of Red Squad were involved in the skirmish with the awakened Kam'Jahtae. (TNG video game: Invasion)
- The Red Squad (or Cadet Training Squadron 47) was an elite group of Starfleet Academy cadets that received advanced classes of field training. In 2372, the Red Squad was used by James Leyton to sabotage Earth's main power grid in his attempted coup. (DS9: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost") Alexandra Dalton turned down Red Squad membership, citing its over-eagerness for battle. (Star Trek: Banshee Squadron)
- In 2372, the program was a relatively new idea. A group of Red Squad cadets, including Riley Shepard, disabled the global power distribution center in Lisbon, allowing Admiral Leyton to launch his coup attempt. (DS9: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost") Shortly before the outbreak of the Dominion War, Red Squad was assigned to crew the USS Valiant, on a training mission to circumnavigate the Federation. Following the outbreak of war, the Valiant found itself trapped behind enemy lines. When the ranking officers were killed, Cadet Tim Watters assumed command, and kept the ship behind enemy lines. For eight months, Red Squad carried out the missions assigned to the Valiant, until, on stardate 51825, the Valiant engaged a Dominion battleship prototype. The ship was lost, with only three survivors – one Red Squad cadet among them, Dorian Collins. (DS9: "Valiant") The Red Squad insignia was an altered version of the USS Enterprise TOS command division assignment patch, the arrowhead changed from gold to red, the "star" division logo made gold and extended outside the arrowhead, and the bordering of the arrowhead also changed from black to gold. In the non-canon Activision game Star Trek: Invasion, the Valkyrie pilots of the USS Typhon, including the main character Ryan Cooper, were Red Squad members. In the IDW Star Trek: Ongoing comic "Red Level Down", it is revealed that Hikaru Sulu was offered the chance to be a member of Red Squad, which he declined.
- Red Squad or Cadet Training Squadron 47 was an elite group of cadets at Starfleet Academy. Red Squad members received special classes and advanced fieldwork training. In 2372, the program was a relatively new idea. A group of Red Squad cadets, including Riley Shepard, disabled the global power distribution center in Lisbon, allowing Admiral Leyton to launch his coup attempt. (DS9: "Homefront", "Paradise Lost") Shortly before the outbreak of the Dominion War, Red Squad was assigned to crew the USS Valiant, on a training mission to circumnavigate the Federation. Following the outbreak of war, the Valiant found itself trapped behind enemy lines. When the ranking officers were killed, Cadet Tim Watters assumed command, and kept the ship behind enemy lines. For eight months, Red Squad carried out the missions assigned to the Valiant, until, on stardate 51825, the Valiant engaged a Dominion battleship prototype. The ship was lost, with only three survivors - one Red Squad cadet among them, Dorian Collins. (DS9: "Valiant"). Since all but one of the existing Red Squad was killed in the engagement against the Jem'Hadar, it is uncertain whether Starfleet Academy continued the practice of rewarding cadets in such a way, or whether it was discontinued and other academic rewards were put in place. In the non-canon Activision game Star Trek: Invasion, the Valkyrie pilots of the USS Typhon, including the main character Ryan Cooper, were Red Squad members. Set after the Dominion war, these pilots would have attended the academy after the Valiant's destruction. Info was found at memory-alpha
- Seventeen years after Emergence Day, the island of Azura was discovered and attacked by the Locust Horde. Red Squad was sent by Cpt.Paul Dury to secure Pinnacle Tower and prevent the Locust from reaching Professor Adam Fenix's Imulsion Countermeasure Weapon. The Gears set up barricades at the entrance and set up snipers on the roof to kill any approaching Locust. When Adam and Dr.Nevil Estrom arrived at the tower, one member of Red Squad told Adam to get up to his room and lock the doors. He commented that the entire Locust army and Queen Myrrah were coming for the tower, but Adam said that Myrrah would not kill him since she needed him alive. The Sergeant remarked that Adam seemed oddly confident, and one of the other Gears told him that Adam had known the Queen at some point in the past. When the Locust assaulted the tower, all of Red Squad was killed defending it.
- thumb|Das Emblem des Red Squadron. [[Datei:Red Squadron Abzeichen.jpg|thumb|Das Abzeichen des Red Squad. Es wird am Kragen der Uniform getragen.]] Red Squad ist die Kurzform für Red Squadron. Es ist eine Eliteeinheit von Kadetten der Sternenflottenakademie, die ihre speziellen Schlafräume und ihre speziellen Trainingseinrichtungen zur Verfügung haben. (DS9: ) Laut Fähnrich Nog sei bei dieser Einheit einfach alles speziell. (DS9: ) Das Sternenflottenkommando gründet diese Einheit auf der Basis, dass sich junge Kadetten besondere Leistungen aneignen können, die sie in ihrer zukünftigen beruflichen Offizierslaufbahn gut gebrauchen können, welche aber im Rahmen der allgemeinen Ausbildung nur schwer zu vermitteln sind. Normalerweise absolvieren Kadetten auf der USS Republic im Sonnensystem ein Training, um Erfahrungen in der Kommandostruktur zu sammeln. Da diese jedoch nicht mehr warpfähig ist, werden Red-Squad-Kadetten auf der USS Valiant ausgebildet. (DS9: ) Die Elitetruppe wird 2372 während des Militärputschs, den Admiral Leyton plant, eingesetzt, um das Energienetz der Erde zu sabotieren, ohne den Befehl zu hinterfragen. (DS9: ) Im Jahr 2374 tritt das Red Squad erneut in Erscheinung, als die Einheit an Bord der USS Valiant Jake Sisko und Fähnrich Nog rettet, als die beiden in einen Angriff der Jem'Hadar auf Sternenbasis 257 geraten und bei ihrer Flucht hinter feindliche Linien geraten. Nog schließt sich vorübergehend der Eliteeinheit an. Er bemüht sich, die von Chief Miles O'Brien erdachten Modifikationen der Defiant auf die Valiant zu übertragen, da diese mit den gleichen Problemen bei höheren Warpgeschwindigkeiten zu kämpfen hat, wie ihr Schwesterschiff. Erst mit seiner Hilfe gelingt es schließlich, die benötigten Daten über den Prototypen einer neuen Schiffsklasse des Dominion zu beschaffen – allerdings entschließt man sich, die Daten nicht zur Sternenflotte zu bringen, sondern das Schiff anzugreifen – mit einigen modifizierten Quantentorpedos, die Deltastrahlung produzieren und so eine vermeintliche Schwachstelle im Design ausnutzen sollen. Allerdings begeht die Crew damit einen folgenschweren Fehler, und die Valiant wird zerstört. Die einzigen drei Überlebenden werden schließlich von der Defiant gerettet (DS9: ).