Bezoldur Thronhand was an elderly dwarven cook that worked in the cookhouse of the Whistling Wizard inn located in Voonlar. He was one of the very few non-humans that resided in Voonlar circa the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR.
Bezoldur Thronhand was an elderly dwarven cook that worked in the cookhouse of the Whistling Wizard inn located in Voonlar. He was one of the very few non-humans that resided in Voonlar circa the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR.
Bezoldur Thronhand was an elderly dwarven cook that worked in the cookhouse of the Whistling Wizard inn located in Voonlar. He was one of the very few non-humans that resided in Voonlar circa the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR.