| - The term mortal is commonly used to denote non-magical humans. These mortals are considered neutral beings due to their lack of any magical abilities or affiliation with good or evil. According to Coop Halliwell, though there are vast numbers of magical beings, humans are what give them purpose.
- Most often referring to humans, a Mortal can refer to any non-Miraculous being such as an animal or minor spirit.
- → antonyme(s) : immortal références
* R2 : Catégorie:Languedocien <a href="http://www.academiaoccitana.eu/diccionari/DGLO.pdf">http://www.academiaoccitana.eu/diccionari/DGLO.pdf</a> en ligne, Cantalausa 2002Catégorie:Languedocien, , Alibert 1997Catégorie:Languedocien, 1.
- Along with amb, Mortal is the new owner of the channel after Uber|nooB left. Enjoys reading xkcd, Cyanide and Happiness, Ctrl-Alt-Delete, and has also enjoyed Concerned and Kid Radd. Does web development in his spare time, and enjoys it :V
- Os mortais São indivíduos de hum nascimento humano normal, Que ESTÁ Sujeito A Idade e à morte. ELE OU ELA nasce, vive e morre em Oposição hum hum imortal Que Tem vida eterna. In some cases it's possible for an immortal to become mortal (like Ares and Aphrodite) or for a mortal to become immortal (like Callisto and Velasca ) .Meio Mortais São semideuses Que Tem hum pai OU Mãe HUMANOS, ASSIM Sendo compartilham de Certa Maneira Uma vulnerabilidade DELES Por Exemplo hum Hercules apesar de Ser filho de hum deus SUA Mãe E ELE E sangra se para Ferido
- A mortal is a being who possesses mortality. Mortality is the condition of being mortal, or susceptible to death; the opposite of immortality.
- The converse of immortals, mortals are races of creatures, Mer, Men, Beastfolk and other races that reside in the plane of Nirn. In speaking, and in lore, the term mortal usually means a civilized mortal race, over those of beasts, creatures, and other uncivilized races. Immortals are thought to include Deities, Aedra, and Daedric Princes, although their true immortality is debated.
- Mortals are living creatures that are able to die, like demigods, humans, or animals. Demigods die just like humans, thus they are mortal as well, despite the golden ichor in their blood. While several monsters and nature spirits take the form of mortals, they are not actually mortal as they go to Tartarus and eventually reform upon their deaths. Most ordinary humans, however, play only minor parts in the series, with the major exceptions of Sally Jackson and Rachel Elizabeth Dare.
- Mortals ( being part of them) are a race of beings who do not possess magical or god-like abilities. It is often a term that mostly applied to Humans.
- Having been stripped of his powers, Clark tries to pursue a "normal" life. But when those closest to him are taken hostage, he is forced to recover a serum from LuthorCorp's Level Three and save the day without his superhuman abilities.
- Mortal is the 5th episode of the Telefantasya Encantadia. This episode premiered on July 22, 2016 and one chapter long. The story centers around the life of Raquim and Amihan into the Human World. The official hashtag for this episode is #EncantadiaMortal.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mortal]] mortālis, from mors (“‘death’”); see it for more.
- A mortal was any being that was vulnerable to dying, as opposed to immortal beings. The term was often used by immortals like the Q Continuum philosopher Quinn, or the Greek god Apollo, to refer to beings not sharing their immortality. Apollo noted that his kind, which was immortal, had mated with mortals. His Human mother, Leto, was a mortal. (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?" ) In 2366, Q was briefly turned into a mortal by the Q continuum. (TNG: "Deja Q" )