| - Megachile (Austromegachile) Mitchell 1943b: 666. Type species: Megachile montezuma Cresson 1878. Original designation. Michener et al 1994: 149, Michener 2000: 550. Cressoniella (Austromegachile) Mitchell 1980: 63. Holcomegachile Moure 1953: 119. Type species: Megachile giraffa Schrottky 1913a. Original designation. Monotypic. Megachile (Holcomegachile) Michener et al 1994: 149. Synonymy of Michener 2000: 550. The 37 species in the subgenus range from Mexico to Argentina. A total of 21 are known from Brazil. One species occurs on St. Vincent (West Indies).
* 1. Megachile (Austromegachile) abnormis Mitchell Megachile abnormis Mitchell 1930: 271. Male. Type locality: Tapyta, Paraguay, November 1928. Type repository: Meyer. Megachile (Austromegachile) abnormis : Mitchell 1943b: 667. DISTRIBUTION. PARAGUAY.
* 2. Megachile (Austromegachile) anomala Schrottky Megachile anomala Schrottky 1902: 437. Female. Type locality: Jundiahy, S. Paulo [state], 2 February 1900 (M. Beron). Type repository: MZSP. Megachile campinensis Schrottky 1908: 236. Female. Type locality: Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. Type repository: MZSP. Synonymy of Schrottky 1913a: 164. Megachile minuscula Schrottky 1913a: 219. Male. Type locality: Marumbí (São Paulo ?), Brazil. Type repository: MZSP ? Synonymy of Moure 1941: 91. Megachile (Austromegachile) anomala anomala : Moure 1953: 114-115. Megachile (Austromegachile) anomala var. oligosticta Moure 1953: 113-114. Female. Type locality: Colopampa (1500 m) or Chulumani (1800 m), Yungas de La Paz, Bolivia. Type repository: Instituto Miguel Lillo, Tucuman, Argentina ? Megachile (Austromegachile) anomala var. weyrauchi Moure 1953: 114-115. Type locality: Huacapistana (1800 m), Valle del Chanchamayo (800 m) or Oreja-de-Capelo (1600 m), Peru (Dr. W.K. Weyrauch). Type repository: UFPR ? Moure (1953: 114) suggested this is a synonym of M. susurrans Haliday. Megachile (Austromegachile) oligostticta : Viana and Alves Santos 2002: 11 (D). Misspelling. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Schrottky 1913a: 139 (K); 1920: 32 (D); Michener 1954: 102 (D, L as M. (Austromegachile) recta). MZSP. DISTRIBUTION. ARGENTINA. BOLIVIA: Colopampa (1500 m) and Chulumani (1800 m), Yungas de La Paz. BRAZIL: MG; PR; RJ- Itatiaia; SP- Ipiranga, Juquiá (MZSP). PANAMA: Chiriquí, El Volcan. PARAGUAY. PERU: Junin- Huacapistana (1800 m); Oreja-de- Capelo (1600 m); Valle del Chanchamayo (800 m). Schrottky's record (1920: 32) from Manaus should be confirmed. LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly February to April.
* 3. Megachile (Austromegachile) antiqua Mitchell Megachile antiqua Mitchell 1930: 270. Male. Type locality: Chapada [dos Guimarães, MT], Brazil, January (H. H. Smith). Type repository: ANSP 4121. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) antiqua : Mitchell 1943b: 667. Megachile (Austromegachile) antigua : Michener 1954: 102 (D, F, L). [Misspelling.] ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Cure et al 1992: 231 (D); Ayala et al 1997: 455 (D); Silveira et al 2002: 212 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: MG- Viçosa; MT; RS; SP. MEXICO: CP; JA; MO; NA. PANAMA: Barro Colorado. FLOWERS. Cornuta grandiflora. LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly in February & March.
* 4. Megachile (Austromegachile) constructrix Smith Megachile constructrix Smith 1879: 77-78. Female. Type locality: Villa Nova [Brazil]. Type repository: NHML 17a2447. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) constructrix : Raw 2002 # 7: 4. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Cockerell 1905: 341 (D, K); Alfken 1930: 11 (D); Silveira et al 2002: 212 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA: Beni. BRAZIL: AM- Taracuá; PA.
* 5. Megachile (Austromegachile) corona Mitchell Megachile corona Mitchell 1930: 274-275. Female. Type locality: Buenavista, Bolivia. Type repository: Meyer. Megachile (Austromegachile) corona Mitchell 1943b: 667. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Silveira et al 2002: 212 (D); Viana and Alves Santos 2002: 11 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA. BRAZIL: MG, PR; SP.
* 6. Megachile (Austromegachile) donata Mitchell Megachile donata Mitchell 1930: 269. Male. Type locality: Chapada [dos Guimarães, MT], Brazil, January (H. H. Smith). Type repository: ANSP 4129. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) donata : Mitchell 1943b: 667. DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: MT.
* 7. Megachile (Austromegachile) exaltata Smith Megachile exaltata Smith 1853: 185-186. Male. Type locality: Rio Tapajoz, Brazil (H. W. Bates). Type repository: NHML 17a2458. Examined. Megachile (Holcomegachile) exaltata : Ayala et al 1997: 455 (D). Megachile (Austromegachile) exaltata : Raw 2002 # 7: 4. DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: PA. MEXICO: JA.
* 8. Megachile (Austromegachile) facialis Vachal Megachile facialis Vachal 1908: 239-240. Female. Type locality: R. Mixiollo (1200 m), Huallaga, Peru. Type repository: MNHN. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) facialis : Raw 2002 # 7: 4. DISTRIBUTION. PERU: Huanuco- Huallaga.
* 9. Megachile (Austromegachile) fiebrigi Schrottky Megachile fiebrigi Schrottky 1908: 234. Female. Type locality: São Paulo, Brazil. Type repository: MZSP. Megachile planiceps Friese 1909a: 237. Female. Type locality: S. Bernadino, Paraguay, 7 April (Fiebrig). Type repository: MNHU. Synonymy of Schrottky 1913a: 154. Megachile (Austromegachile) fiebrigi : Mitchell 1943b: 667. Megachile tergina Vachal 1908: 223 (December). Female. Type locality: Huallaga, Peru. Type repository: MNHN. Examined. Synonymy of Raw 2002 # 7: 4. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Schrottky 1913a: 137 (K), 154-155 (D); Mitchell 1930: 273 (D); Moure 1942: 311 (D); Silveira et al 2002: 212 (D). DISTRIBUTION. ARGENTINA (northern parts). BRAZIL: AM; DF- Planaltina (Raw); MG; MS; MT- Chapada dos Guimarães, Salobra; RS; SP. PARAGUAY: Asunción; San Bernardino. PERU: HUANUCO [Ras]. Schrottky's record (1920: 32) from Manaus should be confirmed.
* 10. Megachile (Austromegachile) futilis Mitchell Megachile futilis Mitchell 1930: 254-255. Male. Type locality: Tapyta, Bolivia. Type repository: Meyer. Megachile (Austromegachile) futilis : Raw 2002 # 7: 5. DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA: Tapyta.
* 11. Megachile (Austromegachile) giraffa Schrottky Megachile giraffa Schrottky 1913a: 218. Male. Type locality: Puerto Bertoni, Paraguay. Type repository: MZSP ? Megachile anodonta Cockerell 1927a: 18. Male. Type locality: Reyes, Bolivia, October (W. M. Mann). Type repository: USNM 29084. Synonymy of Moure 1953: 120. Megachile (Holcomegachile) giraffa : Moure 1953: 120 (D). ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Cockerell 1927a: 13 (K as M. anodonta); Mitchell 1930: 263 (D as M. anodonta); Moure 1942: 312 (D); 1953: 120 (D); Posey 1983: 156 (D); Silveira et al 2002: 212 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BELIZE: Benque Viejo. BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz de la Sierra. BRAZIL: AC- Iquirí; MG; MS; MT- Bodoquena, Salobra; PA- Gorotire. HONDURAS. PARAGUAY.
* 12. Megachile (Austromegachile) habilis Mitchell Megachile habilis Mitchell 1930: 278-279. Female. Type locality: Chapada [dos Guimarães, MT], Brazil, January (H. H. Smith). Type repository: ANSP 4122. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) habilis : Mitchell 1943b: 667. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Moure 1942: 311 (D); 1953: 117 (D); Michener 1954: 102 (D, L); Ayala et al 1997: 455 (D); Silveira et al 2002: 212 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA: Buena Vista. BRAZIL: MG; MS; MT- Chapada dos Guimarães. COLOMBIA: Santa Marta; Mount San Lorenzo (2500 ft). MEXICO. PANAMA: Chorrera. PERU: Junin- Valle Chanchamayo (800 m). LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly in May.
* 13. Megachile (Austromegachile) ignava Mitchell Megachile ignava Mitchell 1930: 279-280. Female. Type locality: Buenavista, Bolivia. Type repository: Meyer. Megachile (Austromegachile) ignava : Moure 1953: 117 (D, R-FM). ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. MZSP. DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA: Buenavista. BRAZIL: AM- Içana, São Gabriel; RO- Vila Rondônia (MZSP). LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly January and February.
* 14. Megachile (Austromegachile) incongrua Smith Megachile incongrua Smith 1879: 78. Female. Type locality: Tunantins [Amazonas, Brazil]. Type repository: NHML 17a2501. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) incongrua : Raw 2002 # 7: 5. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Silveira et al 2002: 212 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: AM; PA.
* 15. Megachile (Austromegachile) insolens Mitchell Megachile insolens Mitchell 1930: 275-276. Female. Type locality: British Guiana, 28 April 1901 (Crew). Type repository: USNM 43094. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) insolens : Raw 2002 # 7: 5. DISTRIBUTION. GUYANA.
* 16. Megachile (Austromegachile) laevinasis Vachal Megachile laevinasis Vachal 1904: 13. Female. Type locality: Tucuman [Argentina]. Type repository: MNHN. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) laevinasis : Raw 2002 # 7: 5. DISTRIBUTION. ARGENTINA: TU.
* 17. Megachile (Austromegachile) lamnula Vachal Megachile lamnula Vachal 1908: 227. Male. Type locality: Brésil (probablement provenant de Goyaz). Type repository: Vachal Collection, MNHN. Megachile (Austromegachile) lamnula : Mitchell 1943b: 667. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Schrottky 1913a: 218 (D); 1920: 29 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: GO; SP- Alto da Serra. PARAGUAY.
* 18. Megachile (Austromegachile) lenticula Vachal Megachile lenticula Vachal 1908: 244. Male. Type locality: Mapirí, Bolivia. Type repository: Vachal Collection, MNHN. Megachile (Austromegachile) lenticula : Mitchell 1943b: 667. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Cockerell 1912d: 54 (R-F, K); 1919: 218 (D); 1927a: 17 (D, K, R-M); Michener 1954: 102 (D, L); Silveira et al 2002: 212 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA: Beni; Mapirí; Riberalta, Cavinas. BRAZIL: RO- Porto Velho; RS. PANAMA: Barro Colorado. PERU: Pasco- Palacazu. LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly in March.
* 19. Megachile (Austromegachile) limata Vachal Megachile limata Vachal 1908: 226. Female. Type locality: Cayenne [Guyane Française]. Type repository: MNHN. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) limata : Raw 2002 # 7: 5. DISTRIBUTION. Guyane Française: Cayenne.
* 20. Megachile (Austromegachile) melanopoda Cockerell Megachile melanopoda Cockerell 1923a: 456-457. Male. Type locality: Issororo, N.W.D. British Guiana, 15 June 1915 (Bodkin). Type repository: Unknown. Megachile (Austromegachile) melanopoda : Raw 2002 # 7: 5. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Mitchell 1930: 263 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: MT- Chapada dos Guimarães. GUYANA.
* 21. Megachile (Austromegachile) minima Ashmead Megachile minima Ashmead 1900: 214. Male. Type locality: St. Vincent [West Indies]. Type repository: NHML 17a2494. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) minima : Raw 2002 # 7: 5. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Friese 1908b: 38 [female and male]. DISTRIBUTION. ST. VINCENT.
* 22. Megachile (Austromegachile) montezuma Cresson Megachile montezuma Cresson 1878: 129. Male. Type locality: Mexico (Sumichrast). Type repository: ANSP 2431. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) montezuma Mitchell 1943b: 667. Moure 1953: 114 suggested this species may be a synonym of Megachile (Austromegachile) susurrans Haliday. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Cockerell 1912b: 26 (D, F); 1932: 14 (K); Cresson 1916: 124 (T); Mitchell 1930: 280 (D) (Misdetermination ?); Ayala et al 1997455 (D); Silveira et al 2002: 212 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA. BRAZIL: MT; SP. GUATEMALA: Quirigua. MEXICO: CP; JA; NA; SI. PARAGUAY.
* 23. Megachile (Austromegachile) orbiculata Mitchell Megachile orbiculata Mitchell 1930: 273-274. Female. Type locality: Buenavista, Bolivia. Type repository: Meyer. Megachile (Austromegachile) orbiculata : Mitchell 1943b: 667. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Moure 1953: 117 (D); Michener 1954: 102 (D, F, L); Silveira et al 2002: 212 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA: Buenavista; Chaparé. BRAZIL: AC; BA; MT- Chapada dos Guimarães; PA- Obidos; RO- Vila Rondônia (MZSP). PANAMA: Old Panamá. FLOWERS. Hibiscus tiliaceus. LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly in April.
* 24. Megachile (Austromegachile) paraensis Mocsary Megachile paraensis Mocsary 1887: 19. New name. Megachile vigilans Smith 1879: 77. Female. Type locality: Pará [Brazil]. Type repository: NHML 17a2428. Examined. (Not M. vigilans Smith 1878: 5. Female. Type locality: As. Turcestania.) Megachile (Austromegachile) paraensis : Raw 2002 # 7: 5. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Schrottky 1913a: 218 (D, R-F). DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: PA.
* 25. Megachile (Austromegachile) philinca Cockerell Megachile philinca Cockerell 1912a: 176. Female. Type locality: Piura, Peru, February 1911 from nest (C. H. T. Townsend). Type repository: AMNH. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) philinca : Raw 2002 # 7: 5. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Mitchell 1930: 263 (D). DISTRIBUTION. ECUADOR: Guayaquil. PERU: Piura. NESTING. Lines cells with cut leaves.
* 26. Megachile (Austromegachile) recta Mitchell Megachile recta Mitchell 1930: 277-278. Female. Type locality: Buenavista, Bolivia. Type repository: Meyer. Megachile (Austromegachile) recta Mitchell 1943b: 667. Moure 1953: 113 placed Megachile recta in synonymy, considering it a dark form of M. anomala. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Silveira et al 2002: 212 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA: Buenavista.
* 27. Megachile (Austromegachile) rubicunda Smith Megachile rubicunda Smith 1879: 73-74. Male. Type locality: St. Paulo [de Olivença], on the Amazons [Brazil]. Type repository: NHML 17a2450. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) rubicunda : Raw 2002 # 7: 5. DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: AM.
* 28. Megachile (Austromegachile) sejuncta Cockerell Megachile sejuncta Cockerell 1927a: 20-21. Male. Type locality: Cavinas, Beni, Bolivia, January (W.M. Mann). Type repository: USNM 29091. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) sejuncta : Raw 2002 # 7: 5. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Cockerell 1927a: 13 (K). DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA: Beni.
* 29. Megachile (Austromegachile) semota Cockerell Megachile semota Cockerell 1927a: 22. Male. Type locality: Huachi, Beni, Bolivia, September (W. M. Mann). Type repository: MCZ 25439. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) semota : Mitchell 1943b: 667. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Cockerell 1927a: 13 (K); Mitchell 1930: 263 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA: Beni; Mapirí. BRAZIL: MS- Pedra Branca; MT- Chapada dos Guimarães; PA- Santarém.
* 30. Megachile (Austromegachile) subpallens Vachal Megachile subpallens Vachal 1908: 230-231. Female. Type locality: Pachitea, Peru. Type repository: MNHN. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) subpallens : Raw 2002 # 7: 6. DISTRIBUTION. PERU: Pachitea; HUANUCO [Ras]. 31. Megachile (Austromegachile) susurrans Haliday Megachile susurrans Haliday 1836: 320. Female. Type locality: São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Type repository: NHML 17a2476. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) susurrans : Moure 1953: 114. (Synonymies with M. montezuma Cresson and M. anomala Schrottky are suggested.) ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Cruz Landim 1967: 204 (M); Cure et al 1992: 231 (D); Silveira et al 2002: 212 (D); Viana and Alves Santos 2002: 11 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: BA- Serra Bonita (800 m) (Raw), Una (Raw); MG- Viçosa; RS; SP. MORPHOLOGY. Thoracic salivary glands are described.
* 32. Megachile (Austromegachile) tepaneca Cresson Megachile tepaneca Cresson 1878: 128-129. Female. Type locality: Mexico (Sumichrast). Type repository: ANSP 2430. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) tepaneca : Ayala et al 1997: 455 (D). ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Cresson 1916: 131 (T). DISTRIBUTION. MEXICO: JA; NA.
* 33. Megachile (Austromegachile) trichrootricha Moure Megachile (Austromegachile) trichrootricha Moure 1953: 115-116. Female and male described. Type locality: Lima, Peru, January 1949 (P. Aguilar). Type repository: UFPR. (Some specimens from the type series are stored at the Entomological Museum of the Universidad Nacional Agraria de La Molina. C. Rasmussen pers. comm.) DISTRIBUTION. PERU: Lima.
* 34. Megachile (Austromegachile) tricosa Cockerell Megachile tricosa Cockerell 1927a: 21. Male. Type locality: Tumupasa, Bolivia, December (W.M. Mann). Type repository: USNM 29092. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) tricosa : Raw 2002 # 7: 6. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Cockerell 1927a: 13 (K). DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA: Tumapusa.
* 35. Megachile (Austromegachile) trigonaspis Schrottky Megachile trigonaspis Schrottky 1913a: 191-192. Female. Type locality: Rincão, SP, Brazil. Type repository: MZSP. Examined. Megachile certa Mitchell 1930: 272. Male. Type locality: Chapada [dos Guimarães, MS], Brazil, January (H. H. Smith). Type repository: ANSP 4120. Synonymy of Moure 1953: 116-117 (D). Megachile egressa Mitchell 1930: 276-277. Female. Type locality: Tapyta, Paraguay. Type repository: Meyer. Synonymy of Moure 1942: 311. Megachile (Austromegachile) trigonaspis : Mitchell 1943b: 667. Megachile (Austromegachile) certa : Mitchell 1943b: 667. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Moure 1941: 96-98 (D, R- F); 1942: 311 (D); Michener 1954: 104 (D, L as M. certa); Graf 1967b: 131-133 (M); Silveira et al 2002: 212 (D). MZSP. DISTRIBUTION. ARGENTINA. BOLIVIA: Buenavista. BRAZIL: GO- Jataí (MZSP); MG- Camisão; MS; MT- Chapada dos Guimarães, Salobra (MZSP); PR- Curitiba; SC- Nova Teutonia; SP- Rincão, Rio Claro. PANAMA: Valle de Anton. PARAGUAY: Abai, Tapyta. PERU: Valle Chanchamayo (800 m); JUNIN (Ras]. LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly January to April. NESTING. Cells lined with leaf pieces. MORPHOLOGY. Anatomy of head glands.
* 36. Megachile (Austromegachile) turbulenta Mitchell Megachile turbulenta Mitchell 1930: 255-256. Male. Type locality: Buenavista, Bolivia. Type repository: Meyer. Megachile (Austromegachile) turbulenta Mitchell 1943b: 667. DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA.
* 37. Megachile (Austromegachile) xantholeuca Cockerell Megachile xantholeuca Cockerell 1927a: 14. Intersex [not female]. Type locality: Cavinas, Rio Beni, Bolivia, January (W. M. Mann). Type repository: USNM 29054. Examined. Megachile (Austromegachile) xantholeuca : Raw 2002 # 7: 6. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Cockerell 1927a: 12 (K). DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA: Beni.