| - Okashina Okashi (also known as Strange Candy) is a long-running, manga-influenced webcomic by Emi-Chan (artist/writer), Xuanwu, Kourin, and Tanzy (writers). It features six ordinary Japanese young people (five and one exchange student, technically) who, while all visiting visiting Tokyo Tower, were sucked into a portal to an anime-inspired universe (by another cast member who was trying to summon his own harem) and have been dragged to one fantasy world after another.
| - Okashina Okashi (also known as Strange Candy) is a long-running, manga-influenced webcomic by Emi-Chan (artist/writer), Xuanwu, Kourin, and Tanzy (writers). It features six ordinary Japanese young people (five and one exchange student, technically) who, while all visiting visiting Tokyo Tower, were sucked into a portal to an anime-inspired universe (by another cast member who was trying to summon his own harem) and have been dragged to one fantasy world after another. As you can tell by the above, the comic specializes in skewering anime and manga tropes (with the occasional swipes at Japanese culture in general). The seven principal characters are:
* Keiko Hasegawa: The group's Tsundere. Stand-in big sister to...
* Ellie "Eri-Chan" James: American exchange student, Occidental Otaku, Yaoi Fangirl, Dangerously Wrong Genre Savvy.
* Petra: Lady of War, Gun Nut, socially awkward.
* Hoshiko "Ho-chan" Yamano. not-so Covert Pervert. Keeps a list of "X Ecchi Things To Do With [insert current subject here]"
* Eeichi Shinohara: Ho-chan's Handsome Lech partner-in-crime
* Lycidia: Evil Overlord-in-training
* Daisuke Dohmoto: The cause of the original Plot Hole tower portal. Team Butt Monkey, Lycidia's lackey. Actual Covert Pervert. Running since 2001, the strip has tackled just about every anime and manga trope there is (and if they haven't, it's probably because they haven't gotten to it yet).