| - Humanity created the Machines to make their lives easier, but ended up having their creations turned against them. Tensions between humans and machines rose for the outcome of the trial of B1-66ER. After a massacre of robots, the survivors built the machine city of 01. The mass production of cheap goods caused the devaluation of human currency, causing an economic crisis.
- The Second Renaissance strongly values the right to life, liberty, and property, as well as the ideals of freedom, independence, justice, and individualism. With this in mind, the Second Renaissance is meant to function as a loose confederation of member nations, each retaining most of their sovereignty, while granting to the state only a minimal degree of power. Likewise, no nation is required to provide economic aid, or any other membership due for that matter. The Second Renaissance is an organization of completely voluntary association.
| - Humanity created the Machines to make their lives easier, but ended up having their creations turned against them. Tensions between humans and machines rose for the outcome of the trial of B1-66ER. After a massacre of robots, the survivors built the machine city of 01. The mass production of cheap goods caused the devaluation of human currency, causing an economic crisis.
- The Second Renaissance strongly values the right to life, liberty, and property, as well as the ideals of freedom, independence, justice, and individualism. With this in mind, the Second Renaissance is meant to function as a loose confederation of member nations, each retaining most of their sovereignty, while granting to the state only a minimal degree of power. As one of the most influential and controvercial aspects of the game, the alliance's position on war requires special attention. As a soverign and independent nation, each member state reserves the right to self-defense- in fact, this is the primary reason to join any alliance- improved defensive capabilities. The power to make war, however, is delegated to the governing body of the alliance. Once all peceful means of resolution are exhausted, it is within the limit of the War Council (or other appropriate governing bodies) to officaially declare war. However, the sovereignty of independent nation's is still supreme- no nation is ever required to partake in a war. An offical declaration of war is simply a permission to engage in war if it is thought necessary. Likewise, no nation is required to provide economic aid, or any other membership due for that matter. The Second Renaissance is an organization of completely voluntary association. The Second Renaissance is an association of independent member nations with the goal of preserving member nation's right to life, liberty, and property, while promoting the noble ideals of freedom, independence, justice, and individualism.