| - If you should ever happen to find yourself in a Metaphysical Place or another locale not entirely bound to this Earth, especially the realm of The Fair Folk, under no circumstances should you eat or drink any of the native comestibles while you're there; the specific results vary, but you'll inevitably wish you hadn't. This goes double for food that clearly belongs to someone else. Most commonly, the results fall into four categories:
* Eating the food traps the unfortunate hungry person in the place from which it originated, either temporarily or permanently.
* After you eat faerie food, all human food tastes like dust, and nothing else will ever be appetizing. In some cases, it also has the nutritional value of dust, making regular meals not an option; with both versions, unless you have a steady supply of extranormal food, you're likely to waste away from starvation.
* Eating the food brings you under the control of the entity in charge of the realm, who is typically a tyrant; if he is not an outright villain, they'll be one of the sociopathically amoral Fair Folk.
* Eating the food brings on Involuntary Shapeshifting onto the one who consume the food, oftentimes it doubles as a skewed Karmic Transformation. Contrast Sacred Hospitality. Examples of Food Chains include: