| - There are numerous changes to the original areas in the five years prior to the visit of Serah, Mog, and Noel, just as there are changes in the hundreds of years after. The Excavation Site is the same as the Forgotten Commons from Final Fantasy XIII, but in Final Fantasy XIII-2 the south-eastern way has been "locked" by a wall, Atlas's hand protrudes from a deep gorge where the ruins of a fountain once lay, and there is a new tunnel in the north-eastern corner of the Excavation Site.
| - There are numerous changes to the original areas in the five years prior to the visit of Serah, Mog, and Noel, just as there are changes in the hundreds of years after. The Excavation Site is the same as the Forgotten Commons from Final Fantasy XIII, but in Final Fantasy XIII-2 the south-eastern way has been "locked" by a wall, Atlas's hand protrudes from a deep gorge where the ruins of a fountain once lay, and there is a new tunnel in the north-eastern corner of the Excavation Site. Echoes of the Past is an area previously known as A City No Longer with several entrances to the tunnels; in Final Fantasy XIII, A City No Longer had no indications of side entrances or tunnels, although it is possible the Academy made them to study the ruins' depths. The Lamentable Rest area is the smallest area covered in tombstones and houses a memorial dedicated to Purge victims; it resembles a part of the southern area of Echoes of the Past in the first game. There is no way to the northern parts of the old Echoes of the Past, as massive ruins block the passage. In Final Fantasy XIII, the Pulse Vestige housing the fal'Cie Anima crashed into Lake Bresha's waters, and the resulting waves and spray crystallized as they formed. The lake cannot be visited Final Fantasy XIII-2, leaving no evidence of its current state.