Bind on Pickup, or BoP, items are ones which cannot be traded as soon as they are acquired and can only be used or worn by the character that 'picks them up'. These items can be sold to the merchant however. To see if this applies, hover over the item in your loot, inventory or profile window. The item will read Bind on Pickup.
Attributes | Values |
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- Bind on Pickup
- Bind on Pickup
- Bind on Pickup
| - Een item dat Bind on pickup (BoP) is, wordt soulbound zodra het item geloot wordt. Het is niet mogelijk een BoP item te verkopen (behalve aan een vendor-NPC) of weg te geven. Categorie:WoW term
- Bind on Pickup, or BoP, items are ones which cannot be traded as soon as they are acquired and can only be used or worn by the character that 'picks them up'. These items can be sold to the merchant however. To see if this applies, hover over the item in your loot, inventory or profile window. The item will read Bind on Pickup.
- Bind on Pickup ("BoP"), displayed ingame as Binds when picked up, refers to an item which becomes soulbound when the item is:
* looted from a corpse or container
* given as a quest reward from an NPC or directly from the quest
* purchased from a vendor
* crafted by a player
* received through in-game mail
- Bind on Pickup (BoP), also known as Bind on Acquire (BoA), refers to an item which becomes soulbound when picked up (looted from a corpse or container, received from an NPC as a vendor purchase or quest reward, or crafted). A warning appears before a player loots a Bind on Pickup item, asking if the player is sure they want to do so. This also applies for rolling on a BoP item (either Need or Greed) while using Group Loot. Most loot from bosses and rewards from quests are Bind on Pickup. Vendor-purchased PvP rewards and many reputation rewards are also Bind on Pickup.
- Egy tétel Bind on Pickup (BoP), másnéven Bind on Acquire (BoA), ha nem válik soulbounddá , amikor felszedi valaki (holttestből, vagy ládából való lootoláskor, NPCtől kapva, árustól vásárolva, küldetés jutalmaként, illetve elkészítéskor). Amikor a játékos egy ilyen tárgyat kap, megjelenik egy figyelmeztetés, megkérdezve a játékost biztosan akarja-e. Ez igaz a BoP tárgy rollolására is (Need és Greed esetén is), Group Loot használatakor. Ezen kívül a tárgyak lehetnek még Bind on Equip (BoE) vagy Bind on Use (BoU) típusúak.
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| - Een item dat Bind on pickup (BoP) is, wordt soulbound zodra het item geloot wordt. Het is niet mogelijk een BoP item te verkopen (behalve aan een vendor-NPC) of weg te geven. Categorie:WoW term
- Egy tétel Bind on Pickup (BoP), másnéven Bind on Acquire (BoA), ha nem válik soulbounddá , amikor felszedi valaki (holttestből, vagy ládából való lootoláskor, NPCtől kapva, árustól vásárolva, küldetés jutalmaként, illetve elkészítéskor). Amikor a játékos egy ilyen tárgyat kap, megjelenik egy figyelmeztetés, megkérdezve a játékost biztosan akarja-e. Ez igaz a BoP tárgy rollolására is (Need és Greed esetén is), Group Loot használatakor. A bossok által dobott tárgyak, illetve a küldetések jutalmainak nagy része Bind on Pickup. Az árusnál-vásárolt PvP jutalmak, és sok hírnévhez kapcsolódó jutalom is Bind on Pickup. A Bind on Pickup típusú készített tárgyakat csak úgy szerezheted meg, ha te magad készíted el őket, bár némely ilyen tárgy használható marad akkor is, ha leadod az elkészítéséhez szükséges foglalkozást. Azonban a legtöbbnél valamilyen szintű képzettség, vagy specializáció kell. Ezen kívül a tárgyak lehetnek még Bind on Equip (BoE) vagy Bind on Use (BoU) típusúak.
- Bind on Pickup (BoP), also known as Bind on Acquire (BoA), refers to an item which becomes soulbound when picked up (looted from a corpse or container, received from an NPC as a vendor purchase or quest reward, or crafted). A warning appears before a player loots a Bind on Pickup item, asking if the player is sure they want to do so. This also applies for rolling on a BoP item (either Need or Greed) while using Group Loot. Most loot from bosses and rewards from quests are Bind on Pickup. Vendor-purchased PvP rewards and many reputation rewards are also Bind on Pickup. Crafted items that are Bind on Pickup can only be acquired by making them yourself, although it is sometimes possible to drop the crafting profession after having made any BoP items you want from it. However, some of these items require a certain skill level or specialization in order for you to equip them. Note that the in-game tooltip actually displays the words "Binds when picked up", that's why some conservative players use "BwP", but "BoP" appears to be more popular.
- Bind on Pickup, or BoP, items are ones which cannot be traded as soon as they are acquired and can only be used or worn by the character that 'picks them up'. These items can be sold to the merchant however. To see if this applies, hover over the item in your loot, inventory or profile window. The item will read Bind on Pickup.
- Bind on Pickup ("BoP"), displayed ingame as Binds when picked up, refers to an item which becomes soulbound when the item is:
* looted from a corpse or container
* given as a quest reward from an NPC or directly from the quest
* purchased from a vendor
* crafted by a player
* received through in-game mail
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