| - Rennia Botblast is an extremely rich and famous iguanodon inventor who specializes in robots (she has invented more than two hundred kinds), and is a heroine of Arx. She designed an automatic city on Metka, a moon on Iguanos once used as a dung dumping ground, run from a Central Skyscraper by Rennia herself and her Main Computer. However, the Metka project hit trouble when the mysterious "Metal-Master" told Wimvis, an iguanodon builder, that robots would take over his job. After many failed attempts to contact Rennia, the upset Wimvis and his crew came to Metka personally to confront her. At the same time robots began to disappear, causing Rennia to call the DSS to ask for help.
| - Rennia Botblast is an extremely rich and famous iguanodon inventor who specializes in robots (she has invented more than two hundred kinds), and is a heroine of Arx. She designed an automatic city on Metka, a moon on Iguanos once used as a dung dumping ground, run from a Central Skyscraper by Rennia herself and her Main Computer. However, the Metka project hit trouble when the mysterious "Metal-Master" told Wimvis, an iguanodon builder, that robots would take over his job. After many failed attempts to contact Rennia, the upset Wimvis and his crew came to Metka personally to confront her. At the same time robots began to disappear, causing Rennia to call the DSS to ask for help. When Teggs and the crew of the Sauropod arrived, they got in a fight with Wimvis (who happened to be Iggy's older brother) and his workers. Rennia's security-bots broke up the scuffle. Rennia, speaking through a robot, introduced herself and instructed the astrosaurs to bring her Wimvis as a prisoner. Once they got to Rennia's skyscraper, Rennia got in an argument with Wimvis, whom she accused of stealing her secrets. After a harrowing encounter with a malfunctioning drinks machine Rennia ordered Iggy to take his own brother to prison. Meanwhile she and Arx fixed the Main Computer, which had been damaged in the robot attack, and Rennia herself gave it full control over Metka City. To her horror, she discovered that the Main Computer had gone rogue, calling itself "Metal-Master" and scheming to take over the Jurassic Quadrant using its army of "stolen" robots. When she tried to destroy her creation, it had a mechanical toaster knock her out just as Teggs, Arx, and Gipsy arrived to question her. They grabbed Rennia and fled the computer's minions, rushing into a lift. Under the Main Computer's influence the lift began to rush to the floor. Just in time Rennia woke up and used a code to override Metal-Master's orders, saving the astrosaurs. The computer began to lift up the city using hidden rockets, but Iggy and Wimvis had sabotaged its main jet, causing it to crash. With Sprite's help, however, the astrosaurs, Wimvis, and Rennia managed to escape the disaster. Rennia apologized to Wimvis, offering him the chance to help her rebuild Metka City.