| - Winter Dome From this platform, you have an excellent view of all of the Winter Dome. Most notable of the view here is the Great Lake that covers at least half the ground surface of the dome. To the right you spy a tropical area, which turns into a broad sweep of industrial wasteland near you. As it extends to the right you see a tall white parabolic dome rising. A circular monorail sweeps around this vista, traveling from your position to the white dome, into the water, over into the tropical area and back toward you. Moving walkways lead out of this twenty-mile diameter habitat dome, while other forms of vertical transport lead downward into a monorail station. Aquaeyes (CSIS: Guardian), Urfkgar (CSIS: Guardian), William (CSIS: Senior Guardian), Saahkal (CSIS: Cadet), and Perkins (CSIS: NPC: Senior Guardian) arrive from Residential Quarter Arrows on signs seem to mark the direction participants are required to go. Following them, the first event is a series ten of bars placed at the alternating heights of two and six feet. They are spaced about three feet from each other, and each is about six feet long. A group of twenty three marines in stock marine combat armor, sans any weaponry, have amassed in rectangle formation outside of the Winter Dome. Upon the arrival of the entourage, the marines' hands each move to their helmets, flipping closed the visors. Twenty three individual crackles later indicate the activation of all their voice reprocessors. William moves toward the marine group wordlessly, flipping down his own visor. "On Perkins's lead," he mumbles through the intercoms, preparing to begin. Aquaeyes quickly moves to the side to observe the marines and prepare to do crowd control. Perkins nods, turning back to the group. He's standing by the first sign, "Any questions, comments, or cop outs?" Saahkal moves toward the column of armoured marines, scratching one jeans-covered thigh. Urfkgar takes up a place by the entrance where he squats to pat the dog on the back and grumble at it in Zantra. Ezekiel follows along as well, finding himself a place in the formation. A crackle emits from him as well as he readies himself. From a marine by the front left side: "Sir, I... don't think I can handle this, sir." A collective nervous shift occurs in the marines immediately nearby as they edge away. Aquaeyes blinks, watching the withdrawing marines. Perkins grins unpleasantly, "Well, fuck, son, I don't think any of you shiftless, maggots can handle this, but I'm not stopping you. Get the fuck out and be ready for Cross to fall on you like a sledge hammer straight out of hell if Urf doesn't gut you first and feed you to that damn flea bag he insists on keeping around." The marine's visor reflects Perkins's visage without sound. A few moments later, the mechanized voice interpunctuated with crackling replies, "Sir... I'll take the obstacle course, sir." A few grumbles of, "Good choice," fills the squad's intercom system. Ezekiel's visor looks over the course. "*click* I feel like i'm 26 again. I have to annoy the admiral and get a course set up on New Luna. *click*" He emits, growing quiet. Perkins's mouth snaps closed with an audible click of teeth. He opens it again, expression one of mock surprise. He asks, "What's that, son? I thought you said you'd do it." Innokentevna (Civilian) and Pendleton (Vanguard: Colonel) arrives from Residential Quarter "Sir, I will take the obstacle course, sir!" the marine repeats through the speakers in a louder tone. Saahkal shifts his weight to his other foot, looking distinctly bored. Pendleton strides into the dome, his gait purposeful, his eyes taking in the surroundings with the sharp gaze of a trained warrior. He nods grimly as he spies the cluster of Marines, and makes his way toward the group. Perkins, who is standing by the first arrow, says, "Good for you, son, I hope you fall out and get eaten by one of those damned bastards that are following us. Let's go, maggots and shit birds." Innokentevna just steps inside the dome, curious, to lean against the wall near the entrance. The rectangle formation breaks apart rapidly, marines assuming their following stances behind Perkins. Their visors reflect the bars with vapid detachment, although beneath the visors, nervous faces are aplenty. William blends in to the middle of this group, reading himself, breathing becoming forced regular. Saahkal stoops to put double knots in his laces. Perkins sets off at an eight minute per mile pace, calling back, "Urf'll be along in five minutes, moving at the same pace I am now to teach you slow ones how to fight since you can't run." Ezekiel follows after, somewhere in the blend near William as he move along. Aquaeyes watches them file out and start the course, keeping her place by the door. She nods to Innokentevna. One by one, the twenty three marines follow in a staggered column with somewhat noisy shiftings of their combat armor, visors reflecting the approaching bars in an oblong fashion. William is in the dead center of his line. Saahkal inserts himself in the crowd, so as to avoid being the last in the shuffle. This draws a few shoves and growls from the Marines, but the Timonae seems unfazed. Perkins slides on his back under the first bar, sitting up once he's half way through. He uses the next bar to pull himself up to his feet, turning to face it before jumping up and over. He goes belly first under the next low bar, rolling over and pulling himself up again. He repeats that process on the following eight bars, moving like he practiced it. Ezekiel follows along several marines behind William, movement not hesitated or nervous in any way. Pendleton takes a stylus from his jacket pocket and begins to tap notes into his datapad, pausing occasionally to observe the marines. Innokentevna nods across to the Demarian. She speaks quietly, earnestly curious. "Are you nyi suppose't to be out zere?" Aquaeyes shakes her head 'no'. "I'm observing and handling crowd control. Although I could, I choose not to." The first marine follows Perkins's lead, slumping downward and sliding underneath the bar, his combat armor scraping noisily along the ground. Using the next bar, he pushes himself to his feet, turning around to ascent. The next marines continue in this pattern, some slower then others, some faster. Unfortunately, the six feet long bars don't accomidate passing easily, but some manage. William follows the marine in front of him, not slowing or hastening his steps, staving his energy for much harder endeavors to come. By the time he's past the course, his armor has already accumulated a nice array of scratches. Perkins just grins back at the group in combat armor as he continues at the original pace. He's wearing the standard CSIS uniform, apparently the better off for it. Innokentevna holds up her palms with a smile, "I am your only crowd dama ... an' I tent to geet along vith Temarrians." Saahkal slips under the bars with relative ease, considering the non bulkiness of the clothes his wears, then standing to jump over the next bars with much assistance from his arms. His pace is fairly even and he doesn't yet show signs of strain. Ezekiel keeps up well with the marine infront of him, following through a bit easily as he goes through the repeating pattern. After he's done with the course, there's already enough scratches on the armor before to make any new ones fairly unnoticable. The course turns into an uphill run of about forty yards. At the top of the hill is a ten by ten foot wall with a knotted rope attached to the center. On the far side of the wall is a platform, which is five by ten. The way down from the platform seems to be a cargo net. Aquaeyes smiles and walks over to stand by Innokentevna. "I was in the Air Corps before CSIS, not the Marines. What they do is a bit different then what I'm used to." Urfkgar takes a chronometer out of a pocket and sets it for five minutes, watching it start down. The dog paces restlessly around him. Perkins starts up the hill with his boots kicking up small dust clouds. He jumps to grab the rope at one of the knots around eight feet, swinging his feet into the wall. Then, he climbs and rolls onto the platform. Innokentevna looks up to the Demarian. "My brozer, he serfs on zee Volk ... eets a meelitary sheep. Zat's zee closest I efer got to zee meelitary, seeink heem een uniform." She looks across, though. "But zere may be no CSIS mareenes een future, da?" Toawa (Civilian) arrives from Residential Quarter The bars have started to seperate the men from the boys. The twenty three marines follow Perkins's ascent with no attempt to stay in a column this time. People pass left and right in order to complete the course the fastest and, some might expect, to avoid Urfkgar. The wall, however, poses new concerns. Those that get there first take a flying leap, acquiring the highest knot, and pull themselves upward. Swinging their legs over, they jump down to the platform. The group continues without problems, for now, although some are starting to show outward signs of mild exertion. Pendleton stands on the observation platform, datapad in hand, watching the marines go through their exercises. Aquaeyes flicks her ear toward Innokentevna, listening carefully. "Yes, you are correct, the marines will become part of Vanguard. CSIS will stand alone as the police force for Concordance, the Vanguard will protect the flight deck, space, and the worlds that are part of the agreement." Toawa floats in, equipment trailing in its tendrils. It seems intent upon a destination further in the dome, given its speed, but it stops halfway through the area and moves slightly toward the crowd. William attacks the wall with ferocity, gripping on to one of the knots. His body slams against the wall before he pulls himself up with visible straining. He's formed a small bottleneck. Nevertheless, he swings his legs over the wall, falling to the platform on the other side in a kneel. Aquaeyes waves Toawa toward her, away from the marines going through the course. "Stay clear please. Use the clear walkways indicated here..." Saahkal jogs up the hill at a fair clip, but doesn't jump up when comes time to climb the wall. He starts from the bottom and makes his way up with reasonable ability, and practice, it seems. Toawa's forward movement halts. It pauses for a moment, and pulls back and upward, above the head-height of the others in the room. Aquaeyes nods in agreement with Toawa. "Yes, up and over works too." With a few marines in front of him out of the game, Ezekiel rushes forward, grabbing the rope and pulling himself up and over the wall with near legendary ease. He swiftly rolls over and hits the net. Perkins pauses before he starts down the cargo net to hollar, "Team work, numb nuts, team work. You cunts are marines, not gangsters." Then, he scampers down the cargo net, jumping the last few feet. He jogs easily towards the next obstacle. Innokentevna nods slowly, listening quietly to Aquaeyes. "Vee do nyi efen hafe a meelitia, home on Ungstir. Just a fev tough miners, mayhaps. But ..." She watches what occurs out in the field, eyes shaded by sable bangs. " ... eet deet nyi feel right, vhen a Nemoni came an' deet poleece duties, een our halls, by eets ovn leave." The marines mildly acknowledge their commander as two pull William to his feet. They descend the cargo net and right themselves, some with assistance from the others, the group following Perkins. Aquaeyes says, "I'm sorry, I missed the very last part of what you just told me. Could you repeat it?" William is pulled upward from the kneel by the marines. With no uttered thanks, and none expected at this point, he descends the net and follows in the midst of the group. Saahkal rolls off the net and shrugs once, following the procession. He casts a glance backwards to gauge Urf's distance. Ezekiel gets to his feet rather quickly, moving off of the net and after the group. The Zangali hasn't started yet, but he undoes the coil of cable to give the mutt some more slack, about a hundred feet of it. Pendleton paces slowly along the platform, following the progress of the soldiers. Once down from the net and hill, the course heads into the jumbled industrial wasteland. The path leads through the worst of the hard scrabble of rocks and broken walls, almost as if it were designed to break ankles. It continues that way for about a quarter of a mile. Innokentevna looks back to Aquaeyes, "A fev months ago, ve hat a den ov dog fighters een one ov our darker corritors. A Nemoni sheep came through, an' on zee pretext ov chasink pirates, left a small nuclear blast vere zee dog fights vere ..." She looks out at the obstacle course. "Folks shoult be able to take care of zeir ovn. Zat's vhat I meant." Perkins steps lightly and watches his footing as he jogs through the mess. Without looking at the group, he calls out, "If you fall and don't have a buddy to haul you, you're going to be fair game for the sweepers. Watch yourself and watch your friend." Aquaeyes says, "Oh yes, now I understand. Thank you for telling me. I did not hear about that incident but I am still fairly new to CSIS." This is when the combat armor comes into play. The marines form an implicit link with a partner as they follow Perkins, rubble crunching underneath their boots. When some fall, the other pulls them up. The armors, at this point, have gotten worn to those that didn't watch their step. Ezekiel continues forward, somewhere near William in the mass of marines moving through the dome. His boots take the terrain easier as he moves through with an air of experience about him. William follows the marine ahead of him, his visor reflecting the ground as it passes by, eyes darting for any potential obstacles. When the marine in the lead stumbles slightly, he moves beside him, encouraging through the intercom. Saahkal hops about the rocks and rubble, avoiding the most difficult parts. A slight sheen of sweat is beginning to form on his face and forearms. Toawa's upward arc reaches it's peak, and it begins coming down, towards a spot on a walkway far away from the obstacle course. It disappears into a spot in the background for several minutes, only to reappear, carrying a noticably smaller load. It once again launches into a wide arc over the area. Thunderhand (Civilian) arrives from Residential Quarter Urfkgar gets to his feet and gives the mutt a cheerful sounding grunt. Then, he sets off at the eight minute per mile pace of Perkins, but he and Bitch, unlike the rest of the group, circle around the bars. They near a hill with a wall perched on the top. Aquaeyes is standing by the door doing traffic control talking quietly to Innokentevna as they watch the marines run through the course. Ezekiel moves carefully at a pretty flowing pace through the rubble, attentive with what's in front of him as he moves through the field. Thunderhand walks into the winter dome, looking around. Aquaeyes glances at Thunderhand, gesturing to the white paths along the floor. "Please stay to the white areas of the dome while the exercise is going on, for your safety. Thank you" The marines follow Perkins, intercom frequency silent for the most part, with the exception of a few encouraging remarks. One stumbles again, then falls completely, only to be pulled back by two more marines. This show of compatriotism is rampant through the entire excersize. William continues his excursion in the wasteland, various rubble and protrusions hitting against the combat armor on his legs. Gooding (INN Reporter) arrives from Residential Quarter Thunderhand surveys the scene with interest, nodding to Aquaeyes. Aquaeyes nods, watching the marines look out for each other, true interest in her deep blue eyes. She puts out her paw to Innokentevna. "I'm Guardian Aquaeyes, your name?" Pendleton stops near the end of the observation platform. An attache walks up the steps with a pair of binoculars and hands them to the colonel. Pendleton clips the datapad to his belt, then takes the binocs and sweeps the exercise field. Innokentevna looks back to Aquaeyes with a shrug of her shoulders, "Nothink efer stays zee same, does eet?" She then smiles and extends a small hand to the Demarrian. "Minya zavuk Ekaterina Innokentevna, ov Syeryloshat Couriers. Zough most folks just call me Katya ... Innokentevna seems to be a mouthful to most." Gooding slips through the entrance into the dome, eyes narrowed as he looks around. A small notepad is cradled in one hand, a pencil that has seen much use held in the other. Toawa's arc concludes at a spot halfway between the door and the area where Innokentevna and Aquaeyes are standing. It stops a couple of feet above the ground, but does not move in any direction. Saahkal snags his jean leg on a piece of metal, swearing in Timonese and continuing onwards. Aquaeyes shakes her hand gently. "Nice to meet you, Katya." Then, she turns to Gooding. "Please stay in the white marked walkways for your safty." She points to clearly marked areas on the dome floor that will keep observers a safe distance from the practicing marines. Ezekiel takes the terrain easily, jogging flowingly through the field of rubble and around the obstacles near the front of the marine group. Perkins finishes traversing the strip of jumbled walls and rocks. His heading seems to be for the rain forest, and the few signs are also pointed in that direction. He crosses about a hundred yards of open space before he reaches a tree that is on the edge of the denser forest. A rope ladder leads about twenty feet up it. From there, there is a circular platform about the trunk. A V shaped, three rope bridge leads to a tree about a hundred yards away. There is another circular platform around the far tree. A single rope leads down. This one, unlike the rope on the wall, is unknotted. The twenty three marines regain a more standard formation as they get out of the industrial wasteland into the clear field; although, their main goal remains speed instead of neatness. Toawa is floating halfway between the door and Aquaeyes and Innokentevna, carrying a datapad and one other unidentifiable piece of electronic hardware. Saahkal jogs somewhere near the middle of the Marine group, sticking out a little in his casual wear. Gooding nods to Aquaeyes. "Bill Gooding from INN," he says in a gentle voice perhaps not entirely suited to that of a reporter. "Can you tell me what has prompted this exercise? I did not see any notices outside informing others who might be passing this way." "Rada paznakomitsa ... please't to be meetink you." Katya leans back against the wall, watching a particular guardian. "I guess I am vorry't ... vhat zis veel do, to my fev frients here." Aquaeyes says, "Greetings Mr. Gooding, from the information I was given it is a public exercise showing the skills of the marines." Thunderhand, large bag slung over his shoulder, approaches Katya, Aquaeyes and the reporter, going with the flow of the crowd. Perkins climbs up the swaying ladder with his boots clomping on the wooden rungs. He glances over his shoulder once he hits the platform, "Urf's hit the wasteland." With that, he skirts around the tree trunk, ducking an awkward limb, and sets a foot down on the low rope while he leans his back against one of the others. His hands grip the third rope which is even with the one he's leaning against. He sidesteps along towards the other tree. Gooding frowns slightly, scribbling something on his pad. "I see. I do hope this does not get out of hand. There are many a grandmother around here who would be scared half to death at a sight like this." Aquaeyes says, "One of the reasons it is inside this dome, I'm sure, Mr. Gooding. Perhaps you may wish to speak to Colonel Pendleton, he is that officer standing on the observation plateform over there." Pendleton lowers the binoculars from his eyes, then hands them to the attache. He unclips the datapad from his belt and taps something into it. "Ah," Gooding says with a brief smile toward Aquaeyes. "Thank you. I believe I will." He begins heading off toward the observation platform, being quite careful to stay behind the white safety line. The marines starts to climb the rope ladder one at a time while two at the base secure it. It seems to be a major bottle neck. The first one to reach the top calls down, "No more than three on the bridge." Saahkal passes a slower marine without apology, and clambers up the ladder. Watching the first crossers for inspiration of what not to do, he engages himself on the rope bridge, slowly at first but then gaining speed. Ezekiel reaches the tree, starting to scale it when it's his turn. He remains near the lead as he carefully yet quickly heads up. He moves across the bridge, not hesitating as he clomps along. Aquaeyes looks over at the approach of Thunderhand and smiles, then looks back at Katya "I think a few of us are concerned at what will happen to our friends in this transition, but we will all adapt and do what we need to the best we can." Innokentevna looks back to Aquaeyes, nodding slowly. "May I ask ... vhat .. cause't zis transeeshun?" Aquaeyes nods to Katya. "Mr. Cottington decided it was in the best interest." Perkins pulls his sleeves over his hands and slides down the rope with a muffled curse as he lands at the bottom; however, he quickly moves out of the way and further onto a path. He calls out, "Slow as ya'll are going, we're going to pick up some speed." Gooding looks up at the observation platform, perhaps deciding the best route to the top. Before proceeding, however, he quickly scribbles something on his notepad. The attache standing next to Pendleton notices the approaching journalist and walks down the brief flight of steps to intercept Gooding. "Need something, sir?" There is a cleared path, probably used by joggers, at the base of the second tree. The arrows point down along. It aimlessly circles around for about four hundred yards before it emerges from the trees. Gooding nods. "Yes, indeed. Bill Gooding from INN," he says, gesturing to his notepad as if that should be proof of his role as a reporter. "I was hoping to get a few words with the Colonel." The attache nods to Gooding, then says, "The colonel is currently observing the marines, but I'll see if he can spare a few minutes. Sit tight." He turns and walks back up the steps to face his commanding officer. "Reporter, sir." "Many changes, he has made," is both Innokentevna's answer to the Demarian and her observation. Aquaeyes stays alert, ears flicking as well as tail, watching the moving column of marines. She also nods to Katyas statment. Toawa begins floating toward the exit, its mental state having slowly turned from curiosity to boredom. Gooding nods with a frown before turning to watch the proceedings on the field, leaning one shoulder against a platform support. The marines move across the ropes, that on closer expection seem to be cables. Until the last two, they are picking up speed as they go up the ladder, but when there is no one to hold it, they have some problems, and the final marine takes about twice as long as the first did. Pendleton lifts his eyebrows, glancing from the attache to Gooding. He lifts his chin, walks down the steps and extends a hand to Gooding. "Colonel Ted Pendleton." William slides down the rope beside Perkins after crossing the bridge in what can only be called an awkward passing. His balance seemed overtly affected, although once his two feet touch the ground again the balance returns. "That was bad," he says through the helmet's speakers. Saahkal jogs along with the column, occasionally wiping his forehead with the back of his olive arm. Thunderhand shakes his head at the exercize. "Concordance - Sanctuary - used to be a place of peace. Why all this?" He sighs sadly. Ezekiel slides down the rope as well, hitting the ground with a sturdy clomp. He starts off quickly, still near William as he catches up a bit. The Zangali and the bounding dog are most of the way through the wasteland by the time the last marine's feet hit the trail. Innokentevna looks between Aquaeyes and the qu. She ducks her head in agreement. "Remints me ov visitink a meatvorkers shop. Zee shopkeep nefer sharpen't hees knife, eef he deet nyi expect to be usink eet." "Ah, pleasure to meet you," Gooding says with a cordial smile, returning Pendleton's handshake. "Bill Gooding from INN. Would you care to comment on the current organizational changes taking place? Namely, the Vanguard's acquisition of the CSIS marines." Perkins suppresses a smile as his pace increases to a sprint as he races down the fairly well maintained path for the entire four hundred yard length. He's winded by the time he emerges into the next clearing, but his stride is still strong when he hits the next obstacle. Pendleton smiles thinly. "Interesting spin. Some might call it Concordance Station's re-acquisition of the Vanguard." Clear and straightforward running seems all the more daunting, given the marines' strenuous activity so far. They follow Perkins in widened strides, the heavy combat armor now working against them. Some fall behind, while the most continue their pace with Perkins as they enter the clearing. If the speakers were activated, heavy breathing would've been heard. Aquaeyes just grins ever so slightly at Katya's example. Gooding lifts a brow. "Are the changes affecting organization morale? Is that the purpose of these exercises we see here today?" Saahkal isn't having much trouble keeping up with the group, a fact which might be due to his light garments. Thunderhand nods. "Some Earth person once said, 'If you seek peace, prepare for war.'" Shaking his head sadly, he adds, "Look what happened to that planet." William follows within the midst of the group, himself slowing down somewhat, although not enough to downgrade him to the end of the line. The armor and helmet masks any emotional or physical state that he's in as he breaks through the clearing. "Affecting morale?" Pendleton shrugs lightly. "Certainly, you've got apprehension on both sides. But the exercises, I am pleased to report, were organized internally by the CSIS personnel. They like to keep sharp and fit, and that's something I'm glad to see." Aquaeyes glances at Thunderhand. "Hello Thunderhand, we met at the concert. Nice to see you again." Ezekiel sprints strongly across the path, a bit weaker than he was at the start of the excercise but still keeps strong. He keeps up near the front, boots kicking up various things as he moves along. Thunderhand nods to Aquaeyes. He peers slightly. "Ah yes, I remember." He smiles. Innokentevna nods quietly, "Da ... One day, I voult hafe like't to zee snov upon zee Urals ... nyi much ov a chance for zat." Perkins can't help but smile as he surveys the rope grid has been laid it. It's 40 squares by 40 squares. The ropes are raised about a foot and a half from the ground and are each 1.5 ft by 1.5 ft in size. He chuckles, "Come on, faggots. You queers get to show off now. Come on, twinkle toes. We're going to dance our way to a fucking heart attack." His high stepping has taken him most of the way across the grid by the time he's finished haranguing the troops. Gooding nods, quickly writing a note on his paper pad. "These exercises were not sponsored at all by the Vanguard, then?" Aquaeyes shakes her head. The large lizard and dog can be heard easily crashing, snarling, and yelling their way through the forest about a hundred yards off, taking a short cut that didn't work out so well. Now this is a sight to behold. The twenty three marines' combat armor jostles almost comicaly as they traverse the rope grid, helmets bumping against their shoulder pads repeatedly. The sounds of the Zangali only serve to heighten their speed. Pendleton shakes his head. "Not sponsored, no. But we certainly support them." William's legs rise and fall straight and true, bringing his frame gradually and surely across the rope grid, his own helmet tightly secured to prevent any movement. Thunderhand glares at the lizard and dog. "That Zangali certainly does not lend to the image of a place supporting the freedom and agreement of all worlds." Aquaeyes says, "Thunderhand, he is leading the back pace of the group, and he had some trouble in the woods, and frankly though he has had some problems he is a damn good marine." Gooding nods. "What is your opinion of Concordance Station's internal security after the reorganization? Do you feel CSIS will be capable of handling the frequent violence and crime aboard the station without making use of marine squadrons to enforce the laws?" Saahkal dances across the grid with the ease of one burdened with only a light kevlar vest. His legs pump furiously, using only the balls of his feet to propell himself forward. He's obviously been through this many, many times before. Pendleton smiles at the reporter. "I'm not paid to have opinions about Concordance Station's internal security organization. I leave that in the hands of Mr. Cottington and Director Quicksilver." Innokentevna looks back, her words sharp and reflexive, "Nyet! Gospadin Urfkgar, he ees kharasho ... goot secureety folk. Betveen you an me, eef I hat zomeone shootink up zee fight deck, I voult vant Urfkgar next to me, da.' Ezekiel tackles the grid with similiar experience shown as Saahkal, swiftly clomping across the ropes as he keeps his place near the front of the marines. Gooding chuckles. "No harm in asking, however," he replies with a similar smile, flipping his notepad closed. "Thank you for your time, Colonel. You've been most helpful." Pendleton nods at Gooding, then turns and walks back toward the platform. The attache meets him at the top, handing him the binoculars. He resumes his observation of the exercise. Thunderhand says, "I believe the last time I spoke with him his words were to the effect that he was training his dog to "kill softskins." He openly threatened to release the dog on me. This doesn't come off as very good discipline towards civilians. The fact that he threatened to do this /after/ I had already dealt with the dog doesn't lend to the impression that he is trained to be intelligent." He shrugs. "I can't question his fighting ability. Its how he acts when there shouldn't BE any fighting, that disturbs me. He's supposed to be training these marines, including in how to act towards civilians?" After the rope grid, the markers and Perkins lead to another clear area, passing about fifty yards of hardscrabble where the rubble from the cleared spaces was obviously dumped. The next event is a line of fourteen hurdles laid out in no particular order. They range in distance from a yard apart to six or seven. Perkins clears the first hurdle, knocks over the second on landing, covers the three yards to the next, jumps it, and continues. He knocks over two more of the hurdles before he finishes. Aquaeyes looks at Thunderhand. "Did you even press charges about that? I was there when you had the last trouble with him and Vanguard puts him in a slightly different position then he was in CSIS." Gooding turns back toward the field to observe the proceedings. The marine group, weighed down by the heavy armor that they wear, fare off worse then Perkins. Significantly worse, in fact. By the time the last marine completes the course, only four hurdles remain. Thunderhand shakes his head. "I don't have the money, time or inclination to pay a lawyer or file a report. I don't even have a permanent residence. But after that day I can assure you if I ever settle anywhere, it will not be here as long as I would be sharing the station with that Zangali and his possibly rabid dog." Innokentevna shrugs her shoulders quietly. "Hafink nyi seen vhat happen't I can nyi say. I knov only vhat I hafe zeen ... an mayhaps zere coult a probleem be ... eef youexpect a Zangali to behafe like a human." William is no better then the rest of the marines. He's responsible for the knocking down of two of the hurdles, his helmet's tightness now working against him. Instead of keeping him secure, it's hurting his respiration. Aquaeyes says, "You won't be sharing it much longer. He has transferred to Vanguard and they will be in charge of flight deck, not Concordance station as a whole." Thunderhand says, "Zangali will be Zangali, miss, but I've come to understand that a civil servant should be trained not to harass the people they're supposed to be defending." Saahkal, upon seeing the first group of marines plough through the hurdles, slows down his pace so as to bring up the end of the group, leaving him only four hurdles to jump. Ezekiel uses his already fast pace to his advantage as he hops over the hurdles. He knocks not one of them down, the close together ones already taken care of by the few ahead of him. He clears that obstacle, continuing forward quickly. Fifty yards past the last hurdle is a row of 35 rucksacks that each are stuffed with about 75 pounds worth of rocks and sand. The arrows point towards the lake, positioned about a hundred yards apart. The lake is five miles away, down another jogging trail in the rain forest. Perkins gets one of the rucks over his shoulders and secures the belt strap, "Ok, maggots, we've got five miles to go, and this is where our friendly Zangali comes into play. You haven't seen much of him yet, but I'm going to bet he zaps five of us before we're done. We're dropping to ten minutes a mile, and he's going to do the same if you're lucky. Grab a ruck and sound off like you got a pair. I don't want to hear any shit about those damned hurdles or that you ain't got a pair." Chorix (Civilian) arrives from Residential Quarter Innokentevna watches the proceedings from the edge of the door. She looks sideways to Timonae. "Gospadin Chorix ... dobry vyechyir ... goot efenink." The marine squad converges on the rucksacks after an extremely loud, "Sir! Yes, sir!" emerges from each of their helmet's speakers, shouldering the heavy weight and inclining their backs slightly to support it. Again, the armor works against them. None collapse at this point, but it's before the journey, and they're already showing signs of strain. William sounds off with the rest of the marines, moving to a free rucksack. Shouldering the weight, he grimaces heavily beneath the visor, already covered the perspiration. Soft signs of fog begin to build on the inside of the helmet as he readjusts the rucksack's strap slightly. Aquaeyes makes a quiet call and a delivery is made including a table, towels and water bottles enough for all of the marines. Chorix he wanders in, swaying an almost unnoticable amount as he walks, and says "Hello, I decided to drop by here when the cove got boring..." Ezekiel slows to a slight jog as he grabs a rucksack from the ground, shouldering it with a grunt as it settles on his back, then puts more effort into moving as he clomps along. Gooding makes some notations on his notepad as he watches the marines. Innokentevna looks to Chorix. "Shall vee stay ... or sheep out?" Aquaeyes glances at Chorix. "Please stay within the white marked area on the floor for your safety. Thank you." She motions with her paw to the clearly marked area that gives safe room away from the exercising marines. To anyone at a reasonable distance, it would seem that Saahkal yells enthusiastically with the rest of the marines, though to anyone close it is obvious that he is only mouthing the words. He swings the lightest-looking rucksack onto his back and tromps off the with rest of the troupe. Perkins starts down the path, tightening the shoulder straps as he goes. He calls out, "Anybody got a damned cadence?" Chorix says, "Thanks for the warning." and turns to Katya, "I don't know, is watching this any fun? I just got here." he says, as he walks over to her, being careful to stay inside the white area. "Sir, no sir," comes with a mechanical luster from the marines. That is, those that can talk. A good portion of the marines are trying to keep the rucksack balanced on their back. They shift to establish a marching column. William assumes a position at the front, three men behind from Perkins, his back bent downward to accomidate the rucksack more. Nothing comes from his helmet's internal or external speakers. Innokentevna looks to Chorix with a nod, "I do nyi know ... I theenk, hovefer, eet ees just about to get eenterestink?" Aquaeyes tilts her head watching the marines, seeing the tension in many, the true struggle in others, her paw lifting as if to cheer them on but remaining silent. Thunderhand frowns. "I think I've seen enough ..." He resettles his load on his shoulder, and heads for the exit, following the white lines. Saahkal doesn't respond to Perkins' question, choosing instead to save his breath. He establishes himself somewhere in the middle of the column, for once suffering from a lack of armour as the sharp rocks dig into his back through the sack. Thunderhand walks in to the Residential Quarter Ezekiel takes a position behind William, keeping at the same pace with the rest of the group, handling the sack on his shoulder easily as he marches along. Chorix shrugs, "Stay and watch for a few minutes then?" Perkins slaps an overly dramatic hand to his forehead and booms, "Fucking-A, it's like marching with a bunch of diapers. We're going five miles, and I know you rag-bags can't keep quiet that long. Repeat the fuck after me, and if somebody don't say it, kick them in the damned knee. One, two, three, and a quarter." Gooding flips his notepad closed before he turns away from the scene, walking back toward the dome's exit. "One, two, three, and a quarter," comes from the marines' speakers in a rough beat, themselves not yet accustomed to the candence. Every marine behind assumes a watch over the one in front. The helmet of William is deathly still. "One, two, three, and a quarter," comes from his speaker at the same time as the rest. The bulk of his concentration is kept on keeping the rucksack centered and secure. Aquaeyes says, "I do wish the Senior Guardian would not cuss so much." She actually snaps her fangs in slight irritation. Gooding mutters something to himself when his commlink buzzes, and he picks out a spot away from others to take the call as he keeps one eye on the field. Saahkal repeats unenthusiastically, "One, two, three, and a quarter." With a loud grunt, he readjusts his rucksack, gray hair now gleaming with sweat. Urfkgar and the dog are passing the knocked over hurdles now. Innokentevna looks to Aquaeyes with a grim smile. "No vorse zan a nite at Rockhoppers." Perkins's legs chug along down a ravine, and he splashes through a creek that feeds the lake, "Somebody. Anybody, bring me some water." Aquaeyes smiles slightly at Katya "Its a public display and he should not be using what I call mouth trash toward his men, thats something done in training to shape a marine, you don't need to do it when they are in active service" Pendleton lowers the binoculars, hands them to the attache, then reclaims his datapad and begins entering more notes. The intrepid column of marines follow Perkins's lead, speakers repeating, "Somebody. Anybody, bring me some water." A few stagger, but the marine behind balances them out by leveling the rucksack. Ezekiel repeats the candece as he moves along, rucksack firmly secured at his back as he marches. William follows the marine in front without ceremony. "Somebody. Anybody, bring me some water," the speakers emit, intersperced with faint crackling noises and buzzing -- which is actually heavy breathing, which fail to transmit properly. His boots splashes water hard. "Shouldn't someone bring them some water...?" Gooding asks Aquaeyes concernedly as he shuts off his commlink and pockets the device. "Somebody. Anybody bring my some water," parrots the Timonae through clenched teeth as he steps through the creek, stumbling once. Perkins uses his hands as well as his boots to scale the far side of the ravine, but it doesn't stop him from calling out, "One, two, three, four, hey." Aquaeyes says, "It's part of whats called a cadance Mr. Gooding, a chat to keep them going." Gooding frowns. "It can certainly be quite misleading, then," he comments. Aquaeyes says, "Yes, it can be." "One, two, three, hey," the marines reply evenly, steps becoming increasingly more haggard, although their determination rises to meet. Here's when the real divide happens. William remains standfast along the trail, his speakers repeated in time with the other marines'. His bootsteps fall harder and harder against the trodden path. Ezekiel moves along, much more better looking than the other marines in the line. He repeats the sentence evenly with the other marines, keeping his position as he moves forward. Saahkal reaches the opposing ravine wall, both hands holding onto the sack's shoulder straps. "One, two, three," a deep breath, "Hey." Perkins covers the first mile, "Wine, wine, in my canteen cup-a! Drink some more and it makes me drunk-a! Make me fall down, make me bruise my chin-a! Make me get up, make me do it again-a!" Aquaeyes carefully watches now in case a marine goes down. The marines follow Senior Guardian Perkins without protest, repeating the cadence. "Wine, wine, in my canteen cup-a." Two marines stumble, but they're quickly righted again. "Drink some more and it makes me drunk-a." Four stumble against the path. Again, they're supported by the marines behind. "Make me fall down, make me bruise my chin-a." None stumble this time, the adrenline running coarsing through their bodies. "Make me get up, make me do it again-a." William repeats Perkins's candence neutrally, although the speakers would remove any emotion tinge even if he did have bias. His boot slips slightly against a, ironically, pebble, his frame tipping left slightly. The rucksack shifts dangerously. Aquaeyes quietly speaks to a medical crew on scene. "I have to leave please, keep an eye on them." One of the EMT nods, replying, "They are getting tired, we will watch them closer, Guardian." She looks to Innokentevna. "Nice meeting you, and I'm glad I spoke with you. I'm off duty now, so take care." Ezekiel remains at a steady pace behind William. He repeats the candence as well, loudly and enthusiastically as a wide grin is on the lunite marine's face under the helmet. He notices William's stumble, and reacts as other marines did, quickly moving the stabilize the rucksack on his back. Innokentevna returns Aquaeyes nod, "I am glad to have met you ... take care. I shoult be leavink too ... have a schedule to keep." Saahkal repeats the song half-heartedly and gives and extra burst of energy, passing a few in the column. Chorix turns to look at Katya and shrugs, "Want to go?" Gooding sites down on a nearby flat-topped rock, opening his trusty notepad once again to pencil in a few more things. Urfkgar and the dog can be seen jogging along behind the column. Perkins treks down the path which levels out after that one ravine. He's more than half way through now. "Born in the backwoods, raised by a bear. Two coats of muscle. Three coats of hair. Two balls of iron and a steel rod. I'm a mean motha' fucka'. A marine, by God. I said, Vanguard, Vanguard, where have you been? I've been to hell and back again. Vanguard, Vanguard, what did you see? A thousand panzies following me. Vanguard, Vanguard, what did you do?! We trained them wimps for me and you. Vanguard, Vanguard, how'd they get back? In a blue and silver body sack." Aquaeyes walks in to the Residential Quarter The cadence serves to motivate the marines, if nothing else. Their pace remains hard and steady, the speakers repeating Perkins's chant with conviction, boots now starting to fall on the forest floor with evenness. They pronounce the word, "Vanguard," with more viguor. William continues along behind the lead marine after muttering a, "Thanks," through the squad intercom to Ezekiel. His hands rest firmly on the rucksack's straps, tightening to give himself reassurance. Innokentevna nods quietly to Chorix. "Ve probably shoult. I feel caught here. Concordance, eesvhere many ov my fients life. An' Vanguard, folks from Vanguard safe't my life. Schetules to keep, places to go." She smiles then, small and grim and practical. "Atleast, Sol system, zere ees free fuel." Ezekiel also repeats the candece, with one exception: He doesn't utter the word 'Vanguard'. He stops at that point, chanting the other words as he heads along the course with ease. Strain is slight next to the strain showing on the other marines as he clomps along, not far behind from the front at all. Chorix nods, and begins walking towards the exit. Saahkal positions himself close behind the largest Marine, seeming to run with more ease, now. He repeats the song with breath to spare. Perkins booms, "Guardian Aster don't wear no drawers." The marines call back over their speakers, "Dirty drawers." Perkins shouts, "I saw 'em, when he took 'em off." The marines repeat their line, "Dirty drawers." Perkins hollars, "Threw 'em up against the wall. And those suckers refused to fall." he marines all seem to know what to do, flipping up their visors so their yell can be fully appreciated, "Dirty...draw-ah-ah-awrs, dirty draw-aw-ah-awrs, dirty drawers!" William does the same and lifts his visor, having heard this kind of thing before. It was used on him, also. "Dirty draw-ah-ah-awrs, draw-ah-ah-awrs, dirty drawers," he says. His face is positively soaked in sweat, although a weary grin is on his lips, masked somewhat by the bottom edge of the helmet. Innokentevna pauses, at the door, watching the mairines work their way around the course. She looks to where they are, and how far they are to the end. Ezekiel keeps quiet at this candece, shaking his head slowly as he marches along near the front. Saahkal seems to stumble a bit on the Terran drawl, reverting to a miming of the words. Otherwise, he seems to be having a very easy time of drafting behind the large Marine. Perkins pulls a knife, cutting the straps on his ruck. He refolds the knife and clips it back onto his belt without breaking pace. Without a word, he dives into the lake that suddenly appears through the forest's edge. A rope, supported by buoys, leads out three hundred yards into the water. The arrow at the end of the rope points back towards dry land, down another, slightly longer, rope that angles off of the first. Gooding slowly stands up as his commlink buzzes yet again, and this time he makes his way full to the dome's exit. Chorix walks in to the Residential Quarter The marines shrug off their rucksacks, some cutting them, some lying down on their backs to release them. Now unfettered, the combat armor seems like a mere feather to them. With hurried steps, they follow Perkins's lead, entering the lake. Some linger behind to catch their breaths. Saahkal screeches to a halt as he catches sight of the lake. Ushered towards the lake by the pace of his fellow marines, he steps out of the line and frowns deeply. Gooding walks in to the Residential Quarter William dosen't linger. With a quick swipe of his pocket knife, the rucksack falls gracefully from his shoulders. Without hestitation, he jumps into the lake, hoping that the heavy armor won't affect buoancy.. Ezekiel shrugs off his sack easily, moving quickly after Perkin. He sprints, entering the lake and quickly moving forward, the water and armor combination obviously not new to him. The lake starts at a depth of about five feet. It gradually gets deeper, going down to ten feet about twelve yards out. Perkins's breast stroke carries him the first hundred yards. After that his clothing is water logged, and he changes methods: swimming down to the bottom then kicking up and out with his feet with help from his arms. The marines, each with swimming skills as part of their academy training, suddenly find themselves with heavy armor, very exhausted, and in the middle of a lake. Nevertheless, they rally their mental and physical forces, swimming after Perkins. William struggles against the wake of the marines in front of him, his own swimming skills leaving much to be desired. Through a slapped-together combination of breast strokes and flipper waving, he slowly makes his way after the marine group. Ezekiel's experience over the other marines show as he swims easily past the ones who have found themselves halted. He moves along, determined as he moves on forward after Perkins. Saahkal leans back against a tree at the water's edge, breathing a little rapidly. He wipes his forehead, his eyes a little scared. Urfkgar and the dog can be seen closing in on the lake. They're, maybe, fifty yards down the trail. Perkins calls back, "If you start to fucking drown, grab the damned rope. The buoys won't sink even with you fart knockers hanging on them like your girlfriend on her dildo." With that little remark, Perkins heads down the other line towards land. The marines don't offer acknowledgement. Their raised visors have served to accomidate the water to pool around their chin and neck, small amounts slowly passing the water seal and down toward their bodies. They obviously didn't plan for any amphibious movements. Two eventually fall out, grabbing the rope to guide them to the shore. The rest follow Perkins. William remains swimming, actually ducking his head in to allow the cool and somewhat frigid water to splash by his face. He follows Perkins, although the distance between them is increasing due to his inexperience. Saahkal spots this and puts a large tree in between him and the steamrolling lizard. Biting his lips, his gaze searches rapidly for options. Ezekiel keeps up in front, swimming easily forward. His visor is still down, thankfully, as he moves torward the lead. Once Perkins has finished the six hundred and twenty five yard swim, he climbs up onto the shore about seventy yards from where he started as the crow flies. Dripping and starting off again in another fast run, he yells, "First five men to reach the end, get a rifle to take some pot shots at some targets set up. The rest of you do push ups till it's your turn by fucking arrival. I'll be counting you, and you don't want to try to dick me over." A hundred or so yards away from the lake, there is a collection of five pulse rifles. They all lack energy modules. A crate nearby is labeled: "Practice Use Only: Low Power." It's full of energy modules that share the same label. Targets are set up at fifty yard increments. Urfkgar doesn't seem to notice Saahkal as he and the dog trot around the lake to where Perkins came out. Neither of them seem to be in too much of a hurry. Fortunately, nobody has died yet. The first four marines (the last one being Ezekiel) reach the shore and pounce upon the group of rifles lain at the side, water falling heavily from their helmets, droplets from the various edges of their combat armor. Each grabbing a power module for himself, they quickly lock them in place, bodies falling prone on the ground. Amazingly, the frigid water dosen't seem to have that much of an effect on the marines. They continue firing the remainder of their module charges on the targets in increasing increments. The remainder of the marines begin pushups five yards away. Saahkal jogs around the lake to where the marines are shooting, trying to avoid notice. Perkins screams, "Get the fuck off the ground, shooters. I didn't say you could fuck any damn holes. Get to your God damn feet." Ezekiel snatches the last rifle and gets himself an energy module from the basket. He, unlike the other marines, stays on his feet as he loads the rifle quickly, starting to aim and fire at the targets. "Sir! Yes, sir!" yells the four marines as they rise, hands nowhere near removing from the triggers. The shots go off target significantly, but reacquire them shortly after. Their fingers are starting to tremble, the full cold setting down on them. With the energy module now almost fully gone, the shots begin to go off target. The marines doing push-ups are having more trouble -- the exhaustion of the course has almost wore down their senses fully. One collapses completely, refusing to rise again. William reaches the shore almost last, a hand propping while coughing comes from his lips. A small bit of seawater trickles down his chin and pools at the bottom inside of the helmet. He dosen't make a move to join the group doing pushups, his hand trembling softly, eyes pinned downward. Ezekiel continues to aim and fire like a professional, sincse that is what he is after all, rarely missing any shots, energy module draining quickly. Urfkgar grunts sourly and moves towards William with the dog in tow. He still doesn't seem to notice Saahkal behind him. The four marines unload their modules and hand them to four new marines, who have already obtained fresh energy modules. The four who has completed firing fall tiredly to the ground close by, not occuring to them to continue pushups while the replacement marines begin unloading on the targets with neither accuracy nor precision. Their stresses have been tested to the limit, and their composure has been shot. Perkins holds his hands to his forehead, "What the fuck do you panty wastes think this is? This is near as ugly as a bucket full of ass holes. I've been around the galaxy, to a fucking world's fair, and seen Castori screw, but I have -never- seen any-fucking-thing as pathetic as you pukes." He points to the marine who collapsed, "I wish I had two of you fuckers. One to shit on and the other to cover it up with." Turning back to the marines shooting, "And just what the fuck are you boys shooting at? I've seen better firing by drunk, blind turtles. Why, I could rip out your eye balls and have that damn mongrel fuck you through it, and I bet you wouldn't be shooting much worse." The squad continues doing push-ups, with the exception of the one that has collapsed. He stays there, face on the ground, unmoving, not responding to the commander's admonishment. "Uh, SG Perkins," another marine asks nervously, standing from his push-ups to eye the man on the ground. One firing pauses to say, "Sir, it's fucking cold and we're tired, sir!" before continuing. Ezekiel quickly unloads his module, handing his rifle off to the next marine. He falls to the ground near the other marines, but does his push-ups with ease. The time standing still to use the rifle has apparently regenerated a good deal of his energy. William remains on all fours by the shore, breathing raggedly. Beads of sweat mixed with water fall to the ground. He dosen't seem to respond to the Zangali's approach, implicit or otherwise. Saahkal approaches the group and settles at the edge, performing furious pushups in an effort to get as wet as possible. Perkins runs his hands through his wet hair, "What's this we shit? You gotta turd in your back pocket." He points to Ezekiel, "That maggot managed to shoot worth a damn. It wasn't like he was a monkey trying to screw a foot ball." Then, he turns to the marine that was doing push ups, "Don't just stand there, gutless wonder. Help that man." His gaze travels further, to Saahkal, "And just why the fuck ain't you wet?" A dark laugh comes from the spectator area, grim and simple. "Colt an' tire't ... zen just pretent zat zat gryuzniyi vyyebrachnyi ees your targeet." Saahkal pauses his pushups and turns his head to the side. "It's, uh, synthetic fabric clothes, sir. Doesn't absorb water." He seems satisfied with his own answer and continues doing pushups. The marine nods and rolls the collapsed man over, revealing closed eyes beneath the raised visor. "Sir, I think he's passed out, sir." Urfkgar reaches down to grab William by the shoulders, grumbling. The five marines unload their energy modules without further returning any comment to Perkins. After transferring their rifles to the next squad of men, they collapse on the ground with the four. Nine through, fourteen remaining. The new squad begins firing, their accuracy still poor. William makes no attempt to resist Urfkgar's movement as he stands up with assistance from the Zangali. On the uptake, he assumes his own balance as both of his legs regain tension. Somewhat. "Sorry Urf," he mumbles weakly. "The swim..." Ezekiel continues his push-ups without stopping, strong with his movements. Perkins continues to clench his forehead, "When angels fly out of my white, hairy ass, son. You just don't like the water. Get up, grab your ankles, and bounce on your knees. You just earned yourself some monkey fucking instead of push ups." Urfkgar shrugs indifferently and carries William closer to the group before setting him down on his stomach. "Sir, we need medvac, sir," the marine says to Perkins, checking the fallen comrade for a pulse. After finding a strong one with no risk of failure, he moves back to continuing his push-ups. With heavy resistance, William is able to belt out one complete push-up before collapsing back to the ground, both arms tensing to accomidate his rise again. The medics are already moving in on the fallen marine. They've got a stretcher with them that they put the marine on. Perkins goes out of his way to ignore them and the marine. Saahkal complies obediently, seemingly relieved that he's not being forced to swim. Urfkgar grunts irritably and leans back down, grabbing William again. The Zangali tries to help him do another push up, but he's not looking pleased about it. The five marines complete their firing and transfer their rifles to their replacements, moving to fall with wasted attitudes to the ground. Fourteen through, nine remaining. The firing is nowhere near precise or accurate. Ezekiel continues his push-ups still, showing no sign of failing. Kastaprulyi (Civilian) arrives from Residential Quarter "I got it, I got it," William assures Urfkgar, asphyxiated muscles coming into play again. His armor dosen't make it any easier. Slowly, the marine completes more push-ups, gaining momentum. Saahkal continues 'fucking the monkey'. Senior Guardian Perkins yells at the five marines who are firing the low powered pulse rifles near the lake, "What the hell are you doing? Are you fucking wishing you could hit the damned target? Shit in your left and and wish in your right. See which fucking one fills up the fastest." Innokentevna watches the end of the obstacle course, her arms crossed, her fingers drumming atop her sleeve. She leans against the wall, near the entrance. Urfkgar shifts to watch the marines doing push ups. One of the marines couldn't hack it, and he's being taken away by some medics. More medical personnel watch the training exercise. Kastaprulyi slips over in Innokentevna's direction, moving slowly, perhaps also watching the training. The five marines individually pause to receive the insults from Perkins, one shaking his head in derision before they open fire again. The shots are more accurate, but slower. Fortunately, the energy modules die out after only three shots from each. Transferring the rifle to the replacement marines, they fall to the ground, following the ritual of those already there. Nineteen through, four to go. Ezekiel continues his push-ups on the floor, not even stopping yet. Innokentevna looks up to Kastaprulyi, her head tilting. "Dobry vyechyir ... got efenink. Zis demonstrashun ees just about ofer ... but I am no longer sure just vhat zee purpose ov zis demonstrashun vas." Kastaprulyi circles around to her side. "Hello... I saw their training without weapons before." Perkins turns towards the four marines who haven't fired yet. Then, he looks over at Saahkal, "Smart ass, you'd best look better than these marines, or I'm going to kick your ass high enough that you'll have to take off your hat to wipe it." He swivels back towards the marines at the firing line, "You boys could fuck up a wet dream. Hurry up." Seeing the approach of his turn, Saahkal retrieves an energy pack and waits for a free rifle. William does one more push-up, his body giving out, simply refusing to nudge any more. Thankfully, it's his turn to fire. Pulling himself to his feet, he relieves the marine. The rifle's much heavier then he anticipated. Nevertheless, he levels it against his shoulder, squeezing off two shots. One hits, one misses. The five marines pass off their weaponry, one giving an emptied rifle to Saahkal, another to William, before they fall to the ground in a tired heap. Saahkal slaps in his clip, still relatively chipper from the avoidance of the swim. He empties his clip in quick, successive shots, doing a fair job of hitting the targets. Kastaprulyi drifts to the side and inquires curiously, "What's watching feel like?" William continues firing, his shots only becoming poorer by the second. Both bursts go off target. He dosen't seem to mind or care, however, eyes starting to glaze slightly. Ezekiel keeps on doing push-ups steadily, though a bit more slowly. Saahkal nudges his superior officer in the ribs. "Almost done, wake the fuck up." "Ah, shut up, Cadet, at least I didn't skip the lake," William returns irritatedly, unleashing the remaining two rounds. Both hit the target without difficulty. He lowers the rifle to the counter, shaking his head slightly. "Shower and sleep. Shower and sleep." Perkins grimaces as he watches, "Sheyiit, a bunch of slugs stampeding through chunky peanut butter could whup your asses. You boys on the firing line, empty the damned modules. Then, all of you break for the monorail and get out of the damned dome. If you haven't cleared out by the time I've counted to ten, you're going through the course again with Urf as pace setter." The medics standing at the edge of the group of marines exchange pained looks. One mutters, "I guess we're not through getting cases yet." Saahkal drops his rifle like a hot potato and jogs towards the monorail. Ezekiel stands, flicking his visor up, he takes a bit to relax, removing his helmet and slinging it over his shoulder, slicking his hair back from the water and sweat. He starts off torward the exit, "Still say my boy's could've tackled that course a half hour ago." he mutters. And so it concludes. Five new marines move to complete emptying the modules. The remainder break off with whatever energy they have remaining in them toward the Winter Dome.