| - Orion Pax - Laboratory(#1965RLnt)========================[ The Orion Pax ]=========================
While the Ark II may be a massive military space carrier, the Autobots' more magnanimous duties, including research and exploration, are well-represented in the ship's on-board facility. The laboratory is "cozy", but with enough space for the efficient-minded to get serious, hard-boiled scientific work accomplished. The science block is in fact a converted cargo chamber filled with a number of compartmentalized research capsules -- each one designed for a specific scientific pursuit, such as astronomy or exo-biology. The stellar cartography section seems to be afforded the most space, with a nest of space probes and independent launch mechanism located in the main research cluster. External ship broadcasts for this room are ON Type +shiphelp for help Contents: Lightspeed Rodimus Prime Kup Autobot Matrix of Leadership Obvious exits: Foxfire arrives from the Orion Pax - Medical Bay. Foxfire has arrived. Catechism arrives from the Orion Pax - Medical Bay. Catechism has arrived. Marissa Faireborn leaves the Exo-suit Phoenix One . Marissa Faireborn has arrived. Gears arrives from the Orion Pax - Medical Bay. Gears has arrived. Springer arrives from the Orion Pax - Medical Bay. Springer has arrived. Sky Lynx arrives from the Orion Pax - Medical Bay. Sky Lynx has arrived. Talazia Keldahoff has arrived. Rodimus Prime is standing in front of the containment field holding the infected Matrix. His fists are balled at his sides, and he seems to be grimly anticipating wait waits him. The containment field is hooked up to some kind of technological pillar, which sprouts all kinds of conduits and wires -- some of which hook up to pulp mad science brain-transfer helmet booths arrayed nearby. Talazia Keldahoff walks her way in after a shuttle (or something) drops her off. She's in an exo-suit and carrying her helmet. She also looks around for Marissa. "If you tense up too much, Rodimus, your hand will fall off." The Lynx gently walks in, hearing some of the jabber over the radio, he had a general idea of 'maybe' what was going down, but he was just to see if it confirmed it-- which it did. However this autobot for the moment would sit back and see what was.. truely.. going down. Lightspeed walks into the lab, his own look grim and determined. With everything that's happened with the Matrix thus far, he wasn't about to let Unicron have his way with it any more. The Technobot kept quiet for now, looking at the Autobot leader, ready for any orders and to hear what they would be doing most likely. Foxfire comes in alongside Sky Lynx, with a sense of purpose clear to those who may look his way. His ears are perked and his tail is swishing slightly, giving an indication that he's more relaxed than he actually is. Red Alert walks in with an extremely brisk step, hands balled into fists, expression fighting to remain neutral. He begged to allow the scientists to study it. He /pleaded/ for it, and was denied! And now he finds that his own XO has been studying it, was given permission to study it, and he was not informed? He had been /intentionally cut out of the loop/. Obviously, they didn't trust him! But still, it was his /duty/ to be here... and besides, if they didn't trust him, he couldn't trust them. They'd have to be watched. Marissa Faireborn is here. A journey into the Matrix. She isn't entirely clear on how this is possible, and what sort of gear is required for such a mission. The Colonel is dressed practically, though, wearing a uniform that's heavy enough to be called light combat armour. With her backpack, it looks like she's ready to go hiking through dense bush. Marissa has a sidearm in her hip holster, though she isn't sure if such a thing will even be needed. She stands near her fellow EDCer, Talazia. Kup steps inside, taking in the room. There's still signs of damage from yesterday, but any holes in the deck have been roped off so that catches their feet on them. It may take a while for actual repairs to take place. "Huh." He steps up to a helmet booth and squints at it. "Ennnnh... don't trust these high-tech gizmos, boss. You sure you're gonna be ok?" True to his word, Springer had wasted little time in showing up. The triplechanger had a somewhat serious expression on his face, mouth firmly turned down into a frown the moment he'd stepped into the lab. Signs of repair were still obvious about the area where the corruption had taken effect, but his optics fell immeadiately on the Autobot leader, holding the tainted Matrix. Whistling lowly, Springer remarkd, "Well now, looks like the two of you," referring to Jetfire and Rodimus Prime, glancing at the set up, "have been busy." The frown melted away into a faint smirk, the shadow of Sky Lynx rapidly darkening the area, along with others entering. "Just let us know what it is we need to do to help out Rodimus." Nodding. Talazia Keldahoff crosses her arms, even with the arm shields in place. "The Matrix of Leadership became the Matrix of Corruption. I just hope it doesn't stay that way." She then looks to Marissa. "How much help do you think we can be, bosslady?" She then looks up to Kup. "hey....you have to admit, High tech gizmos are what Jetfire does best. How're you feeling, Kup?" "I don't think Transformers work like that," Rodimus Prime replies with only a faint hint of his usual sense of humor, turning to face Talazia. He gently unclenches his fists just the same, examing his hand as he does so. "Not really, Kup," he admits his frank answer to his mentor's question. Lifting his crimson head, he addresses the crowd of Autobots and humans gathered about the Matrix. "I... Don't know exactly how to describe what you're about to experience. Your bodies will remain here in a dormant state, similar to a rest cycle or sleep. Your conscious mind, however, will be within the Matrix." He pauses. "The Matrix is... A place where spirit and mind dominate. Where the past lives again. Where memory and myth comingle freely. You can lose your sense of self in such a place... It can be dangerous, even without Unicron's presence." He allows the severity of that to settle in before continuining. "But the more friends I have with me, the stronger my presence will be. This might sound hokey, but I need you to believe in me more than ever. In the Matrix... Belief is power." He gestures to the booths. "When you're ready, step into a booth and attach the headset to your cranium. I'll handle the rest." Gears crosses his arms and scowls. "I don't get it," he says, "How can Unicron exist in the Matrix for very long? Wasn't it like Kryptonite to Superman for him?" Clutch arrives from the Orion Pax - Medical Bay. Clutch has arrived. "I'm not sure," Marissa admits to Talazia. "But if there's anything we can do to help, we owe it to them." The Colonel has always been a major Autobot fangirl. She glances at Kup, trying not to betray the sneak attack that she's planned against him on Saturday. "We're still on for the Saturday meeting?" she asks Kup, putting her hands on her hips. She hushes up once Rodimus begins to explain the Matrix. She doesn't have any trouble resisting the 'no-one can explain the Matrix. You must see it for yourself' joke, but only because it's already been made a million times before. Foxfire slowly nods. "I, for one, have always believed in you, Rodimus. I'm not sure how much help a small 'Bot like me could be, but I'm still there for you." Lynx rumbles softly, but looks down at Foxfire beside him and nudges him gently with his snout for reinsurance. Then the blue feline looks over to the booths and hrms softly, pondering weather he should join in this-- or not. After all, if Rodimus words are correct-- he could be a great assistance, or be a great trouble for what may come. Lynx then looks to Rodimus for a moment, those crimson optics stare for a moment before he speaks, "If you wish for my support within the Matrix, Rodimus-- I will surely give what I can to assist." Rodimus Prime nods and kneels down to give Foxfire a pat. "You might be surprised, Foxfire," he says, allowing himself a smile before turning his back and going to the controls. He begins to press buttons and scowl with focus. Clutch rushes in. "Has it started yet? Am I too late?!" He calms down when he sees that everyone still seems to be waiting. "Uh...well, I mean. I wouldn't miss this." It's like being a part of Autobot history. Lightspeed smiled lightly. "That sounds highly illogical. Then again, with how things have been, the illogical is the highly logical." The Technobot walked over to one of the booths and gets himself set up. "Rodimus is right though. You never know who might be helpful in a situation like this." Lightspeed said. Kup grumbles to Talazia, "I feel terrible, thanks for asking." He looks pretty terrible too. It seems like it's been ages since he went in to see the medics. Marissa would probably notice Kup doesn't look much different from when he left Tazma IV, the Zombie Planet. "Ehh? Saturday meeting? Oh, yeah.. thanks for remindin' me." Sighing to himself, Kup sits down in a boot and begins attaching the helmet to his head. "Well, Rodimus, if yer willin' to take this risk, then I ain't gonna sit it out, either. Anyway, somebody has to save your aft in there if sumthin' goes wrong, heheh." Talazia Keldahoff snickers lightly. "We'd better leave Kup out then. he lost his mind generations ago." She says rather jokingly before looking up and giving Kup a wink to let him know she's kidding. "Hook me up boys and girls. I told Arcee and jazz that if I was going to help, I would. I mean to keep that promise." she says making her way for one of the.......smaller helmets. Foxfire leans into the patting, then settles back down as he follows Rodimus with his gaze. After a moment he gently nudges Lynx's leg with his nose. "We're in for the adventure of our lives, I think. I always wondered what the inside of the Matrix was like." Springer was left to thumb his chin briefly in consideration of Rodimus Prime's words, perhaps mistakenly for skepticism, but whatever he thought he shrugged it off. There was no real hesitation when he picked one of the spots to get hooked up too, "If that's all you need Rodimus, then I think this will go better rather than...the other way!" He had remained at the other's side thus far through thick and thin, he had confidence in Rodimus. If what all he said was true though, some unpleasantness was going to be had, /that/ he wasn't looking foward too. "If the data is correct, as well as Rodimus in full, the memories of all Cybertronians from the past are in there... and most likely more as well." Lightspeed said. Lynx stands up slowly, perhaps he does this to help Rodimus-- or perhaps to help Foxfire, after all, he did help the young 'pup' with a few problems before. Lynx then heads to the booth, part of him unsure if this was a wise idea. After all-- both Foxfire and Himself were seen as 'Primatives', so-- this would be an interesting concept. Perhaps, though-- the matrix will once more grant him a mech form like he had only-- very-- few times. Marissa Faireborn takes deep breaths as preparation for this unknown. This is something she is not clear about on how this will work, and is even less so when it comes to how it's going to work on a human. But it is a risk she is willing to take, as she firmly believes that the Autobots will suffer a massive blow, in terms of morale if nothing else, should the Matrix be corrupted by Unicron. "Ready when you are," she says as the techies go through the process of beginning the journey. Rodimus Prime waits for everyone to get hooked up before he puts a hand on a big red lever. He turns his head to the others, "Okay. I'm deactivating the containment field..." He eases the lever down slowly, and the forcefield surrounding the Matrix flickers and dissipates. Immediately, a howl fills the room. Something terrible creeps into the ether, and at its center is undeniably the Matrix. Rodimus, against everyone's collective instinct, walks up to the Matrix and slides his fingers into the grips. He seems to be in pain just touching it, but he fights through it. Rising the Matrix above his head, which now begins to pulse strobing turquoise beams of light, his chest panel opens with a whir, revealing the empty cavity within. Quickly plugging the Matrix back inside of his chest, Rodimus promptly keels over, his optics going blank. It's the last thing everyone hooked up to the machines will see before all fades to black. Marissa Faireborn's eyes widen, suddenly turning nervous as Rodimus fights through the pain of grabbing the Matrix. It somehow feels unnatural in a way that the Colonel can't describe. Lights shoot from the Autobot artifact as Rodimus returns it into his chest. "Rod...imus?" Marissa manages to say, terrified that the procedure has seriously hurt, or even killed, her friend. She doesn't get an answer, though, before the blackness overcomes her. "Rodimus..." Ears pinned back, that's the last thing Foxfire manages to say before he, like Rodimus, fades into darkness. Lightspeed keeps his focus, knowing and deducing that Rodimus was doing what he was for a good reason. Plus, there is the whole trusting the leader thing that has to be there to do this. Which he does, which is why he's hooked up to the machine. And which is why he also fades out and goes dark in his eyes. Lynx hears the howl and his optics narrow softly. His ears pin back as he lets out a soft growl, but he remains still. Even as he watches his commander suffer. However no words were able to escape from his muzzle, expect for the single thought of 'Primus, watch over us', before his optics faded black and he shut down with the others. Gears suddenly blacks out. "My optics are shorting!" he manages to shout, before darkness envelops his optics and he slowly fuzzes out, a ringing in his audios. Then he knows no more. Talazia Keldahoff leans back in the chair as Rodimus returns the matrix to his chest. Rather than face this with fear....she happens to hear her ole Grandad Earl in her ear. 'When it comes to friends, no matter where they're from, you fight at their side and without fear. To do anything less, means they weren't your friends, or you're not theirs.' With that in mind....she closes her eyes.......jaw set and.....relaxed. Galvatron has arrived. Inside the Matrix, one might expect a setting that reflects its function of storing the knowledge of leadership - perhaps something like a military academy. Such a thought is tempting and appealing, but it's quite, quite naive. Instead, the Matrixscape resembles the insides of Unicron, but gone horribly wrong. Spikes tentacles writhe from the walls, trying to snag unwary entrants, where they will be slowly digested, like flies in a flytrap. It is dark inside, erratic wrath red and envy green lights illuminating certain areas. The whole place seems labyrinthine, with no end in in sights. Eventually, they may spy a fleeting figure, white and black in equal measure, lurking in the corner of vision. Finally, eh steps into full view, an ancient-styled Autobot, with alternate mode components that make dark wing-like structures behind him. Still, something about him is the look of a Prime, and he greets, "The place has been redecorated lately. Do excuse the mess. Eh-heh." He steeples his fingers together, and something doesn't look quite right in his optics. Clutch looks down at his hands, opening and closing them, then looks around at the others. He flinches slightly when the ancient Prime speeks up, then turns to face him. "Who...who are you?" Lightspeed looked around some at their surroundings of the inside of the Matrix. "A bit more roomier than I expected." The Technobot said. He continued to look around some, even when the ancient Prime spoke up. This doesn't mean, though, that he isn't paying attention. He was storing what data he could, incase history is brought up and they could get it written down back outside the Matrix. Kup grits his teeth as he watches Rodimus plug the matrix back into himself. "He knows what he's doing, everyone! Show some guts! Yer made 'a stronger stuff than... than..." His optics darken slowly. "...than that!" Kup says. The old warrior looks around, optics wide, at his new environment. "Oh, no. This is... this is way too familiar..." Doing the logical thing, Kup reaches inside of his chest for his rifle, and is pleasantly surprised to find that it's still in there. However, he looks at it dubiously. "Will it even work in here? And if it does, should I use it?" he muses to himself. Once the mysterious visitor arrives, Kup gives him a wary look. Foxfire feels like he is floating in an endless void. His optics seem to be the only sense that's working--he can no longer rely on his ears and nose. He also feels more like the wild turbofoxes after which he was designed; a strange sensation, really. He shakes his head, attempting to get his barings, and then eyes the stranger apprehensively. "I don't like the look of this guy's optics," he mumbles to the others. The ancient Prime turns that unsettling blue gaze on Clutch, and he answers in a booming voice that echos and twists in the hallways, "I am Prime Nova! What do you seek, Clutch?" He knows Clutch's name? Of course he knows Clutch's name. Rodimus Prime would have known it, and so the knowledge belongs to the Matrix, and so it belongs to him. It was one of those moments where you knew you were going to step into the proverbial crapper, and the thing is? With the knowledge that it was on purpose wasn't about to make it any less pleasant. Springer was forced to keep himself still inspite of what his optics reported with their leader, till that eventually washed into darkness. What replaced it was perhaps, just as unpleasant. "Doesn't this just wax nostalgic." Muttering once he had 'reappeared', "And not in the nice way." Springer took in his new environs swiftly, trying to place what was going on. It could mean losing himself within the Matrix, assuming everything had gone as planned. Was everyone also there? Trying to ascertain this, even whilse something...someone, joined them anew. Someone not in the Orion Pax-- he didn't grab for his weapons just yet, using a bit of patience. While it lasted. The sound of an engine roaring suddenly begins to outmatch the surrounding wails of devoured souls. One of the nearby pulsing mechanical membranes abruptly shatters, and a futuristic sportscar bursts out from within in a shatter of green glass. Hitting the ground with all tires spinning, the "hot rod" does a quick fishtail before transforming into the youthful figure of Hot Rod, who jogs up to the group. Smaller than Rodimus Prime and without the heavy lined faceplate of wisdom, he looks about the same as anyone would remember from 2005. "Hey people, why the long faces? Did somebody die?" He points his laser pistol at a tentacle, blasting it away. "Unicron is a joke. Let's burn rubber and kick his astroaft back to wherever the smeg he came from!" He gives the older Prime who greets the group a strange look. "Hey, who's the geezer?" He asks Springer. Foxfire's attention turns to Rodimus...or what used to be Rodimus. He can only stare in awe. "Hot Rod...?" Talazia Keldahoff reappears....upside down. "Ok...this is weird." She says pushing off of a surface and floating towards everyone else....like Foxfire! She grabs onto Foxfire and blinks as she sees the....old one in front of them and.....Hot rod. "who's the guy in Flames? I thought we came in here with Rodimus?" Marissa Faireborn's eyes open again, and she gasps loudly as if suddenly waking from a terrible nightmare. She, or her representation, stumbles forward, catching herself before she falls. The Colonel looks around with sheer awe on her face. She's seen pictures of the interior of Unicron, but has never been in his body while it functioned. It is terrifying that the Matrix looks so similar. Her eyes are drawn to this new figure. Prime Nova. A name she has heard spoken in whispers, in the same tones reserved for the most revered of leaders. The sound of an engine roaring snaps her out of it, and she exclaims along with Foxfire, "Hot Rod...?" The Matrix, the power of the cybertronians-- knowledge of the Primes, and someplace-- Sky Lynx half way feels like he doesn't belong in. The old draconic primative mech slowly comes about to the new enviroment, thankfully-- he seems to not be overly to large in this 'world' of the matrix. However like his primative companion Foxfire, he ddin't like the site of the old Prime. Once catching up with the others and remaining silent. The optical band flickering a few times as Hot Rod shows up, he hrms softly and then chuckles lightly, "So-- our leader has gone back to his youth it seems... Hot Rod-- correct?" After all, better to be sure then to be sorry! Red Alert looks around, taking in everything, as much as he can, all at once. He tunes his senses as far as they will go, then shakes his head. Certainly, this is not like spending time in the holodeck. He turns towards the stranger and listens as Clutch asks and the other answers, then opens his optics wide. But it's Hot Rod's arrival that shocks him the most. He turns to the now more youthful robot and stares. "Rodimu- H- Hot Rod? Wait! How!?" Lightspeed only heard the stories of who Rodimus was before he was Rodimus, as well as seen some of the pictures and data files. To actually see Hot Rod, he had to admit, it was a rather jarring change of pace. He certainly didn't act like the Autobot's leader. "Hmm... if I had to guess, the best guess is... this is not the real Rodimus, but rather just more data of the Matrix at the very least. None the less, Hot Rod knows what is going on I think." Ordinarily this kind of question would be reserved for Kup, but in this case there was someone way older than him here! Maybe. That point was debatable. None the less, the triplechanger was startled by the sudden appearance of the younger version of Rodimus Prime, that showed clear enough on his faceplate. "He says...He's Prime Nova. Can't say that I know him." Answering the easier question first. His blue optics studied him closely however, once the shock started to ebb. "You remember why we're here right?" This wasn't just some trick, this /was/ the Rodimus, the Hot Rod, who'd come here with them to be rid of Unicrons presence... And not some weird flashback. Everyone seemed to answer Talazia's question sure enough. Gears has a look around and sighs. "So what do we do, walk to Unicron's core and rip it out of him?" The area doesn't seem at all appealing. Clutch glances around at the commotion, noting Hot Rod and the surprise he's generating in the others. He looks familiar...mainly because of the resemblance to Rodimus Prime, who Clutch has only known of for a short while as well. But Clutch realizes the ancient Prime asked a question. He isn't sure if it's rhetorical, but answering it will say a lot of what is on his mind, and he assumes on the minds of many of the other Autobots. Clutch steps closer to Prime Nova and stands a little straighter. "What I seek...what we -all- seek, is to have the Matrix of Leadership back. -Rodimus- Prime led us here. He leads all Autobots, no matter what happens." Clutch's gaze lingers on Hot Rod. "But to truly lead, many feel he needs the Matrix. The true Matrix, and uncorrupted. That's why he's come here. The rest of us are here to witness, and help if we can..." Rodimus Prime looks a little antsy with everyone staring at him. "What, is there something on my paint?" He begins inspecting himself. He gives Lightspeed's educated guess a faint smirk. "Rodimus Prime is history. He's too big, he worries a lot, no one really respects him. Hot Rod's back, and I don't play by the rules." He then frowns, trying to be more serious. "Listen, the longer we stand around here with our thumbs up our tailpipes, the bigger chance we risk of Unicron figuring out what we're up to and flushing us out. Less talk, and more action!" He glares at Prime Nova. "Tell me where Unicron is, old man. I'm going to put an end to him..." He cocks his laser carbine, "Personally." Prime Nova looks faintly disgusted by the brash youth that is Hot Rod, and he seems to be pointedly ignoring Marissa and Talazia. A fine leader of Autobots, he may have been, but he was not without his flaws, and under the influence of Unicron, perhaps some of those flaws are showing more than they otherwise would. He snorts and crosses his arms, "How quickly we forget our elders. What a pity the past can truely haunt us." His 'wings' mantle, drawing around him like a dark cape. Prime Nova inquires airily, "The true Matrix back? Is that really what you seek? Or would you perhaps prefer to /control/ Unicron? To have the raw power of darkness at your beck and call? Hmm?" Foxfire pins his ears back. "What d'you mean, no one respects Rodimus? We *all* respect him!" He sighs. "So much for getting through this with someone actually *leading* us..." Rodimus Prime glares at Foxfire. "Yeah, leave it to a tape to have someone have to tell them what to do all the time..." He rolls his optics in exasperation. Kup lets out a tired groan as Hot Rod tears into the scene in his usual fashion. "Primus help me, I didn't think there'd be anything worse than havin' to be inside Unicron again. Nah, now HE'S back." Watching Hot Rod fire upon the tentacles does give him the impression that it's ok to trash the place though, and Kup does so, firing into the defensive systems whenever they stray close. "Ha! Still, this brings back memories, doesn't it, Springer? All we need is Arcee, Ultra Magnus, and some of the others that were there and we'd be set." The old mech adds, over the sound of gunfire, "I haven't forgotten you, Nova. I know just about everybody in here, ya see. I was still a youngbot when you were in charge. In fact, I remember you a little *too* well." Sky Lynx hisses at Foxfire softly, "Foxfire-- Hot Rod is Rodimus and thus he is still the leader," The draconic mech looks at Hot Rod and nods his head, "But I do agree with you-- Hot Rod, we do need to make haste." The Optical band on the taller cybertronian look to Prime Nova, "We seek the Matrix and we seek to destroy Unicron, /not/ his power." "Is that what you think, huh?" Lightspeed said softly. The Technobot only really knew one Prime in person, and that was Rodimus. While he had read about Optimus, he also knew that both where their own bot. "No. We have all seen what that power can and has done. It corrupts, destroys, and leaves nothing alive in its wake. We are going to destroy that power, with or with out your help." Lightspeed said to Nova Prime, pulling out his own Light-Burst Gun and preparing it. Foxfire glares at Hot Rod. "Well, it's not like *we've* ever been inside the Matrix before, KID! Jeez, and people say *I'm* young and immature..." Which he is, but that's beside the point. He snorts and replies to Sky Lynx, "He may technically be Rodimus, but right now he's just getting on my nerves." Clutch shakes his head firmly. "No. We don't want Unicron's power. I don't even care about Unicron...only what he's doing to the Matrix." He pauses, then says in a much softer voice, "To the Autobots." Marissa Faireborn doesn't seem to notice Prime Nova ignoring her or Talazia. She's either too much in awe at this experience, or understands that in the end this is a journey for the Autobots, and that the humans are merely here to help in any way that they can. The Colonel taps Talazia on the shoulder, "Just imagine how old he is," she whispers. "The human race hasn't been around for even a fraction of his time." "We have no interest in controlling Unicron, beyond whatever may be necessary to keep him from destroying, well, everything," Red Alert tells Prime Nova rather stiffly, holding himself upright. He studies the brash youth that is Hot Rod warily, optics narrowed and expression thoughtful. Hot Rod shoots a tentacle that snakes close to Kup's ankle. "Why don't you two old people reserve a room at the retirement center -after- we've saved the Galaxy?" Talazia Keldahoff sighs. "having that kinda power would be like embracing the dark side, wouldn't it?" Star wars nut here. She then looks to Marissa. "That would be true, Marissa. However, he also could be testing us." She then rubs her nose...... Prime Nova seems unperturbed by the drawing of weapons. He already died. What is another death, to him? A thousand deaths! He laughs, a rather eerie sound that reflects oddly off the strangely angled walls, and he steps aside. "So. You turn away from temptation. Well, well. Perhaps you have learned these lessons better than I ever did." He gestures down the hallway. "Pass this way and seek the other Prime. They will guide you." Then he is gone. Red Alert steps towards the others, and draws his particle beam rifle. He looks around nervously, eyes moving from focus to focus. Occasionally he fires on a tentacle that moves too close. Hot Rod transforms and dives right through Prime Nova's vanishing specter! "Alright, Autobots! Let's burn rubber!" Foxfire flicks his ears and gives Talazia an odd look. "Dark Side? You humans and your sci-fi movies..." Yes, he has seen Star Wars, so he actually knows what she's talking about. "Wait, what other Pri-" Red Alert asks, and then cuts himself off as the other vanishes. This certainly was a walk down memory lane, Springer had been getting used to the mannerisms of the more 'mature' Rodimus Prime, that having to deal with the old Hot Rod was like a blast of air. It almost gave him a mild headache in the cerebros. "You'll have to excuse me Kup if I'm not exactly leaping at the chance to relive everything that happened back then! Though the explosion at the end," He flicked the older Autobot a human-guesture of a thumbs up. Still. The outershell of any Autobot didn't automatically change a personality. The core of Rodimus had always remained Hot Rod, the two were one in the same, just as with any lifechanging events...nothing stayed /exactly/ the same. Though here, it appeared quite different. A bit troubling. "What game are you playing exactly? We're here to clense the Matrix, no more. Trying to control Unicorn's a fools notion." Quit trying to plant ideas! Reverent ancient leader or no, Springer didn't personally know Nova Prime, that said...who was to say what to believe in the matrix changed as it was? And er, then he vanished or something before he could press further! Sky Lynx is half tempted-- then he decides.. best too.. He then goes to snatch up Foxfire in his mouth and carry the 'youth'. Why? Because it will perhaps keep Foxfire in a better behaved manner instead of always argueing. Next thing, however Sky Lynx figured, He'll be jokingly called 'mama' Lynxie or something... Now will Foxfire behave however-- that was another matter all together. Sky Lynx succeeds in grasping Foxfire, throwing him off-balance. Foxfire yelps as Sky Lynx grabs him. "Hey! Put me down! I'm not your cub!" He's been watching too many documentaries on Animal Planet, apparently. "Hot Rod's the one being rude!" There was nothing to be done but follow! Else Hot Rod would quickly outpace them both, "Just like the old times indeed Kup." Now who was feeling old? Transforming swiftly, Springer took to the air, mindful of the innards of this replicated Unicron, taking a shot or two for those pincers that tried to snatch a hold. Best to be there when things really started to crash! Arguing with Hot Rod would come later. Kup hears the blast behind him, yelling, "Dammit, lad, you trying to shoot me?" Turning to look at what it was, Kup realizes that Hot Rod might've saved him from one of the tentacles. "Ehnnnh. I take that back. Thanks. But don't let that compliment go to your head Hot Rod!" Grumbling something about damn punks, he begins to run after Hot Rod, and gestures for everyone to go forward. "Go on, everyone! I'll make sure none of that crap follows you people into the corridor!" "There's something very odd in all this," Red Alert murmurs as Hot Rod chases off. "Rodimus Prime asked that we believe in /him/. In /Rodimus Prime/. Do I really believe so little?" Still, he dives forward and transforms, chasing after Hot Rod. Throwing himself fowards, Springer flips into a heavily built helicopter. Tentacles? Oh joy. Gears transforms and prepares to follow Hot Rod and the others. "You don't have to tell me twice," he says, "I knew I should have brought a weed whacker." Gears folds down into the shape of a 1983 Chevy S-10 Truck. Lightspeed kept an optic on Hot Rod. Unlike Springer or Kup, he wasn't used to the brash version of the leader, and it might have thrown him off a bit. Still, he couldn't help but feel a bit wary. He followed after Hot Rod and Red Alert, nodding some and transforming. The Technobot was crunching the numbers and data in his head already, trying to figure out what might be going on. Lightspeed shifts and transforms into his cybertonic car mode. Sky Lynx rumbles softly as he keeps ahold of Foxfire and trots after the others speaking gently with his gritted teeth, which amazingly-- he was rather good at talkin with something in his mouth. "And you need to learn to speak when it is time to speak. Right now, is not the time for argueing, we have work to be done or Rodimus and the Matrix.. may never be saved." Then Sky Lynx places Foxfire on his backside, before he truely bolts after the others. Yay for four legs and long leg reach. Talazia Keldahoff grabs onto Sky Lynx! Cuz, well....she has no propulsion by herself! and air doesn't look solid enough to walk on! Clutch tansforms and follows closely after Hot Rod. "Hey! Slow down and wait for the others!" Despite his own words, he accelerates and tries to stay ahead of the other sportscars. Marissa Faireborn rushes after Hot Rod, sliding into his driver's side. "I hope the other Primes are not as... testy as that one was," she comments to Hot Rod. Marissa has only ever met two Primes in her life. Three if one counts Ultra Magnus. "Do you think it's the corruption of Unicron that made him act that way?" While she's here, she takes the time to admire Hot Rod's interior upholstery. She may never get another chance for this, after all. Foxfire lowers himself, pinning his ears back as he tries to keep a hold on Lynx. Every so often he fires a laser blast from his optics, fending off a tentacle that gets too close. "It's times like this I wish I had a vehicle mode. At least then I could keep up with everyone more easily." So more now he just settles on riding Sky Lynx. Yeehaw!====================[ Orion Pax - Laboratory ]====================
Name Idle Pose Notes Last Action Foxfire 1m 1m Marissa Faireborn 20s 2m Clutch 2m 2m Talazia Keldahoff 2m 2m Kup 2m 5m Hot Rod 2m 10m Hit Sunder w/ punch. Red Alert 0s 11m Gears 4m 20m Galvatron 1m >1h Lightspeed 3m None Sky Lynx 3m None Springer 12s None======= Use +pot/last to retrieve their last pose =======
Hot Rod's interior gauges dance with life, his RPM's redlining as he barrels through one of Unicron's nerve clusters with a terrific shattering of glass and metal. "'Slow down, Hot Rod!'" Hot Rod gently mocks Clutch. "Hey, Marissa, you have any guns? I can't transform with you inside of me -- the cleaning bill would be a fortune and I already spent it all gambling with Springer!" "I've got my pistol, R-... ah... Hot Rod. But we've practiced our tuck-and-roll maneuver before..." Marissa says. "You... do remember this?" Or maybe he doesn't. "I'm sorry, I'm not entirely sure on what you remember." The Colonel finally just sums it up, "If you need to transform, give me exactly five seconds of warning, slow to a few kliks, and open your driver's side door." The corridor Prime Nova pointed to eventually leads into a large and expansive chamber. Somehow, someone seems to have renovated it into a trophy. Lined all across the walls of the room are numerous pictures of a towering blue Autobot with a shield, lance, and a massive chin performing various feats of valor and strength, such as rescuing cilivians from falling debris, or standing triumphant over Decepticon bodies. There are also glass cases containing what appears to be, from the inscriptions upon, weapons from defeated Decepticons. Then a disembodied voice speaks. "Ah, yes, I am awesome, aren't I? Take a look around, everyone. This is my legacy. The legacy of the *greatest Autobot leader of all time.* C'mon. Check your history files. You know the one." Talazia Keldahoff rides on Sky Lynx's head! Yeehaw! Mostly for a better vantage point than anything else. "hmm...Arrogant S.O.B. isn't he?" he says to the disembodied voice. "The only one I know of that says he's awesome is Powerglide.....and he has yet to prove it." Lightspeed continuing on down the corridor, not slowing down much. "You don't sound like you could be the greatest Prime of all time. All of these trophies... do you really need such just to make yourself feel like a leader? I doubt you're even a fraction of any other Autobot Leader if you're like this." The Technobot said. He made sure to watch Hot Rod, and to see what he does here as well. Sky Lynx is indeed behind everyone, well-- for the most part, then comes onto the sight and his optical band flickers as he slows down. Though he does step down on a tentical before ripping it with his massive talons. He then rumbles softly as he listens to Talazia and looks at the figure ahead, "If my databanks are correct," His band dims for a moment before flickering brightly, "I believe this may be Sentinel Prime-- the Prime before Optimus Prime, though." Shaking the paw with the tentical 'blood/oil/whatever' on it, "I could be mistaken and it could be someone else.." Foxfire peers at the mech, ears twitching at the voice. "'Arrogant' is an understatement, I think..." He jumps down from Sky Lynx's back. "Sentinel Prime, eh? How'd someone like *that* get the Matrix?" 1983 Chevy S-10 grumbles as he dodges tentacles as best he can, and blasts the rest with his disruptor cannon. Can this get any more wierd? The whole thing is incomprehensible. "We're not going to die down here, are we? If these things grab us, do they grab us in real life?" he wonders aloud. Fire Chief's Car, for all his stuffiness, is a fairly fast sports car, and manages to avoid falling too far behind the others. He resists the urge to turn on his flashers - moving at this speed, that's an instinct of his. He's also so far avoided setting off anyone else's alarms. "Erm, Sentinel," he says as he roars through the 'trophy room,' "We seek to cleans the Matrix and regain /our/ Prime. Nova said you'd help guide us?" Hot Rod rolls down his window so Marissa can shoot Unicron-tentacles. "Tuck-and-roll... Right. Well, try not to break your ankle this time. I took out my first aid kit to make room for a new nitro thruster." Flames shoot out his tailpipe and he launches over a conveniently placed ramp, literally flying into Sentinel Prime's chamber before spinning out with a liberal application of the emergency break. His doors pop open so Marissa can exit before he transforms. "Wow... This reminds me of my dorm room at the Autobot Academy. Just, uh, /bigger/." Clutch slows to a stop and transforms, examining some of the pictures and trophies. "You have to admit, this -is- kind of what you'd expect from an Autobot leader." He winces a bit at Sentinel's voice. "Er...well, actions speak louder than words." Once within the chamber, Springer reverted with that characteristic sound, touching down lightly that frown firmly back in place. He dusted off some of the broken shards from his armour, before narrowing his optics at the display, and then ofcourse, there was the voice. Voice, Autobot, and the words that didn't seem very...Prime like. Infact, if he didn't know better it sounded a little more like Decepticon arrogance. That in itself was like a warning flag. "I think Foxfire...that there is the crux for atleast one piece of the puzzle." As for Gears, "I'm pretty sure we die." Brutal honest truth, he found enough to flash the other a small grin, "A body cant exist without a mind, but I wouldn't get too worried. There're enough of us here." He settled himself enough to let Red Alert question, he was about to ask along the same lines anyways. The disembodied voice yells, "Powerglide!?!? Listen, organic creature thing, he was never even Autobot leader in the first place! Geeze! And who let you and that other organic thing in here? Look, just... just don't leave any of your waste in here, it smells." As Sky Lynx gives his guess, the large blue robot in question abruptly appears out of thin air right beside Sky Lynx. "DING DING DING! Oh yeah, my man here just got it right!" Sentinel Prime grins as he pats the giant Autobot on his neck. "I would've been *ashamed* if the Autobots had forgotten about me, Sentinel Prime. And I'm serious, guys, the Autobots never had it better than when I was in charge." Hearing Red Alert's plea, Sentinel just shrugs at Red Alert. "Clean the Matrix? Man, it's not going anywhere. It can wait. Hey, Hot Rod! You remind me of me, and that makes you ok in my book. Want some brewski?" The big-chinned bot tosses Hot Rod a can of ener-hol from out of nowhere. "Yeah, I'm not some tight-aft, like some of the other guys in here. I know how to party!" Marissa furrows her brow. "Break my ankle? Hot Rod, that was..." how many years ago? The Colonel can't even remember, it was so long ago. "I'll do my best," she promises. She never hung out with Hot Rod much, and didn't hold the rebellious mech in very high regard. She, like others, was skeptical when he became the Autobot leader. Her deep friendship with Rodimus Prime did not come until years later. Marissa exits the flaming sports car and looks around at all the trophies. "Ego, much?" she mutters to herself as she looks at Sentinel Prime. Talazia Keldahoff looks down to Sky Lynx. 'Hey Sky Lynx, Foxfire? Think he'd let us borrow his chin? I think that's the weapon we need to punch a hole in the Decepticon flagship. Dear GOD that thing's huge......" Foxfire rubs at his forehead with a front paw. "'Ego' nothin'...he's just full of hot air." At Talazia's comments, he erupts into a fit of giggles. Lightspeed slowed down to a stop, but remained in technocar form for now. The more he heard from Hot Rod, the more he couldn't help but wonder why he reverted back from Rodimus in here, among other things. "Party? I'm sure that the Primes know how to party regardless, but at the same time, they put their duty first. Not just to their troops, but to everyone, to everything. The Primes protect the world, the galaxy, and every being, don't they? They put their own lives last to those under their command as well as innocents, or was that just the more recent Primes?" Sky Lynx gets patted on the side of the neck. Something-- seemed slightly off about Sentinel Prime. Though he would roll his optics-- if he could, at some of the remarks being flied about. Now-- how to get to a arrogant leader to assist. Sky Lynx then clears his vocalizer softly before he speaks, "Sentinel Prime, sir-- if we.. may ask of your great assistant, after all-- such a grand warrior as yourself must know on the location of what we seek, after all-- whom better then the best Prime there ever was, hmm?" Hot Rod catches the enerbeer in one hand, giving Sentinel Prime a slight grin. "Can I take a raincheck on that party, Sentinel? We're trying to find Unicron so we can, uh, blow him up again. You know how it goes. Save the Galaxy and all that... I'm sure you did it a few times yourself." He looks longingly at the ener beverage in his hand. Sentinel scowls at Talazia, but he just provides himself with his own can of ener-beer. "Hmph. Duty. Come on. I was Autobot Leader. I know about that." Then, appropriately, he tilts his head back and chugs the drink down. "Then you should know the priority that we must put on this mission, Sentinel Prime." Lightspeed said, emphasizing the last word. Fire Chief's Car transforms and sniffs at the air, then scowls. His senses were all but useless here - everything's shifting. "Why isn't this area as badly affected as the one we just left?" he asks Sentinel, his optics scanning the trophies. "Or rather, why isn't this area as obviously affected as the one we just left?" "..." Speechless. If Springer had any doubts before-- "Now I /know/ this isn't right." Slightly off? "Hey Hot Rod, you said it yourself earlier, we don't have time for fraternizing, not if it gets us nowhere closer to our goal. That said, as...fun as this might be to hang about here and chat about what might have been," not really this was getting annoying, "this kind of discussion is hardly one that teaches insightful knowledge." It was difficult to treat the other with respect and reverence when the behaviour was completly the opposite one would expect from a valient leader who was utterly respected. "Enerbeer doesn't count." Sentinel Prime walks up to Hot Rod and puts his arm around his neck in a buddy-buddy kinda way. "C'mon, *man!* Lighten up a little! Enjoy life! Look, I know there's something wrong with the Matrix, dude, but we'll fix it! We'll fix it *in good time.* But you know, I don't see a lotta people in here! This is like, a once-in-a-million years event! Here, maybe this will change your mind. Girls?" He snaps his fingers, and as an awesome techno beat starts up, a bunch of go-go cyber girl-bots appear out of thin air and begin to dance around the Autobots invitingly. "WOOO!" Sentinel says, dancing with one of the girl-bots as he waves his beer around. "Everyone, forget about the Matrix for now, let's PARTY! YEAH!" "Lighten up? Are you crazy?" Gears grumbles, "There's nothing to be lightened up about! Unicron's trapped in the Matrix, my servos are seizing, and the music you just turned on is making my audios glitch." Hot Rod drops his ener-beer when Sentinel Prime headlocks him, waving his arms in the air. "Hey--!" He winces and tries to tug his head out before Sentinel releases him, sending him flying onto his aft. "Primus, this is like Tri-Omega initiation all over again..." Marissa Faireborn's jaw drops as Sentinel begins to party it up. Femme bots appear out of no-where and begin dancing. The Colonel's face turns red, and she's so shocked and furious that she doesn't even recognize the Blue Femme amongst the go-go cyber girl-bots. "Sentinel!" she shouts, cupping her hands around his mouth to amplify her voice. "We don't have time for this! Stow your ego where the sun doesn't shine so we can stop what's tainting the Matrix!" Foxfire narrows his optics with a snarl. "Look, YOU. I don't *care* if you're a Prime or not--the Matrix is our top priority and we can't waste our time talking to someone who's full of hot air. Now if you're not gonna give us any useful information, then we're not listening to you anymore. Got it?" Sky Lynx just.. well.. stared. "..Primus above.." He mutters softly as he taps a talon on the ground, not really to the music, but more in annoyance. "Sentinel, if this continues-- you will not be able to party. No more femmes for you to dance with-- no more rewards.. no more.. trophies.. no more parties. Unicron must be stopped and the matrix must be saved or there will be /Nothing/." Talazia Keldahoff facepalms. "ooookay. This is almost as bad as in college." She says putting her head on Sky Lynx's forehead. "If the the Matrix is Corrupted, there WILL BE NO ENERBEER!" She shouts as loud as she can. "I imagine you're wasting your breath talking to him," Red Alert says to Foxfire and Marissa, tone stiff. "Even if he /is/ who he claims to be, no doubt he himself has been affected by what's going on here. It's all a /distraction./" "Hot Rod, I suggest, very heavily, that we move on regardless of what the Prime there might want. Just take a chance, choose the path, and move on." Lightspeed said. First Nova and now Sentinel. Both tried to slow them down. Red Alert voices what Lightspeed was thinking. "Come on guys and gal. We don't have the time for this." Marissa Faireborn puts her hands on her hips, angry even as Red Alert explains that Sentinel isn't the sort who likes to listen. She tries to reign in her temper. "Ugh, and you were /led/ by this idiot? This is almost as bad as..." Michael Briar? Holy moly the resemblance is uncanny! Michael had a much smaller chin, though. "I couldn't have said it better Red Alert." Springer chimed in, having eavesdropped even over all this techno-rave mess. Give him any other scenario that was less 'fate in the balance', and he might have been inclined to enjoy some of what was going on. But they were here with a purpose. "Any bright ideas? I don't think using alternative force would be the best diplomatic position." If anyone could thinka bout raising a weapon to one of their esteemed leaders that is. Sentinel glowers at everyone. "Man, what a bunch of tight-afts!" he yells over the music. "It's going to be ok, everyone! Someone else will handle it, geeze! You don't get to party this hard too often!" Looking around as everyone, even the "real" women, begin to desert him. "Fine! More babe-bots for me! C'mon girls!" The go-go girl-bots cluster around him and begin to dance with him. "Woooooooo!" Foxfire snorts. "I know it's a distraction. That's why I'm getting so ticked off. Let's just ignore him--that ego of his might crush us if we stay too long." There appears to be a sign labeled "Exit" at the other end of the room, leading into a dark area. Foxfire blinks at the sign. "Well. That's convenient." A sign above a door. Cough. "It's probably a trap," Red Alert observes as he marches right towards it. Hot Rod stands up, nodding to Lightspeed. The young mech tries to put on a more serious face. "You're... right, Lightpeed," he says, looking around the room. "There. Behind that 'Ariel and the Pinketrons' poster. I think we can blast our way through!" Hot Rod runs up to the poster, both arm guns blazing a stream of sizzling photons that begins to peel the poster away! Sky Lynx lowers himself down for Foxfire to hop back on, "Come on Foxfire, back on the Sky Lynx express.." At least the large mech can keep them protected-- hopefully. Foxfire rolls his optics. "You think *everything's* a trap, Red." Hot Rod frowns. "Oh... Sorry about the poster, Sentinel." He transforms, rolling up to Marissa. "Get in!" Sentinel yells, "My poster! You jerk!" Marissa Faireborn hops in, "Lets get out of here. This guy's a giant waste of time." Foxfire jumps back onto Sky Lynx. "Y'know, a tape could get used to this kind of transportation..." Lightspeed would smile if he wasn't still in his technocar form. "This is no Prime, Hot Rod. He cares only for himself and not of others or his duty. He'd rather others do his work while he gets the fame and glory. There is no real fame or glory in such things though." The Technobot began to make his way towards the exit, blowing the door open with his missiles as he heads towards it. "And I'm right... sometimes," Red Alert snaps back at Foxfire. "But enough times that it's safest to assume it." He starts to listen at the door, but seeing the brash youth return to vehicle mode, decides instead to jump out of the way and Transform. Sky Lynx makes his way out and chuckles softly as he trots along, "Hang on everyone!" He warns both Talazia and Foxfire before he starts to move at full speed once more. Springer'd smile for Lightspeed, but only long enough for him to transform once more, following Hot Rod's direction. Talazia Keldahoff grabs on, holds tight and....doesn't get her mouth closed in time. "AAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHhhhhhh......!!!" As the Autobots progress into the dark room, they suddenly find themselves.. on Cybertron? Here, on a battlefield strewn with bodies, Sentinel hangs in mid-air, from the claw of a massive purple and green Decepticon. "No... no... please!" Sentinel begs. "Haven't you heard, Prime?" says the Decepticon. "SCORPONOK does not show mercy!" And he grabs the Autobot with both claws, and in a horrific show of strength he literally rips Sentinel in half. This scene fades to black, and Sentinel's voice says, "Look, kid. I thought I was the best there was. I was cocky, overconfident, and it killed me when I ran into a Decepticon that was better than me. Don't wind up like me, kiddo. Know your limits. Because all those accomplishments of mine? Well, they don't matter too much now that I'm dead, do they?" Light returns to the room, and everyone appears to be back in "Unicron." Foxfire barks, more like a squeal, in alarm as he watches Sentinel die. He pins his ears back and narrows his optics as they go briefly offline, attempting to banish the image from his processor. He is disturbed, horrified, and frightened. Hot Rod can't express any facial emotion as Sentinel Prime gets ripped in half in his rear-view mirror. "Primus..." He gasps, headlights dimming with the horror of the scene as he navigates through Unicron's treacherous inner pathways. "I feel like I really shoulda had that ener-beer with him, Marissa..." Sky Lynx stares at the scene as he slows down and hrms softly, "Let that-- be a good lesson to all." However as the 'world' goes back to normal, Sky Lynx lets out a yelp as a tentical tries to grab his leg. He growls, before he blasts out flames at it, cooking it /real/ good. "..Blasted place.. if I wasn't overly concerned in what damage I do, I blow the whole bloody place up." Marissa Faireborn looks away from the horrible sight of Sentinel Prime, a mech who despite his attitude was so alive just 'moments' ago, torn down by this 'Scorponok'. She pats Hot Rod's steering wheel. "Stay strong, Hot Rod," she urges. "There's no turning back." When they're back in 'Unicron,' Red Alert speeds up, then slows down, pulling up alongside Lightspeed. He says to Lightspeed, just loud enough to be heard over everything else, "What do you make of all this?" The next area of the Matrix's inner landscape is a bit like Unicron's twisted little cortex hub -- that is, video screens everywhere. They line the walls -- the ceilings -- the floors -- everywhere, a giant corridor twisting off in a long, winding shape, with various branches leading who knows where. The videos all seem to be playing the same clip -- a red and yellow robot being blasted to shreds by the cannons mounted on what appears to be a giant scorpion. The hundreds upon hundreds of screens aren't even playing in sync -- some are sped up, some slowed down, some from one angle, some from another -- but they all loop the same event, the murder of this red and yellow robot. Said red and yellow robot then shuffles toward the group. He's missing an arm, and has a giant hole in his stomach like a cannonball's been punched through. His chest panels swing open, like broken saloon doors, creaking when he walks; and most visibly, his head is tucked under his one remaining arm. He turns to look at one of the screens. "Maybe if I'd-- tch, no." The robot turns again, facing the group. He adjusts his grip on his head, to hold it a bit higher. "Er-- hi, there. Welcome to my little corner of the Matrix. Sorry about the lousy decor -- I just keep trying to figure out how I could have done it differently. I'm Sarikus Prime. Is something going on out there?" Kup falls forward, folding up into really old looking futuristic truck! Talazia Keldahoff makes a face at the rather....grisly scene played out before them. She then grips onto Sky Lynx's head a bit tighter. "There is never a best. Just a best at the time. The Red Baron, and Michael Briar. Two good examples. Saying you're the best only makes you overconfident." She then looks to the new bot. "hmmmm...." Cybertruck begins driving up from behind everyone, having no idea what just transpired moments ago. Lightspeed blasted any tentacles that got to close to them, driving along. "I don't think it would matter either way Sky Lynx. I'm not surprised by what happened though." He said. "Well, Red... we're getting a history lesson, and, if that is our current Prime, he's learning what happened to those that came before him and what caused their failings." Lightspeed replied to Red softly, voicing his concerns, in a way, over his thoughts about Hot Rod right now. He trusted Rodimus, but Hot Rod was acting oddly at times none the less. Gears shakes his head sadly at the scene. "Too cocky," he says, "And that's what did him in. Well, you won't catch me acting that way." Foxfire jumps off Sky Lynx again. "Just your friendly neighborhood heroes trying to restore the Matrix..." Sky Lynx continues on, which isn't far till the new Prime arrives-- he.. honestly doesn't recall the name of this Prime. It doesn't even seem to be in his databanks, pitty really. Marissa Faireborn covers her mouth as we enter see the failed attempts by Sarikus Prime to relive his one chance. "Oh... my... God..." she breaths. She sees the red and yellow robot destroyed, time after time. They are all the same, and all terrifying. Coming to a stop, Lightspeed transformed back to his robot mode, and looked at Sarikus Prime. "It is okay. I'm sure you were not expecting company as it was any ways." He said. Looking around, Lightspeed's data banks began to go into over time, and walked over to Red Alert. "Or it could be warning us..." He said softly to the security chief. Hot Rod rolls into Sariksus' corner of the Matrix more slowly than before, perhaps sobered by the lesson of Sentinel Prime. "Sariksus..." He says, headlights flashing, not even transforming now. "I... I'm Rodimus Prime," Hot Rod states, hesitantly. "Unicron has infected the Matrix; we're trying to find wherever he is and destroy him for good. I... Know your time as leader of the Autobots as short, but if you help us in this hour, I promise to honor your memory for as long as I hold the Matrix." Cybertruck rises up into robot mode near the others, squinting at the cortex hub, then at Sarikus. "Eh... damn, my memory's fuzzy. Which one were you?" Kup says scratching the side of his head. Fire Chief's Car remains near Lightspeed, and transforms when he does. He says, "I'm wondering if Rodi- Hot Rod's reversion isn't part of the same theme... failures of the Primes. With what we've been through in the last few decades, it must be very... tempting to revert to a position of less respons-" then he cuts himself short as Hot Rod speaks up - and introduces himself as Rodimus Prime. Red Alert grins. The faded green cybertruck springs up and splits apart, revealing the ancient Autobot, Kup! Lightspeed shifts and changes into his sleek and dashing robot self. Gears unfolds and rises from the ground, standing before you in robot mode. Did he have that scowl even as a Truck? "It's okay if you don't remember me," Sarikus Prime says. His tone is a bit flat, a bit glum, like someone who's just -- given up, in every conceivable sense. "I had barely had the Matrix passed to me when -- hn, I guess you can see for yourselves." Sarikus then turns to face the fancy flamin' sports car. "Rodimus?" he asks, saying the name as if it has no meaning to him. After a moment's pause, he says, "I'm sorry, I feel like that name should ring a bell, but -- nothing. I don't know." He turns to face one wall of screens, staring at them blankly. "I don't know what I can offer to help. I couldn't even help myself." Foxfire paces a little. He seems nervous, especially since he can't smell anything whatsoever. His nose is useless here, and it's making him anxious. "Rodimus is the current Matrix Bearer. And the Matrix...is in peril." He tenses slightly, as if expecting Unicron's tentacles to suddenly appear and strike. Talazia Keldahoff ponders something, then taps Sky Lynx on the head. "Sky Lynx....I think I'm seeing a pattern here." "Sarikus Prime," Marissa says from within Hot Rod, "I'm so sorry," she says, unable to think of what else to say to this poor mech. She feels guilty for the fact that she's never heard of this Autobot before now, yet he gave his life trying to stop the Decepticons. Sky Lynx mrhs softly, "A pattern?" He asks Talazia-- allowing Hot/Rodimus have the stage here, since he feels a little-- odd in this area. Hot Rod deposits Marissa before transforming, walking up to the depressed and deceased Autobot leader. "I lead the Autobots in the 21st Solar Century," Hot Rod explains, hoping to provide some context for his historical counterpart. "Sarikus, the Matrix is always passed in a time when the Autobots are facing extreme danger. Before me was Ultra Magnus, the greatest soldier the Autobots have ever known. Even he lost the Matrix right after receiving it... But we all learned from his example. His sacrifice. Without Ultra Magnus, I wouldn't be half the leader that I am now. You fought your hardest, Sarikus. You are a true hero to us all, even if your time was brief." Kup's brow furrows as he thinks hard. "Lessee... Vector Prime? Nah, that ain't him... No, or maybe he was the guy that mastered the Flaming Comet Attack. Yeah, he'd shout that at the top of his lungs and then he'd..." Kup pauses in mid-sentence. "...ah, no, that ain't him, either. Damn, was even on Cybertron when this guy was in charge? Maybe I was off-world." Clutch stands next to Hot Rod, if a little behind. ""What...what happened to you, Sarikus Prime?" He eyes the scorpion. "Is that...is that the same Decepticon from before? The one who beat Sentinel Prime?" Lightspeed shook his head. "As Rodimus says, regardless of how long your time as Prime was, regardless of how things went, you still are a Prime, and you still have the power to help." He said. Clenching his fist some, Lightspeed put out of his mind his own failings from the past. Looking up, Lightspeed nodded some when he heard Clutch. "That has to be Scorponok." He said, answering for Sarikus Prime. Talazia Keldahoff says, "yeah. Arrogance, submission......and while I doubt Lust is in here....i imagine it'll build till it Hits the temptation of power....with Unicron." "Yes-- Makes me wonder what other Prime's will be shown in such lights." Sky Lynx says to Talazia seeming lost in thought, "I-- sometimes am starting to wonder if we will find 'Rodimus' himself in here-- a reflection of his true-self." Talazia Keldahoff ponders. "Actually...Temptation came first...didn't it." Clutch whirls angrily on Talazia and Sky Lynx. "What's wrong with you? This is a Prime. These are -all- Primes. They're the leaders of the Autobots! Don't try to...to characterize them by their flaws!" He seems to calm down a bit, then shakes his head. "I'm sorry. Sorry. It's just...these should be heroes. Every one of them. The Matrix does not fall to an unworthy Autobot." He looks around at the other Autobots. "Please...we shouldn't be judging them. let's just see what they have to say. We shouldn't be judging them." "Yes--" Sky Lynx states, "It did.." Hot Rod mutters to Sky Lynx, "I'm not dead /yet/, Sky Lynx." Talazia Keldahoff looks to Clutch. "I know Clutch....and they seem to be showing us their worst side on purpose......" Foxfire continues pacing. "I'm getting restless--I want *out* of here. Unicron could fully take over at any moment..." "Perhaps--" Sky Lynx, "--That is what Unicron wants us to remember, there flaws-- not for there glory. After all-- Unicron is corrupting the matrix, hmm?" Then the larger cybertronian looks to Rod..Hot Rod, "Sir, I know your not dead, nor would I want it-- but this is Unicron we are dealing with and lets face it-- the hardest thing to face, is to face ones own true-self." Kup rubs his chin. "Yeah. I think I remember. I was on Marzarbar VIII, fightin' the Infecticons. Nasty scrap, that was. Had to be thoroughly decontaminated after every battle, and we needed constant vaccinations. Ehh, think we got a request from a guy called Sarikus Prime for a status report, and we sent it, but we never heard back from 'im." Glancing at the screen, Kup mutters, "Guess that's why." "Huh? Wha?" Sarikus replies to Clutch, turning his body to face him a bit. "Did you see that one? Up there, in the corner," which narrows it down to approximately twelve looping screens. "I almost had him. If I'd just gotten that first shot in -- I had him right in my sights." Sarikus Prime sighs deeply and forlornly, before his attention refocuses, on Hot Rod and his passenger, Marissa. "It's very kind of you to say. Unicron -- I -- I know a Unicron. I knew a Unicron. Unicro-- I-- I'm having trouble, I'm sorry, it's just-- It's hard to think with all this-- this /noise/." It's true. All of those screens, playing all at once, is rather loud. "I-- I died buying my friend-- I died-- You. You, Rodimus." Sarikus walks forward, holding his head a bit higher, as if trying to speak more 'on the level.' "All of you. I-- I know what I should be saying-- I just-- What did I want to say? I'll get it in a minute-- I almost got him-- If I'd had that second shot-- Second-- Seconds to go-- Friends-- My friend-- I-- I think I have it now." Red Alert arrived into the situation doubtful. He had feared, of late, that Rodimus's possession of the corrupted Matrix may have corrupted Rodimus in turn. He worried that his doubts might even interferre with, or worse, doom the mission (Red Alert is a worst case scenario kind of guy). But now, other things are occuring to him. That when Rodimus did regain the Matrix, he /tucked it under his arm./ That the Matrix's decay accelerated /after/ he lost the Matrix. Even going by Thunderwing's words, he, Rodimus, had /kept the corruption in check./ And now, with the youth offering these words of wisdom to this ancient, lost Prime, with him reclaiming his name... Red Alert finds he really can believe in him. He approaches Sky Lynx and murmurs, "Whatever it is, Sky Lynx, we'll face it." "It wouldn't surprise me at all," Gears says, arms crossed again in consternation, "It looks more and more like the things in here are becoming screwed up. Now what I want to know is, when are we going to find where we FIX the problem?" Red Alert looks at Hot Rod. "Rodimus, sir, perhaps we should shut these distractions down." He gestures to the monitors. Lightspeed brought his weapon up, and took aim, but stopped before firing. "Red, you do remember what we learned and what we know, right? We shouldn't destroy all of these, as they are memories, and we can not destroy the past in its entirety. It still needs to be known, to be learned from, and to be remembered." Hot Rod draws both of his pistols, nodding to Red Alert. "Lock and load, Autobots. Sarikus -- You won't have these pesky distractions for much longer!" He starts blasting the nearest monitors, which explode in a shower of sparks, smoke, and evil sick-green Unicronian essence. "But then, if they're infected... it might be best to destroy them." Lightspeed then added. Talazia Keldahoff ponders something. "It's possible he's focused on something." She ponders looking at the screens, before they're blown out. "Sacrifice....." Foxfire pins his ears back, a shudder spreading through his body. If he had fur, he'd be bristling. He's becoming more nervous. "We...we need to go...Unicron...we can't escape him...he's...all over!" He is now terrified. Marissa Faireborn looks at the now dark monitors with sorrow for Sarikus's plight. She is ready to get out of here, though not without a small amount of pity for the nearly forgotten Autobot leader. "Foxfire's right," she says quietly. "We need to keep moving." Red Alert draws his rifle and begins firing on the monitors, one after another. He takes out several at once with a rocket, then shudders, making a face at the sickly scent before he starts to fire again. Was it that easy to tell that even the large mech was slowly becoming skittish-- however it seemed Foxfire had beaten Sky Lynx to the freak out, "Foxfire!" Sky Lynx calls over to the youth, "Calm yourself-- Unicron will not get to us, have faith!" Kup draws his own rifle and sets himself to taking out screens with focused laser bolts. "Too many bad memories in here, Lightspeed. Maybe we'll save one or two for him to learn from, but he needs sumthin' else to remember himself by." He squeezes the trigger again, causing another screen to explode. "And besides, I don't like this show." Lightspeed nodded, firing at the screens as well, keeping quiet. He didn't have much else to say about the things here. Hot Rod walks up to Sarikus once only one screen remains, offering him one of his smoking pistols. "Finish the job, Sarikus Prime." As the monitors explode, sparks shower the corridor. Blasting some causes others to explode in sequence; the effect is dazzling, but blinding, as white sparks seem to fill the area. But when they disappear, Sarikus Prime stands tall and whole, his broad form -- which bears hints of transforming into some kind of Cybertronian truck-thing -- gleaming in the newly dim light -- almost seeming to illuminate the path himself. "Thanks," Sarikus Prime says, walking up that one final screen, and taking Rodimus' pistol. "Sometimes I really need to get over myself." With a final blast, the image is gone, and he turns to face Rodimus -- and the assembled Autobots and allies. "Unicron's here, yes -- and that means we're all under the gun. Whether you're a commando or a welder, all of you need to know that the only way you'll get through this -- is /together/. That's what bearing the wisdom of the Matrix taught me -- it truly showed me that the only true victory is one that helps others, not just yourself. Part of me thought I failed when I was scrapped -- but I died so that others could live. I hope none of you have to face that -- but it's not over yet, and so you just may. But if you do end up staring death down -- face it without fear. Know that the Autobots will persevere -- that we fall so that others may survive, and that we survive to honor those who fell for us." Sarikus hands Hot Rod back his pistol: "Thanks, kid. By the way -- nice paintjob. Keep heading inward -- there are people you'll all want to meet." Hot Rod accepts the pistol, giving Sarikus a curt nod. "I won't forget you, Sarikus. I promise." He looks to the other Autobots, waving them forward. "Onward, Autobots!" He barks, more authoritatively than before. "Transform and roll out!" Red Alert dives forward into his vehicle mode, his engine reving. "Welcome back, Rodimus," he says. "Easy for you to say," Foxfire mumbles. "You actually have a mode with wheels." Kup stares at Sarikus open-mouthed for a moment. "Sir, I didn't know you so good, but I wish I had gotten the chance." He comes to attention and delivers a sharp salute. "Rest in peace." The old mech holds that pose for a moment before he transforms again, and roars off after the others. Kup falls forward, folding up into really old looking futuristic truck! Marissa Faireborn gives one final nod to Sarikus Prime and once again hops into Hot Rod for the drive out of here. Hot Rod dives after Red Alert, transforming into his sports car mode and racing alongside. "I'm not all the way back yet, Red Alert. Just wait for the trailer." Lightspeed nodded a bit. "People from our past, that we all knew well I bet, are all in the Matrix somewhere. Not just the Primes." He said, preparing himself. The Technobot looked at Rodimus and smiled. He was regaining his old self, and putting the data expert at ease, transforming into his technocar again and taking off. "He's still not himself just yet Red, but he's getting there, and we'll make sure he gets there in one piece." Sky Lynx lifts up Foxfire once more and follows along, like he has been doing the whole time, tra-la-la The terrain shifts as our heroes move forward. It slowly transforms from Sarikus Prime's failed attempts to view a second, better chance, into dark, cavernous metal tunnels. It is the same as the tunnels that criss-cross through Cybertron's underground. The few light sources on the ceilings and walls cast long shadows through the twisty tunnel. Within the span of several seconds, various shades of purple colours steps out of one of these shadows, forming up into a humanoid form with bright magenta wings. A white metal beard graces his face, but unlike the familiar vicious facial 'hair' of the Sweeps, this mech has a grandfatherly appearance about him. The most distinctive thing about him, however, are his optics. They have a great sadness about them. "Autobots," Alpha Trion says in a frail but wise voice. "I'm pleased you are here, for the Matrix has suffered unlike ever before and needs your help." Alpha Trion steps forward. His gaze is a kind one, and it sweeps over those Autobots who have been sent here. He gives each their due. But he, like Prime Nova before him, does not seem to notice the humans. "I cannot help you other than to offer my advice. You must know the stakes involved here. The taint of Unicron's presence has nearly consumed the Matrix as a whole. Were it allowed to continue unchallenged, I fear it would fall wholly to its dark influence." The mech's gaze finally falls upon Hot Rod, but he gives no other outward sign of recognizing the Autobot for the leader he will eventually become. It is as if the mech is sizing the young Autobot up, judging him. "Given enough time, the Matrix would not be as you once knew it. It would become a force of evil. It would become, and still will should you fail... selfish, cruel..." Alpha Trion's optics turn dark as he emphasizes this last word, "...deceptive." He suddenly breaks his optic-contact with Hot Rod, looking away. Foxfire hunches, trembling badly. His ears are pinned back once more, a clear sign of fear. "Unicron IS all around us...I can...I can feel it...this evil presence...we have to...we have to purify the Matrix and rid ourselves of him once and for all!" The faded green cybertruck springs up and splits apart, revealing the ancient Autobot, Kup! "Don't be afraid, Foxfire," Hot Rod offers, slowing down once Alpha Trion's apparition materializes. "Unicron feeds on our fear... You have to be strong. I know you can do it." He flashes his headlights at Alpha Trion, then. "Alpha Trion, we know the stakes! Show us the way -- we must find Unicron and end this corruption once and for all!" Sky Lynx stands tall and waits for the next orders. There was little he can do to keep Foxfire calm, so-- "Talazia-- try to keep Foxfire calm, please?" Lightspeed transformed, nodding. "Before we go, I do have a question for you Hot Rod, if I may that is." Gears is still scowling and looking as immovable as ever. Not showing that any of this is getting to him, at least not any more than usual. Fire Chief's Car turns on both headlights and flashers in the dark, though he leaves his sirens off (thank goodness). He remains in vehicle mode for the moment. Talazia Keldahoff says, "of course." She then nods to Sky Lynx and looks down. "Hey Foxfire....panicking isn't gonna help us. Either calm down or you don't get any fox treats."" Foxfire lifts his head slightly. "Feeding on fear...that figures..." He turns his gaze to Talazia, giving her what could be considered a mild glare. "I *better* get some treats..." Hot Rod mutters to Lightspeed, "Sure, buddy, though maybe wait until /after/ Alpha Trion has told us how to get out of this mess?" Clutch brings up the rear of the group of Autobots. Even in this surreal and no doubt dangerous setting, it's comforting to drive along as part of a convoy. "Foxfire," he calls out, "We need you. We need your help. Rodimus needs your help." Kup springs up into robot mode in the cavern. "Alpha Trion? Damn, been ages since I seen you. Hell, back then, you had a mustache." As Alpha Trion speaks Kup quickly realizes there's more important things to worry about than memory lane. "Become a force of evil, huh? Over my dead body. I'll tear Unicron apart from the inside out if I have to. Woulda done it last time if Hot Rod didn't beat me to it." Alpha Trion looks at Foxfire. He takes a step back, as if fearing whatever it is the foxbot is sensing - or perhaps it is Foxfire itself? He looks mournfully at the tunnels that he and the other Cybertronian stranded Autobots used in the 4 million year long stalemate, trying not to focus on Foxfire. He looks grateful at Sky Lynx and Clutch's (but, strangely, not Talazia's) efforts at calming him. "Do not make the same mistake that I did," he sighs. "I had the Matrix, but I failed to carry it. I had the chance to lead the Autobots against the Decepticons and I did -nothing-. For... millions... of... years..." he stresses this, feeling the gravity of the words, "I kept the Matrix safe but did not have the *courage* or the *wisdom* to use it. I was a coward." He looks at Hot Rod, "If you still have the will to resist Unicron, then by all means. This tunnel will take you to what you seek. Good luck in your quest, Kup. May you all have more success with the Matrix than I did." "You kept the cause alive, Alpha Trion," Hot Rod states, wheels already rolling forward as he zooms down the path Alpha Trion shows. "There would be no Autobots without you! Now let's show 'em what we've got, mechs! Unicron -- watch out! Here we come!" Lightspeed smirked a bit. "If you say so then." The Technobot said, heading towards the tunnel after Hot Rod. Sky Lynx bows respectfully to Alpha Trion, purring softly as he does so, and making sure he doesn't tip over his passangers, "Be well Alpha Trion--" Then then large draconic mech takes off after the others. Kup nods to Alpha Trion before launching himself forward in his truck mode. "Thanks, Alpha Trion! Don't worry, we'll renovate this place before you know it!" Fire Chief's Car rolls behind the others, headlights still on and flashers still, well, flashing. "Right behind you," he offers, and if there's a nervous, on-edge tinge to his voice, it's no worse than the nervous, on-edge tinge that's always there. Though he did notice Alpha Trion's step back, and he can't help but wondering why /Foxfire/, of all people, is freaking out worse than he is. Foxfire casts one final glance at Alpha Trion and starts after the others. He only manages to take a few steps before he suddenly stops and starts trembling again, even more than he was previously. His claws dig into the surface beneath him--he doesn't seem to be able to control his own movements. He loudly cries out as several tentacles lash out and seem to ensnare him, but in a moment they are gone. His optics flash eerily, turning to a strange green, instead of the normal, calm blue, and several flames flicker from his mouth--ghostly flames, green like his now glowing optics. The cassette shakes badly, as if fighting with something inside himself, but in the end, he loses. Foxfire, whose body is still present, is gone. Hot Rod's tires squeal as he slams on the brakes -- a massive steel door slamming down, abruptly sealing off the path and nearly causing Hot Rod to smash into it at 120 MPH. Powersliding to a stop, his door bangs against the massive bulkhead. "For the love of -- what gives!!" He revs his engine, turning around slowly, headlights searching for an alternate path before they settle on Foxfire. "Uh... Foxfire... Are you okay?" Kup slams down on his brakes as he does a fast 180 degree turn. "Foxfire, what's wrong?" Transforming again, Kup slowly walks up to the little cassette. "Ehm, you ok, lad?... Something don't look right about ya." Sky Lynx rumbles softly, noticing Foxfire behind him. Before his optical band flares to life and he growls lowly. After all-- Primatives do have a strong sense of danger and even here, Sky Lynx could sense it. Kup manages to peek over his should at the door which just slammed shut in front of Hot Rod. "Ehhhnnnh. Don't like this..." Fire Chief's Car spins out as the steel door blocks their path, tires screeching as he turns to face the other way, his headlights still lighting the path in front of him while the flashers cast dancing red and blue reflections in the area. "Kup," he points out, "He's breathing green fire." Gears knows something is wrong! Well, that's not out of the ordinary. "Uh-oh," he says, "Breathing green fire. That looks like the stuff Unicron belched out!" Lightspeed was looking around himself for another path himself when he heard what Hot Rod said. He looked over and muttered under his breath. "I should have realized it. The animals on other planets are like this, so why wouldn't our own animal-esqe comrades be the like. The data was right there. Slag it all." The Technobot said. He wasn't beating himself up too bad, but he pulled out his Light-Burst Gun, aiming it at Foxfire, but not firing yet. "Okay Foxfire... you can fight him off now." The scenery morphs as Foxfire spasms. Orange walls and ceilings now surround you, and the floor suddenly feels tilted at an angle. Gears and Red Alert will remember it instantly, though others will no doubt find it familiar as well. The bridge of the Ark. The fabled ship that crashed on Earth four million years ago, throwing the Autobot and Decepticon elite into a slumber, and the war on Cybertron into a stalemate. It would be dark here were it not for the green light coming from the possessed Cassettibot. Bodies can be seen littering the bridge. Prowl is slumped over a console. Skywarp rests in a crumpled heap on the floor. Even Megatron himself is propped up against the wall. His empty optics stare forward, unmoving and unblinking. In 1984, this is where the next phase of the war between the Autobots and the Decepticons would begin. Suddenly, wisps of red, white and blue energy converges on one spot near Teletraan-1, quickly forming up into an instantly recognizable humanoid shape. His form is that of his most familiar self - the same form he had when he died. From his powerful blue feet, white legs, and red boxy chest, up to his powerful arms and distinctive white faceplate, he stands. Optimus Prime steps forward towards the possessed Foxfire. Braving the green flames, he calls out to the other Autobots, "Hold him steady!" Optimus Prime makes optic contact with Firefox and says, "Remember who you are." "Indeed," agrees Red Alert, ever prone to jump to the worst possible conclusion. Clutch pulls out after the others. "You know, I've noticed something. Nothing in here seems to respond to the Terrans here. It's almost as if they're invisible. I wonder if that could prove useful if --" He skids to a stop when everyone else does, and transforms. "Optimus Prime...?" He jumps suddenly, then runs to grab Foxfire. "Yes, of course!" Clutch misses Foxfire with his grasp attack. Talazia Keldahoff looks around and sees.....Optimus Prime. "er.....you're that guy in Metroplex's Mausoleum." Hot Rod transforms as Foxfire becomes a clear threat. "We can't just... Shoot him! He's one of us!" Hot Rod barely has time to be perplexed sa the secenery begins to shift around him and Optimus Prime materializes out of nowhere to take charge. "Optimus..." Hot Rod has been faked out by returned-Optimii before, but here, in the Matrix, his presence still seems infinitely compelling. In Optimus' presence, Hot Rod nods in response to the former Autobot leader's orders, charging forward and trying to pin down the demonic Foxfire. Hot Rod succeeds in grasping Foxfire, throwing him off-balance. One might think Kup would be the first one to spring into action, but seeing this old ghost alarms him far more than seeing the others. "Opti..mus?" he says in a voice marked with awe and wonder. "I... I knew I'd see you in here, but damn, I..." The former Prime's command brings him back to the here and now a bit, and Kup blinks hard as he refocuses on Foxfire. "Ehm, right... Yeah, Foxfire, it's time you met the vet..." Kup crouches down a bit, nice and slow, before his arms lunge out for the fox. Kup misses Foxfire with his grasp attack. "Optimus Prime--" Sky Lynx seems-- well-- now rather surprised to see Optimus Prime. He growls softly and goes to make the move, but since Foxfire was a smaller autobot-- he knew that if he joined in, even in his smaller form-- he didn't want to harm the young primative. So he stood there and watched and actually, started to pace a little. Green lasers fire from the tape's optics as Kup gets close. "S...stay away...!" The voice is different--two voices, coming from one body. When he speaks again, the voice is much deeper and far more menacing than the youthful one of Foxfire himself. "INSIGNIFICANT TRANSFORMERS!" He snaps his head around to catch sight of Clutch and ducks back, out of his reach. "DIE...YOU WILL ALL DIE! I WILL DESTROY YOU!" To Optimus, he turns, glaring up at him dangerously. He does not respond, merely spewing a stream of green flames into the Prime's face. The flames then streak toward Hot Rod as he is grabbed by the young mech. Fire Chief's Car transforms as Hot Rod rushes Foxfire. "He said to... to hold him steady." Does that mean they've got to *hug* Unicron? Like the others, he appraoches the Fox, even as he rants. He winces back at the flames, even if they aren't sent towards him, then dives forward, trying to grab the Fox. Red Alert succeeds in grasping Foxfire, throwing him off-balance. Hot Rod holds on to Foxfire's metal scruff for dear life, trying to point the hellish green flames away from sleeping Prowls or any of his companions. "Optimus, whatever you're gonna do, do it /quick/!" Talazia Keldahoff blinks. "Dude.....Foxfire needs to stop eating spicy tacos. While Lightspeed never met Optimus Prime in person, or as far as he knows, when one of his allies and friends is in danger, the Technobot isn't one to stand around for too long. "Not going to let another friend die if I have any say about it." He muttered. Hot Rod beats him to the punch, but he still moves in to help. He reaches out to grab the fox with his free hand, keeping his gun out and ready. "Fight him Foxfire. Fight him off!" Lightspeed succeeds in grasping Foxfire, throwing him off-balance. Kup yells, "Damn!" as surprisingly large gouts of green flame leap out of Foxfire's maw and barely miss his face, forcing him to back off. "This reminds me of the time I wrestled a Hell Dragon in the Nimbus Sector!" "This is not the time for old war stories Kup!" Lightspeed said as he tried to help hold Foxfire down. Optimus Prime listens as Foxfire- no, as Unicron turns towards him. The Autobot starts to move as Unicron breathes that hellish green fire, but Hot Rod suffers it instead. With Foxfire being pnined by Red Alert, Hot Rod, Lightspeed, and other Autobots that are closing in on him, Optimus grabs the Cassettibot by where the mech's shoulders would be, were he a humanoid robot. Again he makes optic contact. "Foxfire," he says. "Fight this." At this range, should Unicron breath another blast of flame, it would strike the Autobot at point blank range. Optimus Prime is relying on Foxfire to find it within himself to fight this possession off so that this doesn't happen. Marissa Faireborn stands away from Foxfire, unable to get in close to help the Autobots. A human's strength is not terribly useful in pinning down Transformers, however. "Come on, Foxfire," she urges. "You can do this." Kup scoffs at Lightspeed. "It's always time for old war stories! For instance, one thing I learned about Hell Dragons is that you keep their faces pointed AWAY from you! C'mon Optimus, don't do it!" He holds out his hands pleadingly. "I don't wanna watch you die again! Don't do that to this old mech!" "Close your eyes?" Red Alert suggests. He's going to pay for that later, won't he? More of the green flames flicker, but there is no attack. Unicron, through Foxfire's optics, glares hatefully at Optimus in silence. He looks like he's about to fire lasers from those optics, but that attack never comes, either. "The Matrix," he hisses, "is mine..." He shakes his head, as if beginning to steadily lose control of the small body. "No," he replies to himself, in a voice that sounds like a mix between Unicron's and Foxfire's. "It is not. The Matrix...is OURS!" Red Alert, for the record, does have his own eyes closed, even as he's trying to hold Foxfire in place. Optimus Prime maintains his position despite Kup's pleading. He has faith in Foxfire's strength of spirit. Sky Lynx couldn't join in but he could try to be some moral support even from where he stood, "Come on Foxfire! Fight it, bloody fight it-- like you faught your primative instincts.. I helped you with that didn't I? Now come on! Don't let Unicron win! Remember the galaxy, remember your friends!" Sky Lynx's optical band flickers, "Wr are your friends! We can all do this! Have faith in yourself Foxfire! Have faith in Rodimus! Remember!" Talazia Keldahoff says, "foxfire.....You don't want the matrix. Who would pet you if you had the matrix?"" Hot Rod does his best to shake some sense into Foxfire. "Snap out of, Foxfire! That's an order, soldier!" Lightspeed does have faith in Foxfire's spirit as well. The little guy certainly had a lot of spirit in him. Besides Unicron's that is. Then Talazia gave him an idea, and tossing his Light-Burst Gun away, he went and... began to pet Foxfire. "Come on now Foxfire... you can fight him off. We're here for you, and he's nothing compared to you." For some reason Gears has the sudden urge to grab Foxfire by the scruff of the neck and shake him like a British Nanny. But he lets cooler heads prevail for now. "Don't let him take over, Foxfire!" he shouts, "That planet eating son of a slagsucker can't do this to you!" Kup's face twists up in horror. "Don't do it..." he says, though it may not be clear if he's talking to Optimus or Foxfire. Red Alert continues to hold Foxfire down. Damn. He's not much good at this 'encouraging' thing. "Come on, Foxfire... you're right... the Matrix is ours. Ours, the Autobots! Not Unicron's! Never his! Remember yourself!" 'And please don't breath fire on me,' he mentally adds. All the voices are overwhelming. He can feel Lightspeed petting him, but still... Nothing seems to change, save for the odd, fluctuating voices as both sides repeatedly take control. His friends...his brothers...he can't leave them now, after everything that's happened. The faces of each of his tape brethen flash through his mind, and his optics, for a moment, take on a softer, gentler look. "We will...purify..." The green optics glow at their very brightest, giving off strange beams of light, like when the Matrix had first destroyed Unicron. After what seems like an eternity, at least to Foxfire, still battling for his body, the glow starts to fade, as do the hellish flames. His body starts trembling again, as if fearful. Unicron's voice again rings out, "You...cannot...destroy...my...DESTINY!" "How many times have we done that now?" Lightspeed asked as he held Foxfire. Kup shakes a fist at Foxfire, yelling, "We can't!? Well, we did it before, and we'll keep doin' it as many times as we got to! Now get the hell out of him you fraggin' bastard!" Optimus Prime stands back up again as the flames begin to die out, and Foxfire slowly comes back to his senses. The threat having been (once Foxfire poses!) dealt with, Optimus Prime now takes the time to see those who have come to speak with him, but not before making sure that Foxfire is again safe - or as safe as one can be in this horrible place. "It is good to have you back with us, Foxfire," he says. He turns towards Hot Rod. "Rodimus," he says in a firm and reassuring voice. He, unlike some others, instantly see the youthful mech for who he really is. "I welcome you." He then addresses all assembled, "I welcome all of you, although I wish the circumstances were not so dire." To the human that addressed him during the crisis, Optimus confirms, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Talazia Keldahoff." With Rodimus's memories within the Matrix, Prime knows who everyone is. "You have spoken with my predecessors - prior holders of the Matrix of Leadership - and you all know the danger inherent with going forward. Yet you are not been deterred. It is this strength and courage that you will need to cleanse the Matrix of Unicron's taint." Optimus Prime looks upon his fellow Autobots, and unlike some of the others, he sees Talazia and Marissa. His look carries with it the same respect for them that he shows to his fellow Cybertronians. Optimus slowly turns, as if just now recognizing his surroundings. On Teletran-1's monitor, Earth can be seen. Various shots of human life can be seen on the other monitors. We are mere moments away from when the Autobots and Decepticons were reactivated. "This is my fault," Optimus comments, seemingly to himself. "That our war threatened countless of innocent bystanders. The single greatest betrayal of our ideals occurred here." At last, everything goes silent. Foxfire's optics dim as Unicron's presence finally leaves his body, and as a result he ceases his trembling and lays still, apparently unconscious. Was the possession merely an act to fully take over the Matrix? Who knows, but perhaps Foxfire's internal battle will help rid the Matrix of Unicron for good. Lightspeed holds Foxfire still, shaking his head as Optimus speaks. "Perhaps it was, but at the same time, it was a turning point in the war, and it gave us new allies, made us stronger, and showed that we were not the only beings that were willing to stand up against the Decepticons. Some hated us for that from what I know, but the humans have proven nothing but resiliant as well as adaptable." Lightspeed said. Marissa Faireborn gives a thumbs up at Lightspeed. Red Alert releases Foxfire when the other relaxes, and looks up at Optimus as he addresses Rodimus and the rest of them. Then he stands up, silent for now, as he looks over at the others. "Optimus, are... /they/ really here?" he asks, looking at Prowl's body. Is the Transformer afterlife for Primes alone? Kup seems reassured that the situation has been restored to normal. He feared he would have to put the fox down. "Optimus, that's war. It's a messy business. Yeah, in hindsight we should never have come here. But when you and the others got on the Ark and set off for the Earth, it wasn't even inhabited by humans like we know 'em today. How could we know what was gonna happen?" He rubs his forehead, looking pained. "Earth ain't the only planet that's been touched by our war, too. And quite frankly they came out of it a lot better than some. Believe me, I know..." Hot Rod eases Foxfire's body to the ground as Unicron's vile essence is purged by the pure iconic power of Optimus Prime. "It's one hell of a hangover, Foxfire," Hot Rod offers in advice to the unconscious fox. Standing back up, he listens in quiet reverence to the Autobot leader before him. Folding his arms over his chest, he doesn't seem to be buying Optimus' story about his failure. He turns his head to Lightpeed, listening to what the Technobot has to say. "The Decepticons took our war to Earth," Hot Rod adds, nodding. "Not you, Optimus. You died fighting to keep them at bay. Most humans know you a the hero that you are --" He gestures to Marissa and Talazia. "Before you came to Earth, none of them realized that mechanical beings could be alive. That we had souls. That we could fight for something greater than ourselves. I regret the damage done to Earth as much as you do, but the good vastly outweighs the evil." Talazia Keldahoff smiles to Optimus. "it's an honor to meet you Optimus Prime. I wish it was under better circumstances." She then looks to the monitors. "Optimus.....I doubt you could've forseen what happened before you crashed. However, you have more than made up for your mistakes by helping us out. Heck....if you didn't come to earth, we might never have met Sky Lynx....Or Hot Rod, Or Foxfire." she then smiles to Hot Rod. "I'm sorry...Rodimus.....I forgot." "I-- agree with Lightspeed sir. This war-- gave us new allies and new friends. It allowed use to reach ever further into the stars-- and you-- you lead it wonderfully sir." Sky Lynx states standing a little straighter to Optimus Prime. "No one regreats what you did-- if anything, we.. I believe at least all of us.. are thankful for what you did and so many even wish they could have known you." "Not...our fault..." Foxfire seems to awaken, if only partially. "Decepticons' fault...we...we did all we could...we made a lot of wonderful friends on this planet...we fight...to *protect* it..." "It... /is/ our fault as well, though," Red Alert points out, weak and nervous to be a dissenting voice. "It's just that the difference is, /we/ take responsibility for our actions and we correct our mistakes." He looks up at Optimus and shrugs, palms towards the ceiling. "Exactly what we've been doing on Earth all these years, Optimus. What you've taught us to do. Work to correct the mistake we made in letting the Decepticons get that far." Optimus Prime looks over at the data processor, "You may be right, Lightspeed. Perhaps in time we will learn whether involving the humans in our war was the right thing to do. Should the Decepticons triumph, then humanity's fall will be our fault... *my* fault." To Kup, Optimus says, "I grieve for every world that we brought our war to, Kup. I fear our war will only continue to consume other planets." To Rodimus, "I was the leader of the Ark's expedition, Rodimus, and therefore I must take responsibility for the pain it has caused. I can only hope that you are right about the good outweighing the evil." Optimus kneels so he can speak with Talazia on a more to even level. "Thank you, Talazia Keldahoff. While our trespass on your planet may have been an accident and difficult to foresee, it is the duty of all Autobots to ensure that Earth does not suffer because of our own conflict." Standing back up again to address Red Alert, "I cannot describe how proud I am of you all for the challenges you have faced, on Cybertron, on Earth, and elsewhere." To Sky Lynx, Optimus says, "We may not have met in life, Sky Lynx, but we still share a bond that can never be broken." Optimus puts his hand on his own Autobot brand with one hand while pointing to Sky Lynx's with his other. "It is a bond we *all* share," he says, now speaking to everyone present, Marissa and Talazia included. Optimus turns towards the door that leads out of the Ark's bridge. "Come, let us face Unicron together." "That's right! We'll show 'em! Won't we, Optimus?" Gears says eagerly. "It's great to see you again, Prime. Now light our darkest hour!" "This is not something for me to do," Optimus replies to Gears, "But rather something for us *all* to do. *You* are the ones who are carrying on the Autobot legacy and standing up for our cause." Talazia Keldahoff would put her own hand on Optimus' hand...if he were solid. "We haven't suffered at all. We've thrived. Both of our species have. I mean....what species wouldn't thrive with friends?" She says with a smile. "Let's go then." Sky Lynx rumbles softly as Prime motions and his optical band dims fully in thought. Then it flares to life, "Yes-- we are all autobots.. and /we/ will all fight together." He states before looking over to Hot Rod, "So-- Rodimus.. care to charge in on a steed again?" He says with an amusement sound in his voice. Kup nods his head, rifle in hand. "I'm ready, Optimus! Unicron's gonna regret becomin' a resident in here!" Hot Rod listens patiently to Optimus -- but is ready to move into action when the moment is called for. "Okay, Optimus. You know..." He hesitates with his hand on the door control, "We should have a talk one of these days. But not today." The door slides open... Beyond the Ark's airlock lies Unicron's central brain chamber, recreated in perfect replica within the Matrix. Countless monitors cluster on alien and evil looking groups of spikes and mechanical nerve clusters. "YOU DARE CHALLENGE ME AGAIN..." His voice rasps, booming and unwelcoming. "THE REWARD FOR YOUR TENACITY... IS OBLIVION." Hot Rod falls to the ground, the searing red power of Unicron seeming to tear at his very soul, his face twisted in agony. He drops his photon carbine and tumbles down the incline toward the very center of the chamber -- the Heart of Unicron. Lightspeed took up Foxfire and put him back on Sky Lynx. "Here, keep an eye on him." The Technobot said before going over and picking up his gun again. "Yes, we have to face Unicron together, or fall alone." He said, looking at the exit. He did wish he had his fellow Technobots with him though. Red Alert /stares/ at Gears and... twitches. To his credit, he manages to avoid aiming his rifle at Gear's sudden and unexpected show of enthusiasm. He then takes a step forward to follow Optimus, then pauses, and turns to look towards Hot Rod instead. Thus, he sees when Hot Rod is blasted by Unicron, and his mouth opens in shock. "Rodimus!" he shouts, trying to scramble after. "Red! Wait!" Lightspeed said. He wanted to rush after Rodimus too, but to go charging in blindly would just lead them to be in the same position that their leader was in now. The data ran through his head, but Lightspeed wasn't coming up with much of anything just yet for a plan. Foxfire seems to be fully coming around. His optics flicker to their normal glow. "What in the name of *Primus*..." He feels like there's something he should remember, something awful...but now isn't the time. "CHIEF!" He jumps down from Sky Lynx's back and dashes after Hot Rod, in the process remembering the brief possession he had suffered. "Unicron...UNICRON! How DARE you!" Optimus steps aside, letting Rodimus lead the Autobots through to Unicron's central brain chamber. Inside are monitors showing all manner of events. Hot Rod is felled by Unicron, but the rest of the Autobots still stand united. "Together, Autobots!" Optimus says. From his back, he draws out his famed jet black laser cannon. Cradling the weapon in both hands, Optimus Prime aims for the central bank of monitors. When the other Autobots are set, he unloads a fearsome blast, seeking to cover those going to rescue Hot Rod. In the center of the chamber there is a pit, writhing with Unicron's antibody claw-tentacles. Hot Rod fights and thrashes, his buzzsaw hand whirring, but he appears to be losing the battle. "Optimus!" He gasps, the look of terror in his optics very real. As Hot Rod is pulled deeper into the pit, something might tell you that he might be lost... for good. "Leave it to Optimus Prime to come up with a plan." Lightspeed said. Granted, it was the only plan that they had at the time, but aiming his weapon, he began to fire, not at the monitors, but rather at the pit, sliding down towards it. "Come on now Red, lets get Rodimus." He just had to hope Optimus could hold Unicron's attention to avoid the pain. Foxfire lunges at one of the tentacles, ripping it apart with his claws and fangs. He is overcome with an odd feeling of despair, but he wills himself to stay strong with hope. "Chief...I won't let you die!" He bolts into the pit where Hot Rod is being pulled. Marissa Faireborn, for what it's worth, draws her own sidearm and begins popping off shots for the central bank of monitors, trying to destroy as many as she can with the clips she has. Red Alert is receiving cover fire from Optimus? Excellent. The rash security officer fires at the tentacles drawing Hot Rod into the pit. He tries to slide partway down himself, then stops firing in order flip his rifle around and reach it towards Hot Rod. "Rodimus! Try to grab hold!" KABOOM! A big, blue-chinned blue robot smashes into the chamber, right through the walls! "OH YEAH!" The robot looks down into the pit, watching Hot Rod's plight, and just sighs. "Hot Rod, didn't you learn a thing from that little replay not too long ago?" says Sentinel Prime as he joins with the other Autobots. "Know your limits, kid! Geeeeze! Now, Optimus, THIS is what happens when people don't listen to me, am I right? Am I right, or am I right? Of course I'm right." Sentinel finally notices Unicron's brain in the chamber. "Oh, right. Uh, let 'em have it!" The former Autobot leader aims his lance at Unicron's brain and discharges a brilliant bolt of lightning from it! Kup doesn't think about it--he just dives into the pit after Hot Rod. "I'm here for ya lad!" he yells, before he finds himself in a mass of tentacles, and struggles to free himself. "Dammit all, I swear I'm gonna get killed following you into these messes one of these days!" Unicron's tentacles begin to retreat slightly as the Autobots open fire, and with a grunt of effort, Hot Rod manages to lunge his upper torso out of the vile pit at the core of Unicron's being. One hand is still transformed into a furiously spinning buzzsaw -- and in the other, is the Matrix, glowing clear and blue and bright. "Red Alert..." He gasps, transforming his hand back to normal and wrapping his fingers around the stock of his rifle. Cradling the Matrix, he aims his wrist barrels into the pit, firing off blasts at the tentacles ensnaring his legs. Foxfire is running along the sides of the pit as he chases after Hot Rod. He manages to duck and dodge any tentacles that attempt to grab him. "Unicron already got to me once--I'm not letting him take my leader!" Optimus Prime turns his head towards the sound of the wall being broken down while keeping his rifle trained on the brain center. He does not appear surprised to see Sentinel present, and he nods respectfully to the former Prime. For all of Sentinel Prime's faults, Optimus respected him for the courage he displayed time and time again. "Welcome to the fight, Commander," Optimus says. He was barely a gleam in the Creation Factory's circuit boards when Sentinel Prime was fighting the war. From another entrance on the opposite side of the doors that led to the Ark, a magenta mech with cloak-like wings and a white metallic beard steps through. Alpha Trion, slowed by age but not by spirit, steps forward to the sides of the pit. A tentacle reaches out to snag Foxfire, but Alpha Trion steps on it, pinning it to the floor. "Save him," he urges the Autobots. Gears is firing away at tentacles with the best of 'em...and the characteristic grumble edges back into his voice. Hmmm what sort of Disturbance in the Force caused him to be eager earlier? The world may never know. Red Alert is on the ground, pointed towards the pit, with Hot Rod holding onto his rifle. Both hands are occupied and he's now being pulled in that direction as well, with little leverage to back him up. Perhaps he should have thought this through better. "Lightspeed!" Red shouts. "Grab my ankles! Please!" Lightspeed kept on firing away at the tentacles before hearing Red. "No problem Red." The Technobot said, reaching over and grabbing Red's ankles. "I got you Red! Just hang in there!" But can Lightspeed hang in there himself. Foxfire steals a glance toward Alpha Trion. "We *will* save him...even if *I* have to die! My life...my life is worthless compared to his!" He comes to a stop for a brief second, before he launches off the pit wall and onto a tentacle that is holding Hot Rod. He tears at it fiercely, attempting to assist Red and Lightspeed in pulling Hot Rod out. "LET. GO. OF. MY. LEADER!" Hot Rod, pulled up by Red Alert, Kup and Lightspeed, hoists the Matrix above his head. Unicron's lingering tentacles retreat in sheer horror of its power, as blue light radiates throughout the chamber. The blasts from Optimus and Sentinel Prime shatter Unicron's vital organs, causing the entire chamber to begin to crumble and disintegrate. Rather than any sense of doom, however, the destruction of the chamber causes the chunks of the illusion to shatter and disappear -- revealing a swirling sea of pure information that now envelops the Autobots within. This is the true form of the Matrix. Rodimus Prime inserts the Matrix within his chest, now glowing with the pure radiant energy of the wisdom of the ages -- of millennia of the most noble heroes. His body grows and expands in the brilliance, returning to form, undisputably, as Rodimus Prime. "We did it, Autobots. The Matrix... Is ours once more." The high-tech winnebago transforms into a robot. Rodimus Prime is back! Let's party! Foxfire blasts another tentacle with flames from his mouth, then climbs out of the pit to join the others. A smile flashes across his muzzle. "We did it, chief..." Lightspeed smiled, looking around at the Matrix's true form, nodding. "Its ours because that's what it wants Rodimus. It chose you to be our leader, and in the long run, I can't say it choose wrong. It doesn't seem that it has." Looking around still, he nodded some more. "Yes, even Sentinel Prime was a good choice, or so I assume." Red Alert knows he should doubt. He's in security, and it's the job of security to doubt. But right now, in this place, in the face of this energy, he finds, somewhat to his own shock, that he can only believe. He stands up, looking around him in wonder, mouth faintly opened. When he looks back at the others, there's a smile on his face, but he doesn't say a word. The Autobots remain in their corporeal forms, but now, everyone is drifting through an incomprensible stream of raw data. The Matrix. But the void shifts to give form and meaning to an image. A scene appears -- the inside of a factory on Cybertron, millennia ago. Near-identical factory workers, all branded with the Autobot symbol, slave away in repetitive labor. A larger model, carrying a sledgehammer, walks way from its post, approaching a massive observation screen of the Quintesson Overseer supervising the factory. "FACTORY UNIT," the screen shrieks, "YOU WILL RETURN TO YOUR POST OR BE DISINTEGRATED!" The unit, recognizeable as Prime Nova, hefts his hammer in one hand. "... /Never/!" With a powerful two-handed toss, he throws his hammer into the Quintesson screen, shattering into thousands of shards of glass and a massive explosion. All the workers put down their equipment and stand with Prime Nova. Marissa Faireborn shields her eyes as Unicron's brain center shatters from the Primes' weaponry. She watches in awe as information drifts past them. She marvels at the scene of Prime Nova shattering the Quintesson screen and beginning the fight for freedom for the Transformers. "The first Autobots... our origins and history..." Lightspeed said, absorbing what all he could. The data processor was going to save it and then transfer it for all to know, provided he even remembers any of this. Foxfire watches the scene in silence, standing beside Rodimus. Red Alert studies the scenes that pass, and the smile as faded, to be replaced by a thoughtful expression. As usual, he reaches out with all his senses, though part of him realizes that those don't really work here. They're part of his physical body. Still, he can't help but try to search for answers, support or denial over the theories he's found of late, and the questions they've raised in himself. Then, the Autobots and humans see Cybertron, colored in purple and red, representing the Decepticons' and Autobots' territory respectively. Decepticon territory is considerably greater than the Autobots, and growing larger all the time. Until... "Ooooh yeah!" Sentinel Prime cries as he leads a huge army of Autobots against a Decepticon stronghold. "Time to turn the tides, boys! Charrrrge!" And the Autobots, rallied by Sentinel fearlessly leading the way, woop and holler like a bunch of maniacs as they begin an all-out attack, firing lasers and missiles all the way. Starscream peers out of a portal at them from the stronghold, shrieking, "Autobots, here?! And so many of them!? But they were on the verge of defeat! Who's leading them!?" Then a lightning bolt pierces through the wall, causing Starscream to yell at the top of his lungs as he dives out of the way. "I'm getting out of here!" Then, you see Cybertron again, and Autobot territory *rapidly* expands across the planet. "Yep, the Sentinel Blitz," Sentinel Prime says as he watches history play back, grinning hugely. "If it wasn't me, if you don't mind me saying so, we might not've won the war! But I turned things around. At least, for a while. Don't waste my sacrifice, though, kid." He points at Hot Rod, smirking. "I'm watchin' you." He vanishes. Kup sighs. "That guy didn't win the war, he... ah, never mind." He settles for grumbling to himself. Foxfire collapses onto his side, clearly exhausted, and part of that may be due to Unicron's possession. "That was...SUCH an ordeal. Why did Unicron take over my body like that, anyway?" "Just let him have it Kup. He, as everyone, deserves things like that." Lightspeed said. The Technobot then went over and picked up Foxfire so the cassette bot didn't have to stand under his own power. "Because he thought it could be useful I think. Who knows what he was thinking." The narrative continues, shifting through time. Sarikus Prime stands on a single bridge leading to an embattled Autobot city state, its defenses nearly crippled from centuries of siege warfare. A lone starship sits on the platform at the center of the city, moments away from launch. Sentinel Prime's crippled body rests on the platform, and Sarikus holds both Sentinel's weapon and his own in hand. A massive robot scorpion, colored green and purple, crawls up to the bridge -- behind it, a Decepticon horde. "Step aside, whelp," the scorpion hisses. "I come for Fortress Maximus' head." Sarikus Prime powers up his weapons, raising them. "Never." "To try to get us to turn on one of our own?" Red Alert suggests. "Having to destroy one of ours would have been a vicious morale blow, perhaps shaken us to the point where we couldn't do what needed to be done." Foxfire settles into Lightspeed's arms. "Well, it figures. Pick on the little guy!" He snorts, then glances over to Red Alert with a flick of his ears. "Yeah...maybe... Well, I'm glad I got him *out* of me, at any rate. That was scary." Lightspeed watches the current scene intently. "Could it be..." He said, holding Foxfire still. A dimly lit laboratory underground on Decepticon controlled Cybertron. An ancient Autobot leader watches the monitors showing what is happening on the surface. Decepticon troops marching. An Autobot cell being dismantled. Propaganda commercial calling for the dismantling of the Autobots and the induction of all Transformers into the Decepticons. With a grim look on his face, Alpha Trion turns to four newly repaired and modified Autobots stepping out of the shadows. "Are you ready to fight back, then?" he asks. The pink femme nods solemnly, "Elita One fears nothing," she vows. She, Moonracer, Chromia, and Firestar begin their guerrilla war against the Decepticons. Foxfire waves a paw excitedly. "Hey, it's Elita and the others!" Kup watches Sarikus's moments before his final sacrifice, then Alpha Trion as he begins the Autobot resistance movement. "Yeah, you're right, Lightspeed. None of the guys in here were perfect. But that's not the point. They're still heroes by any account." Lightspeed nodded. Both to Foxfire and Kup. "None of whom we will forget, no matter what now." Red Alert's expression falls, and he lowers his head for a moment, then goes back to silently watching the scenes as they move by. Cybertron. Four million years ago, and a turning point in the then newest phase of the civil war between the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons. Autobots, firing from a trench, are slowly being overwhelmed by Decepticon attackers. "Their defenses have crumbled! Attack, Decepticons -- Destroy these last few Autobot fools and Iacon is ours!" The new Decepticon supreme leader, Megatron, shouts. From the trench, one of the Autobot survivors turns to another, "Optimus Prime, this is madness. We've been defeated! We must surrender before we're all killed!" Another Autobot falls in the trench as Prime returns fire on the Decepticons. Climbing out of the trench while holding his laser rifle in one hand, neatly avoiding a laser bolt that streaks past his shoulder, Optimus remains focused on ensuring that the cause doesn't die. "We're Autobots. We never give ground, and we never, *never* surrender." Other Autobots emerge from the trench, following their relatively new leader. "Never surrender!" they shout as they turn the tide back against the Decepticons. "Never surrender!" "Never surrender!" The battlecry, and the vision, fades. Leaving the Matrix is like coming out of a deep sleep. A transition between different states of consciousness, with the dividing line being bleary and hard to pinpoint. But, eventually, the laboratory of the Orion Pax resolves back into view for those who entered the Matrix. Rodimus Prime stands, his posture confident, resolute. He is raising his wrist communicator to his mouth. "Teletraan III... Set a course for the Medusa Cascade." TO BE CONCLUDED...