| - One of the three great treasures of Daventry, the shield is titanium set with emeralds, and it's believed whoever carries the shield into battle will always be victorious, as the magic shield fends off all enemies. The shield was named after Achilles, a Greek hero of the Trojan War. Some believed that his shield would bestow Achilles' invulnerability on its bearer, but it was supposed lost after being placed upon the hero's chest as his body burned on its funeral pyre. In time it fell into the hands of the kings of Daventry. It was traditionally carried in battle by the ruler of Daventry. Legend held that he who bore the Shield was invincible, and his army always victorious. Thus there had been no successful attack on the kingdom of Daventry for over five hundred years. It had been left to King Edward by his father when he died. Sometime later, Edward's Queen fell ill from the Plague brought forth by famine (caused by the loss of the Magic Mirror). King Edward lost the shield when he gave it to a dwarf in return for a root to cure Queen Maylie's final illness. It was all a sham, and the lovely queen died, plunging Edward into his final despair. The Dwarf, left taking the shield with him into a hole. The news of the loss of the Shield spread and Daventry was attacked by armies from other kingdoms and weakened (the attacks were doubly successful as the king had no way to predict the enemy movements without the mirror). Years Later, Graham was able to recover the shield from where it was hidden in the throne room of the King of the Leprechauns. Deep within in the underground realm of the Leprechauns. Whether they were responsible for the loss of the shield, or the shield found its own way to their possession remains unknown. According to Chronicles of Daventry account of King Graham's adventure in King's Quest Companion the shield protected him from the giant in the clouds by putting up a magical barrier around him. However, other accounts of the adventure claim Graham used the Magic Ring instead, claiming he hadn't found the Shield yet. The Chronicles of Daventry claim it was the second treasure he recovered (following Merlin's Mirror), but other accounts claim it was the last treasure he found.