[[File:File:Mind crush icon.jpg.png|16px]] [[|[]]] Mind Crush is an ability available to the Jedi Consular at level 14. It causes a moderate amount of damage and then puts a damage over time on the target for 6 seconds. This is the first damage over time ability that the Consular has and it is the only ability available to all Consulars, no matter what their advance class is. It costs 35 force, has a range of 30m, has a casting time of 2 seconds and a cooldown of 9 seconds.
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| - [[File:File:Mind crush icon.jpg.png|16px]] [[|[]]] Mind Crush is an ability available to the Jedi Consular at level 14. It causes a moderate amount of damage and then puts a damage over time on the target for 6 seconds. This is the first damage over time ability that the Consular has and it is the only ability available to all Consulars, no matter what their advance class is. It costs 35 force, has a range of 30m, has a casting time of 2 seconds and a cooldown of 9 seconds.
- Mind Crush is a sword from which only Dart can wield. It can be located within a chest situated in The forbidden lands / Kadessa, also you can purchase it exclusively from the peddler, Segundo for 350 gold. Mind Crush has a givin probability to inflict Confusion upon hit towards any targets of which are not immune to this status.
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fr name
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es lore
| - Declara 1 nombre de carta; si esa carta está en la mano de tu adversario, debe descartar todas las copias al Cementerio. Si no, tú descartas 1 carta al azar.
el name
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Romaji Name
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hr name
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ja lore
| - カード名を1つ宣言する。相手は手札に宣言したカードを持っていた場合、そのカードを全て墓地へ捨てる。持っていなかった場合、自分はランダムに手札を1枚捨てる。
it lore
| - Dichiara il nome di 1 carta; se quella carta è nella mano del tuo avversario, egli deve scartare tutte le copie di quella carta, altrimenti tu scarti 1 carta a caso.
pt name
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| - Declare 1 card name; if that card is in your opponent's hand, they must discard all copies of it, otherwise you discard 1 random card.
pt lore
| - Declare 1 nome de card; se esse card estiver na mão do seu oponente, ele deve descartar todas as cópias dele, caso contrário, você descarta 1 card aleatório.
it name
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ko lore
| - 카드명 1개를 선언한다. 상대는 패에서 선언한 카드를 갖고 있을 경우, 그카드를 전부 묘지에 버린다. 갖고 있지 않았을 경우, 자신은 무작위로 패를 1장 버린다.
de lore
| - Benenne 1 Kartennamen; falls sich die Karte in der Hand deines Gegners befindet, muss er alle Kopien davon abwerfen, andernfalls wirfst du 1 zufällige Karte ab.
ko name
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de name
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es name
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fr lore
| - Déclarez 1 nom de carte ; si la carte est dans la main de votre adversaire, il doit en défausser tous les exemplaires, sinon vous défaussez 1 carte au hasard.
gx02 sets
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ntr sets
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card type
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gx04 status
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| - The forbidden lands / Kadessa
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zh name
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| - Crushes the target with the Force, causing moderate kinetic damage instantly and causing moderate kinetic damage every second for 6 seconds.
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ar name
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Ja Name
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| - * Declares a card name
* Discards for effect
* You discard
* Your opponent discards
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| - Chance to inflict Confusion upon hit
| - [[File:File:Mind crush icon.jpg.png|16px]] [[|[]]] Mind Crush is an ability available to the Jedi Consular at level 14. It causes a moderate amount of damage and then puts a damage over time on the target for 6 seconds. This is the first damage over time ability that the Consular has and it is the only ability available to all Consulars, no matter what their advance class is. It costs 35 force, has a range of 30m, has a casting time of 2 seconds and a cooldown of 9 seconds.
- Mind Crush is a sword from which only Dart can wield. It can be located within a chest situated in The forbidden lands / Kadessa, also you can purchase it exclusively from the peddler, Segundo for 350 gold. Mind Crush has a givin probability to inflict Confusion upon hit towards any targets of which are not immune to this status. This weapon is much more powerful than the Falchion, especially since it has no affect either, however, for locations such as Kashua Glacier and Snowfield where the majority of all creatures, bosses included, are water element, it would still out perform the Heat Blade due to the far superior damage which overwhelms the low damage plus an elemental bonus. So all in all, the Mind Crush would be the best choice for the point in the game where you first are capable of retrieving one. You can utilise this blade's potential on the slaying of Unique Monster, which in turn should make the process faster, easier, and more efficient. After or before using the Magic Stone of Signet, the player can use Dart to try and confuse the unique monster. While confused, the monster will take damage, including the same time it tries to attack. Keep in mind that this can be a difficult tactic as well completly depending on the players luck, because confusion can give the monster more opportunities to flee.