| - Macet was the cousin of Skrain Dukat. Unlike Dukat, Macet is descended on his father's side from the people of Hăzăk, a Cardassian ethnic minority distinguishable from the majority by their beige-tinted skin and distinctive ridging patterns. (Star Trek: Sigils and Unions: The Thirteenth Order) This aside, Macet still shared a striking resemblance in appearance, mannerism (to some extent--his crooked smirk, at least, is noted as resembling Dukat), and especially voice with Dukat that caused many familiar with Dukat to distrust Macet. However that mistrust was generally put aside when such individuals got to know him and learned he was a very different man. In fact, where his cousin insists the Occupation wasn't so bad and that all he did was for the good of the Bajoran people, Macet reacts furiously to Occupation denialism and has on at least one occasion even disciplined personnel for voicing such sentiments. (The Thirteenth Order) As commander of the Trager, Macet was known by his fellow Cardassians for the great loyalty he inspired among his men with his measured disciplinary hand, as well as for his ability to approach situations with other galactic powers in a levelheaded manner. (The Thirteenth Order, DS9 novels: Demons of Air and Darkness, Cardassia: The Lotus Flower)