| - In EarthBound, Ness is a courageous boy, as well as a silent protaganist from the fictional town of Onett located in north-western country of Eagleland. He possesses strong psychic powers called Psychokinesis (hence the abbreviation PK, called PSI in the American adaption), and in the year 199X, utilizes his abilities to defeat a vengeful alien known as Giygas (although Giygas's motivation for revenge is only known from playing MOTHER). He is the successor of Ninten, the star of the original MOTHER (sometimes called "EarthBound Zero"), the game in the MOTHER series before EarthBound and the first out of the trilogy. Some say Ninten and Ness are identical; however, the games take place in different settings, and there are several differences between the two boys. (Ninten knows no offensive
| - In EarthBound, Ness is a courageous boy, as well as a silent protaganist from the fictional town of Onett located in north-western country of Eagleland. He possesses strong psychic powers called Psychokinesis (hence the abbreviation PK, called PSI in the American adaption), and in the year 199X, utilizes his abilities to defeat a vengeful alien known as Giygas (although Giygas's motivation for revenge is only known from playing MOTHER). He is the successor of Ninten, the star of the original MOTHER (sometimes called "EarthBound Zero"), the game in the MOTHER series before EarthBound and the first out of the trilogy. Some say Ninten and Ness are identical; however, the games take place in different settings, and there are several differences between the two boys. (Ninten knows no offensive PSI attacks, for example.) Among many weapons, Ness wields slingshots, yo-yos, and most famous of all, Ness' signature baseball bat. Ness is also a master of the psychic powers called PSI, and knows attacks like PK Flash, PK Rockin', PK Shield, Lifeup, Healing, Hypnosis, Paralysis and Teleport. Paula and Poo's moves (PK Fire, PK Thunder PSI Magnet, and PK Starstorm) would be borrowed by Ness for combat in the Super Smash Bros. series.