:Donna: [Roberta and Rallo are watching TV, Donna and Cleveland Jr. come with laundry] Roberta, Rallo. Cleveland Junior folded the laundry and I think you should put it away.
:Roberta:Put away my laundry?! It's not my job to pick up after myself. I'm not my mother.
:Donna: [Turn the TV off and takes the remote] You'll get this back, when you're done with the laundry.
:Rallo: Oh man! Now what I'm suppose to...[Notices a book] Oh! There's a book.[Throws the book to turn on the TV. Rallo looks to the screen] Don't laugh America. Don't laugh.
:Cleveland Jr.: No put under the corners just like mommy did it.
:Rallo: Fuck, dude.