Half-Man (known as 1/2 Man), is a fictional comic book superhero created by Indianapolis, IN meat cutters Derek Walden and Chris Gammon from their co-worker Jaso York. Fictional Biography Half-Man was a prolific and well known meat serviceman who specialized in a special brand of meats known as "Fat Guy Meats". Unfortunately, it was discovered that his meat had several severe health violations, and he was shut down. Disheartened, he turned to his love of comics and tried to get into the industry. Unfortunately, he had a bad habbit of doing everything half-assed. After being turned down by every major publisher, he found that he could increase popularity of his hero by entering "Who Wants To Be A Superhero?" and win the prize. Making it to the finals, the viking helmeted warrior in a kilt,
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| - Half-Man (known as 1/2 Man), is a fictional comic book superhero created by Indianapolis, IN meat cutters Derek Walden and Chris Gammon from their co-worker Jaso York. Fictional Biography Half-Man was a prolific and well known meat serviceman who specialized in a special brand of meats known as "Fat Guy Meats". Unfortunately, it was discovered that his meat had several severe health violations, and he was shut down. Disheartened, he turned to his love of comics and tried to get into the industry. Unfortunately, he had a bad habbit of doing everything half-assed. After being turned down by every major publisher, he found that he could increase popularity of his hero by entering "Who Wants To Be A Superhero?" and win the prize. Making it to the finals, the viking helmeted warrior in a kilt,
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| - Superhuman strength and durability, resiliant body hair, nipples of the future that can sense danger, shock absorbing fat cushions, super horrifying hairy postieror
, Roar of the Hairy Cyclops, Flossing Walrus, Millimeter Peter, GAZE!, bulletproff kilt, Dingleberries of Doom, Buttscratcher
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| - Half-Man (known as 1/2 Man), is a fictional comic book superhero created by Indianapolis, IN meat cutters Derek Walden and Chris Gammon from their co-worker Jaso York. Fictional Biography Half-Man was a prolific and well known meat serviceman who specialized in a special brand of meats known as "Fat Guy Meats". Unfortunately, it was discovered that his meat had several severe health violations, and he was shut down. Disheartened, he turned to his love of comics and tried to get into the industry. Unfortunately, he had a bad habbit of doing everything half-assed. After being turned down by every major publisher, he found that he could increase popularity of his hero by entering "Who Wants To Be A Superhero?" and win the prize. Making it to the finals, the viking helmeted warrior in a kilt, was regonized by one of the judges, who promptly threw a peice of Fat Guy Meat at him, causing an unexplained transformation into Half-Man! Now as a viking helmeted warrior in a kilt with superpowers, Half-Man dedicated his life to fighting crime most of the time, and somewhat saving the world. He also became one of the more well known endorsers of the Chicago Bears, his favorite team when he was a mortal. Blessed with resiliant girth, tough as steel body hair, nipples of the future, and the power to shock and awe with a mere gesture of bending over, Half-Man quickly became a hero, and a disgrace, overnight. His penchant for half assing led to many problems. His side kick, Half-Wit, grew tired of Half-Man's careless attitude, and became more aggresive in his battling, earning him the name Gammonator, destroyer of all he touches. After kicking Half-Man's ass, Gammonator went on to become a supervillain alongside his former Fat Guy co-worker, Overgrind.