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Hiaro stopped dead in his tracks. Something was following him. He could feel it. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as his body tightened, ready to spring into action at any moment. He slowly turned around, hand placed firmly on his sword handle. Cautiously, he addressed the stalker. “What do you think you're doing here?” His voice wasn't criticizing, but still demanded an answer. Neve couldn't come up with anything that wouldn't make her sound like a complete fool, so she settled for looking down at the ground. “So tell me, why were you following me?” Once again, she didn't respond.

  • Emergence of the Haunted
  • Hiaro stopped dead in his tracks. Something was following him. He could feel it. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as his body tightened, ready to spring into action at any moment. He slowly turned around, hand placed firmly on his sword handle. Cautiously, he addressed the stalker. “What do you think you're doing here?” His voice wasn't criticizing, but still demanded an answer. Neve couldn't come up with anything that wouldn't make her sound like a complete fool, so she settled for looking down at the ground. “So tell me, why were you following me?” Once again, she didn't respond.
  • Hiaro stopped dead in his tracks. Something was following him. He could feel it. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as his body tightened, ready to spring into action at any moment. He slowly turned around, hand placed firmly on his sword handle. Cautiously, he addressed the stalker. “Whoever you are, come out now, or regret it for the rest of your life.” Somewhere, only a few feet away, he could hear the subtle shift of someone trying to move around objects for more space. He slowly approached the spot, not wanting to alert them. He peaked around the corner, hoping to catch them when they didn't expect it, but he was too late. They were racing around the corner in an effort to keep out of sight. Right before they managed to escape his view, he caught something: a small foot, soft, round and pale white. He would recognize that foot anywhere. Neve. “Neve? What are you doing here?” He checked every morning to make sure that she was still asleep. He usually left for work before the sun rose and didn't return until it once again went down. He hate to leave her alone at home, but that's what he had Yamamoto for. He would usually watch her during the days as he went about his schedule while Hiaro took care of his duties in the Celestion Guard. It was a wonder Yamamoto didn't join, he was easily more powerful than Hiaro and could probably have his job if he wanted it. He had always wanted to ask, and at times would try to slip it in, but never got the answer he wanted. Maybe he'd never know. But why was Neve here, now? Wouldn't Yamamoto have noticed by now and come looking for her? Who knows. He had to give her some credit, she was good at concealing her energy, even if he hadn't been paying that much attention. He pinpointed where she was and silently sneaked up behind her. She didn't seem to notice, and nearly screamed when the moment she turned her head came face-to-face with her father. “What do you think you're doing here?” His voice wasn't criticizing, but still demanded an answer. Neve couldn't come up with anything that wouldn't make her sound like a complete fool, so she settled for looking down at the ground. “So, not going to answer me, then? Fine, I'll just have to get the answers out of you.” In one quick arc, he swept her off her feet, swinging her around affectionately. She held death still, not enjoying the spontaneous fondness. She hardly ever saw her father, let alone played with him. He wasn't in any way cold or inhumane, she just felt like she barely even knew him. Frankly speaking, she barely knew anyone. She spent all day wondering the woods, not allowed to go anywhere behind Yamamoto's direct line of sight. Yamamoto was the closest thing she even had to a friend, and maybe had it been him showing the sudden playfulness, she might have enjoyed it. Seeing that Neve was uncomfortable with the joke, Hiaro gently set her back on the ground. So much for bonding. He still didn't understand why she had come here, if she wanted to see him, why didn't she just say it? “So tell me, why were you following me?” Once again, she didn't respond. He obviously wasn't going to be getting any answers any time soon. The house was farther than his office was, but he had no choice but to take her back. It would be bad if anyone were to spot her now. It wasn't that he was embarrassed by her, it's just the fact that she was . . . different. He could never put his finger on it, but something was so off about Neve. Her eyes were pretty much a dead give away that she wasn't your average child. He knew that if someone were to spot her, eventually word would get around, and he didn't want to risk finding out what they'd do to her. So he kept her locked up, like a hideous dog meant to be kept from human eyes. He reached out and grabbed her hand, and with no resistance on her part, took off back towards the house. Her eyes stayed on the ground the entire way. ................................................................................................................................................................................... “I've been wondering where you were at.” Yamamoto addressed the small child. He was sitting on one of the larger boulders, feet planted firmly on the ground. He didn't seem worried about his pupil's sudden disappearance, if anything, he seemed amused. “Ya, kids, right?” Hiaro joked. No one payed him any attention. Neve walked into the house, not sparing either of them a look. “So what she'd do?” Yamamoto had his back hunched like he was thinking about something important. “Eh, tried to follow me to work. Lucky I figured out it was her before things got serious.” “Followed you to work? Never thought I'd see her doing that.” Then again, she never is the most predictable of children. “Well, hey, what are you going to do?” Yamamoto just looked at the house, not too interested in what he had to say. “Okay, well I've got to get going. Tell Neve I said goodbye.” In a flash, Hiaro vanished from his position, back into the Seireitei. Yamamoto sighed; he really had no idea how much pain it caused Neve to not be able to see her father often enough to even remember his eye color. Yamamoto rose from his position on the boulder and marched in through the front door. After Halina's death, Hiaro had the entire house reconstructed. Now it only consisted of one story and two medium sized rooms, one for Neve and one for him. In the kitchen, Neve was pouring two cups of tea. He picked up one of the cups and brought it to his nose. Jasmine. His favorite. They both sat down the table, directly across from each other. They delicately sipped their tea, with Neve avoiding Yamamoto's piercing gaze. Finally, he broke the silence. “So tell me, why did you follow him to work?” She set the cup down and pushed it so was out of arm's reach. For the longest time, they sat there in silence, before she got the guts to say what she needed to. “I wasn't following him purposely.” She paused. “I mean, I was, but I wasn't. I just wanted to see Seireitei, since I've never even been beyond the woods. I was following him so that way I didn't get lost.” She rubbed her shoulder's in a bad attempt to relieve the awkwardness. “And what if someone else had found you before he did? Then what?” He was beyond the point of seriousness. “You say it like I'm some kind of virus.” Her voice was almost inaudible, but he could make out enough. He felt his heart sink just a little. Yamamoto could be cold, but he wasn't cruel. “I'm sorry, but you know there's nothing I can do about that. You're kept here for your own good, not ours. Who knows what people would think if they saw you.” The last part came out worse than it was meant. But that was the only way he could put it. It wasn't just her eyes that set her apart, the energy she gave off, the way the elements reacted to her, everything was just off. Maybe when she was older and could control her power better would they allow her to explore the world, but for now, with her powers still developing, it was too big a chance to take. Neve fiddled with one of the buttons on her dress. “Come on, let's go to the usual spot and work on controlling your energy. You should have been able to last unnoticed for longer than that.” She made no move to rise from her chair, her eyes downcast. It was evident she wasn't in the mood for training today. If she was anything like he thought she was, she just wanted to be left alone. “Suit yourself.” He closed the door behind him and took off for their usual spot, just in case she changed her mind. ................................................................................................................................................................................... Yamamoto cracked open one eye. Something was watching him. In his trance, he wasn't able to notice, but now he was sure of it. Someone was watching him – no, not someone, they were watching him. He could spot at least three different energies, new but also very familiar. Two were less than a few yards away while the other was slowly approaching the house. His whole body tensed as he zoned in the farthest energy. At this point they were less than a few paces from the house. Neve was probably completely unaware of this new presence, the only reason he had managed to spot them was his years and years of experience. They most definitely weren't friendly, Arrancars don't just come to Soul Society just to say hello. He rose to his feet and shook out his tight muscles. Looks like relaxing time was over. “Not so fast, old man matchstick.” Two figures stepped out from behind the trees and blocked his direct path. The first one was a taller, thin, light blonde female. Her expression was stern, the opposite of her partner's conniving smile. The other one, the one who had addressed him, was a shorter male with crazy violet hair. They both had remnants of masks of their faces, confirming his earlier theory. Arrancar. Yamamoto didn't give them a response. He didn't need to, they would either move or face the consequences. “You need to stay put until this thing is over. Don't worry, we won't hurt the girl,” the blonde one asserted. “For now.” Yes, the violet haired one was definitely conniving. He was purposely trying to spur on Yamamoto, and they all knew it. “Well, that doesn't sit with me. Now please move, or find out what old man matchstick can do.” His hand sat lightly on his sword handle, ready to draw it at a moments notice. “Sorry, but we can't do that.” There was a new tension in the air, like a thin gas begging for a spark. Though he wasn't quite aware of it, together they were more than a match for him. But the goal wasn't to defeat him. It was to keep him distracted until the mission was completed. And they had to do it just right; if they didn't succeed, either Yamamoto or their master would have their heads. Not being one to wait, the violet haired one striked. Moving with precise delicacy, he drew his sword and made a move to cut Yamamoto's shoulder, but moving just as quickly Yamamoto dodged, causing it to only nick his arm. Almost simultaneously, the girl delivered a powerful Cero aimed at him, which was diverted by a small Kido shield. So far, the only ones hurt were the poor trees surrounding them. “What's your names?” Yamamoto asked. It was only courteous to know your opponents names before battle. The two looked at him with mixed expressions, but gave in. “Naseem Maddux, pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He even added a little bow for effect. Smart ass. “I'm Zsa Zsa Zotinni. Together, we're members of the Prosodias.” She said the last word with a flavor, like it was her pride to be part of such a group. Yamamoto couldn't help but be curious. He'd never heard of the 'Prosodias'. “Prosodias?” “Yes. You're right to be curious, of all the people that threaten Soul Society, we're by far the biggest danger.” He quirked an eyebrow. Way to be specific. “Cut the show, Zsa Zsa. Long story short, we're a collection of Vasto Lordes with one goal in mind: the destruction of Soul Society.” Vasto Lordes? That put a whole new meaning to the situation. Vasto Lordes were easily captain class, if not more, and with enough of them would be plenty of an army against Soul Society. There was just one thing he needed to know. “How many of you are there?” He could only hope there were just a few. “Six, including us,” Zsa Zsa answered. It wasn't as bad as it could be, but still not great. The Celestion Guard consisted of only ten squads, meaning that they only had ten captain class soldiers, which was just barely enough. “Then I'll be sure to keep my eye out,” he needed to get this to Hiaro as soon as possible. “I'm getting tired of this. I think it's time we show him what Vasto Lordes are capable of.” Naseem pounced, his sword drawn and ready to slice Yamamoto in two. At the last second, Yamamoto drew his own sword to block, with Naseem being only a dangerous few inches away. He hate to admit it, but the shrewd bastard was fast. If they were telling the truth and they weren't here to hurt Neve, he was grateful, there was no way she would ever stand a chance in a fight against one of them. Naseem struck again, this time putting a small gash in his shoulder. His eyes showed off how bloodthirsty he was, and Yamamoto had no intentions of waiting and finding out what he was capable of. Stepping back, he raised his sword at his opponent. “Reduce All Creation to Ash, Ryujin-” “That's enough.” Everyone turned to the person who had so rudely interrupted. A boy, with shaggy green hair and a smaller build than the other two, was slowly making his way towards them. His expression was apathetic, but he walked with an authority usually only seen in captains. He approached the two Arrancar. “It's time to leave. The mission has been completed.” Using the tip of his index finger, he opened a large Garganta back to Heuco Mundo. The girl shrugged and stepped through, but Naseem was more hesitant. “You really are a buzz kill.” Sheathing his sword, he turned to gave Yamamoto one last devious smile. “Until next time.” Together, they made there way back home, away from Soul Society, a place they despised more than anything. Yamamoto had been so distracted by the sudden departure he completely forgot about Neve, leaving him unprepared when she crashed into him. “Yama! You'll never believe what just happened.” She looked up at him with a wondering expression. In one hand, she had a petite sword that was covered by a red sheath, in the other, she had a small silver rock. He tilted his head. She appeared to be fine, not a scratch on her. What is it that they had wanted? “Try me.” ................................................................................................................................................................................... Neve peaked up from her book. She could have swore she heard something. A creak in the floor, slow and far away, like someone was purposely trying not to be heard. It couldn't be Yamamoto, he had no reason to be sneaking around the house, neither did her father or Kalle. It didn't help that every instinct told her that something dangerous – something very dangerous - was near. She gave a quick scan of the room, but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. But there was definitely someone here, someone she had never met before. Gently sliding out of her chair, she made a dash for the short sword that lie on the counter. They could just be a petty thieve, or something much, much, worse. But no matter what, she wouldn't allow herself to be caught off guard. She stood near the door that lead into the hallway, so to catch them by surprise when they came through. “I hope you don't think you can take me down with just that thing.” Neve crashed to the floor, the sudden voice startling her so much she nearly jumped out of her skin. She quickly sprang back to her feet, sword drawn, ready to take them on. “Impressive. You got back on your feet quicker than I thought you would.” He wasn't malicious, but he didn't sound proud either. Sort of aloof. He must have been standing right behind her, because he was less than a few feet from her previous position. From this view she could get a much better look at him. His eyes were a dull pink color topped by shaggy light green hair. He carried an indifferent persona that made him seem more reserved than actually evil. He didn't appear very strong, his pale skin and thin body making him seem sickly, but Neve knew better than to think that reflected his actual strength. Every instinct told her that she was outmatched. “Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you. I just want to check on something.” She took a step back. “W-who are you?” He eyed her for a second, as if contemplating the right answer. Slowly, he reached up, and began pulling down the zipper of his bleach white uniform. He stopped half way through, allowing her to take in the sight. Right where his heart should be was a rounded, empty hole. “A . . . Hollow?” She didn't know how to respond. How could he be a Hollow? “Close, but not quite. I'm an Arrancar, a creature more deadly than even the most powerful Hollows.” Well, didn't that make her feel wonderful. At least she knew what she was up against, if only vaguely. “What do you want?” She was half way across the room, too scared to be anywhere near him. It's not like it made much of a difference, it wouldn't even take him a second to cover the distance. “I've been sent here to give you something. I understand your powers have began to develop, correct?” Wait, how could he possibly know about that? Not even Yamamoto knew. It had only been a few weeks since she learned the name of her Zanpakuto, it seemed impossible someone she had never met would know about it. Unless someone had been watching her. “So . . . ?” “So? Then I'm correct. Good, this would really be a waste if it turned out to be false.” In a movement to quick for her to catch, he was standing directly in front of her, so close that he had to look down to view her. “There's something you need to have.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small stone. It was sparkling silver with a smooth texture. He held it lightly in his fingers, like it was an expensive piece of jewelry that could never be replaced. His hand was right in front of her, begging her to grab it. She hesitated. “What is it?” This whole thing was so confusing. What was this thing, and more importantly, who was he? “No one knows but the person who created it. All that matters is that it was meant for you.” His tone told that he wasn't lying. Neve gripped her sword handle, now entirely thrown off. But she knew better than to just trust him. Who knows what he was planning. “Can you tell me anything?” “I can tell you that this will help you more than it will hurt you, at least as far as I can see. I can also tell you that we'll eventually get it to you one way or the other, but it would be best you take it now before one of my comrades are sent in my place. Trust me when I say that out of all of us, I'm the one you should listen to, because they won't be so generous in their delivery.” He grabbed her wrist and set the stone into her hand. It felt odd against her skin. There was no better way to describe it then it felt like it trying to consume her body. It wasn't painful, just curious. “Keep this with you every moment of the day, or we'll have to come back and force you.” He turned his back and began to stroll away like nothing had happened. Neve eyed the stone, not sure what set it apart from anything she would find in the woods. But his threat had been sincere, and she knew it. If it wasn't with her every moment of the day – and chances are someone would be monitoring to make sure – the consequences would be dreadful. She slipped it into her pocket. But there was one thing she forgot. “Wait! What's your name?” He stopped dead in his tracks. Not turning to look at her, he gave her his answer. “Cirocco.” Then he was gone. Neve fell to the floor, not sure what to make of what had just happened. Why would someone come all this way just to give her a stone? It was mind boggling. Distantly, she could feel Yamamoto's energy, which was higher than usual, but slowly decreasing. Now that she was alone, she could also pick out two other energies, also Arrancars, who were right by him. That couldn't be good. In the conversation she must have managed to miss his struggle. Getting back to her feet, she raced out the door, ready to tell him about their strange visitor. In her anxiety, she had forgot the stone. Previous Chapter > Shadow's Masquerade Next Chapter > Morning Rememberance
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