| - Well?
- {Puzzled} Your guess is as good as mine.
- {Explaining her work. / Confident} That particular strain of Mutfruit should do well, but I wasn't certain how the hybridization would affect the flavor and texture.
- {annoyed at the bad fruit / Irritated} I'll send Austin over with some new melons. These are going bad.
- {Someone used to others doing whatever she tells them. / Confident} Ah, you'll do perfectly.
- {annoyed / Irritated} He wasn't my first choice, but the Mole Rats died.
- {Irritated} I can't get anyone to be a test subject. Not even Austin. And he eats just about anything.
- {lashing out at him, but only because she is so worried about Austin / Angry} Not now Bobby!
- {Happily observing, talking to herself. / Happy} I'll have to see how it holds up to exposure.
- {Concerned} Oh, dear. I seem to have misplaced one of my instruments. Now where could it be...
- {Upset over the loss of a child / Depressed} Don't, Gwen. It's not your fault. I should have kept a closer eye on him.
- {Distant, sad. / Somber} So Bobby DeLuca's dead. I hate to say it, but serves him right.
- {Sincere / Neutral} Just the person I wanted to see. I wanted to... thank you for what you did for Austin.
- {Muttered to herself / Irritated} Hybridization. It's got to be a flaw in the hybridization.
- {annoyed / Irritated} I'm starting to think there may be something wrong with it.
- {Explaining her work / Confident} What good is fresh produce if it's always contaminated by its environment?
- {Chuckles before starting the line / Irritated} I don't mind a little sass. Let it go Austin.
- {Somber} At least I hope so. It may be Austin's only chance.
- {Grateful / Grateful} It was a selfless act. Something we don't see much of from the Commonwealth
- {Calm sadness. Not cursing Gwen, but the situation. / Sad} God damnit, Gwen.
- {Matter of fact / Confident} I'll give you 25 caps, non-negotiable. I know how you outsiders enjoy your bartering, but I've never been any good at it.
- {Grateful / Grateful} I just had to say thank you for saving Austin. I may have my life's work, but that boy is what really keeps me going.
- {giving rushed orders, still worried about Austin / Worried} Bobby here will show you where he keeps his secret stash.
- {parental chiding / Concerned} Austin? What are you doing here? Are you bothering that stranger from the Commonwealth?
- {Happy} But I need someone to test it. Sure I can't talk you into trying it?
- {She's fond of him. / Amused} He's a child I watch over. He lives here.
- {Reflecting / Thinking} I'll be keeping a much closer eye on Austin after all of this.
- {Stern, but concerned} Overblown or not, we have to do what we can for Austin.
- {Making mental notes / Neutral} Hmm, going to need more fertilizer soon.
- {elated / Relieved} Bobby, you're a genius! A junkie genius!
- {Curious, thinking to herself. / Puzzled} Hmm, now where did I put that Geiger counter.
- {Worried about a boy / Worried} There's no worse feeling then knowing you can't help someone you love.
- {Used to telling people what to do. / Confident} Excellent. Just tell me how it tastes and how it makes you feel.
- {spiteful. Calling him out on his poorly kept secret / Angry} You mean your chems.
- {Happily observing, talking to herself. / Happy} Very little discoloration. Strong cellular plant structure.
- {Kind of joking / Amused} Besides, what if it kills me?
- {Matter of fact / Confident} It should be nutritious and remove radiation poisoning.
- {giving rushed explanation / Worried} There is a chance that somewhere in there is a cure for Austin.
- {Matter of fact / Confident} It's a new strain of Mutfruit that I just developed.
- {Friendly / Friendly} You should stop by the lab in the morning, and take a look at the new crops.
- {excited that there is a chance to save Austin / Happy} There might be a cure for whatever Austin got from that mole rat somewhere in that place.
- {Regretful, very sad over the death of a child she cared for. / Sad} He was only ten years old.
- {Matter of fact / Neutral} His parents died and I sort of adopted him.
- {Explaining her work / Confident} Just a small part of it. My hope is to create a strain of foods that have increased resistance to radiation.
- {Worried / Worried} Please let that boy pull through.
- What were we talking about again?
- {Happy / Confident} Just bring by whatever you can find whenever you have the time.
- {Matter of fact. / Neutral} Twenty-five caps, no more, no less.
- {Not really expecting an answer / Angry} You going to talk to me this time, or are you going to walk away again?
- {Disappointed / Neutral} Eh, that's alright. Just another request in for the Overseer. But if you do happen to find any, the offer still stands.
- {Hopeful / Neutral} I can certainly work with that. I'll have to start working on some new hybrids right away.
- {Irritated} I can't seem to get the potatoes right.
- {Distant, sad. / Somber} I heard Bobby DeLuca got himself clean... If only he'd done it earlier, Austin may still be alive.
- {Happy} Excellent. Just tell me how it tastes and how it makes you feel.
- {frustrated / Angry} Austin got bitten by a mole rat. Isn't that enough, Jacob? There can't be that many mole rat diseases or toxins.
- {Thinking to herself. / Neutral} I'll have to remember to drop off that lamp before work tomorrow.
- {Matter of fact / Confident} But I need a test subject to try it.
- {Happily relieved / Relieved} Really? Great. I was dreading having to put in another request to the Overseer.
- {Happy} There's my favorite Commonwealth traveler. Did you happen to find any fertilizer while you were out?
- {Friendly / Friendly} Alright. I'll be here when you're ready.
- {Angry over the death of her ward, Austin / Angry} First you murder my boy, then you want to talk? I don't think so.
- {Angry over the death of her ward, Austin / Angry} I have nothing to say to you.
- {annoyed / Irritated} He'll eat just about anything I put in front of him, but he won't touch this new fruit.
- {Almost in tears} Why him? He's just a boy.
- {Angry} Hey! Don't you walk away from me!
- {Angry} You useless piece of shit.
- {Confident} I'd rather you tried it.
- {Confident} So it's either him, or you.
- {Feeling useless} I just don't know what I can do.
- {Grateful} You have a good heart.
- {Irritated} Austin! Austin Engill!
- {Pleading} And for Austin's sake, please hurry!
- {Puzzled} Guinea pig? What's a guinea pig?
- {Relieved} I was hoping I could count on you.
- {Relieved} Save my boy, Austin.
- {Sincere / Neutral} No arguments there.
- {Worried} We have an emergency here.
- {grumpy / Irritated} Says you.
- {parental chiding / Friendly} Watch it, boy.
- {proud, but refuses to show it / Irritated} Hmmph.
- {really angry / Angry} Bobby!
- {skeptical / Irritated} Hmmph.
- {Muttered to herself / Concerned} Seeds. I'll need more seeds.
- {annoyed / Irritated} No, no no. A scientist must be a dispassionate observer.
- {Masking her worry with anger / Angry} Don't you die on me Austin.
- {Angry over the death of her ward, Austin / Angry} Damn that Bobby DeLuca. Between you and him, I don't know who to blame more.
- {Muttered to herself / Concerned} Where did that boy get to?
- {Stern} And you, stranger, will have to wait your turn.
- {A bit put off by the player's attitude / Neutral} I wouldn't expect so.
- {Friendly / Friendly} Anyway, I'm sure you have plenty of things to get back to.
- {Happy / Happy} I'm so thankful to have Austin alive and well again.
- {Worried / Worried} Poor Austin. It's so hard to see him suffering like this.
- {Angry} You won't even lift a finger to save a little boy.