| - Deren was the homeworld of the Shreinotaurs, the adopted home of the Charitons and the originating planet of the Charitaurs.
- Deren is a Klanh of ler, of Worker class. It is in its eleventh generation. The name means "Counters", and their work is mainly concerned with record-keeping. As of AD 2550, its members are:
* Fellirian: foremother, age 45
* Morlenden: forefather, age 45
* Cannialin: aftermother, age 40
* Kaldherman: afterfather, age 40
* Pethmirvin: elder outsibling, or Nerh, age 15
* Kevlendos: male insibling, or Toorh, age 10
* Pentandrun: female insibling, or Toorh, age 10
* Stheflannai: extra, or Zerh, age 5
| - Deren is a Klanh of ler, of Worker class. It is in its eleventh generation. The name means "Counters", and their work is mainly concerned with record-keeping. As of AD 2550, its members are:
* Fellirian: foremother, age 45
* Morlenden: forefather, age 45
* Cannialin: aftermother, age 40
* Kaldherman: afterfather, age 40
* Pethmirvin: elder outsibling, or Nerh, age 15
* Kevlendos: male insibling, or Toorh, age 10
* Pentandrun: female insibling, or Toorh, age 10
* Stheflannai: extra, or Zerh, age 5 Deren is in a partial resonance with Klanh Moren; its younger outsibling, or Thes, becomes an afterparent of Moren. The elder Berlargir, an earlier member of the Klanh, was forefather of Morlenden and Fellirian.
- Deren was the homeworld of the Shreinotaurs, the adopted home of the Charitons and the originating planet of the Charitaurs.