| - thumb|left|Phantom Ganons Körper ohne Maske in Ocarina of Time (Screenshot).Sein Titel aus Ocarina of Time lautet "Reitendes Unheil", weil er auf sein Pferd reitet und seine Gegner mit Lichtkugeln angreift. Er hat eine andere Waffe als Ganondorf. Er tritt als Endgegner im Waldtempel auf, um Link aufzuhalten. Seine Körpergestalt ähnelt dem von Ganondorf noch vor dem Zeitsprung. Im Raum reitet er auf seinem Pferd und springt in eines der Bilder im Raum und verschwindet. Später greift er Link mit Lichtkugeln an, die man zurück schlagen muss (ähnelt einem Tennisspiel). Nach seine Niederlage gegen Link, wurde von seinem Meister in den Hades verbannt. Danach gab sich auch Salia als Tempelwächterin über den Waldtempel und als eine der sieben Weisen aus.
- Phantom Ganon is about as tall as the typical human, but his skin is kind of like Ganondorf's. He shares the forehead jewel, but that is not any real weak spot. Originally, he wore armor nealy identical to ganondorf's, but changed his to a better design, kind of like Roman Armor in the real world. His actual power source is the orange gem on his lance.
- Phantom Ganon are Ganondorf's mysterious puppets who appear in four The Legend of Zelda games: Ocarina of Time, The Wind Waker, Four Swords Adventures, and Twilight Princess.
- Phantom Ganon is a recurring antagonist in the Legend of Zelda series. He is an entity of pure evil, created by Ganondorf to be a perfect servant and, if need be, killing machine, who asks no questions and does what his master commands. Phantom Ganon is infamous for his fighting style, often utilizing the Dead Man's Volley technique in battle.
- Phantom Ganon is one of the many creations that the great wizard Ganondorf made; In fact, he is a ghostly copy of Ganondorf himself. He wields a mighty spear with which he impales his victims. After Link defeated him in the dungeon, he kept the tip of the spear and the Mysterious Gibdo made it into a sword. APPEARANCES: "Zelda Game" CREATED BY: Shiguru Miyamoto
- Phantom Ganon is a recurring boss in The Legend of Zelda series.
- Phantom Ganon (ファントムガノン, Fantomu Ganon) is a recurring boss in Hyrule Warriors Legends. He is an enemy that made his first appearance in Ocarina of Time, and has played a major role in nearly every Zelda game in which Ganondorf makes an appearance. The Hyrule Warriors incarnation is taken from The Wind Waker.