| - In May of 2014, an assembly of millionaire trial lawyers, union mafiosos, communist infiltrators, pirates, and Sildar Beach movie moguls met at the Palacio del Sildar in Ceres, Sildar. Their goal: to establish a party to challenge Aloria's prevailing laissez-faire ideology. By August of 2014, the Committee on Documentation promulgated the first Charter of Aims and Reasons, which was unanimously approved by the General Forum within a week. The Forum also announced the party's motto: "A New Order for the Ages." The Democratic Rationalist Party claims an impressive list of party achievements.
| - In May of 2014, an assembly of millionaire trial lawyers, union mafiosos, communist infiltrators, pirates, and Sildar Beach movie moguls met at the Palacio del Sildar in Ceres, Sildar. Their goal: to establish a party to challenge Aloria's prevailing laissez-faire ideology. By August of 2014, the Committee on Documentation promulgated the first Charter of Aims and Reasons, which was unanimously approved by the General Forum within a week. The Forum also announced the party's motto: "A New Order for the Ages." The Democratic Rationalist Party was not born in a groundswell of plebiscitary anger. Instead, a vangaurd of elites met at a luxury hotel in Aloria's wealthiest city, and formulated a plan to change the face of Alorian politics. That sobriety of purpose was reflected in the party's founding documents. The first Charter of Aims and Reasons stated in its preamble: "The Democratic Rationalists believe in a democratic, analytic approach to government which emphasizes the greatest utilitarian good under a rational cost-benefit analysis." The Democratic Rationalist Party is Aloria's second oldest political party. The Moderate Libertarian Party is the oldest. It has been said that the two parties play Yin and Yang to each other; polar opposites, yet each depending on the other for definition. The Democratic Rationalist Party claims an impressive list of party achievements.