| - Sonic and Sir Charles Hedgehog are in the Hedgehog residence preparing for the big wedding of Antoine and Bunnie Rabbot. Sonic is somewhat relieved, but still visibly let down by the break up with Fiona Fox. Tails comes to pick him up and they walk off and part with their parents so that they can go find the lucky couple. The duo have a brief, but encouraging talk about Tails' parents, before Tails confers to Sonic his hopes with Fiona. However, Sonic just tells him to get over it, and that there are plenty of time to figure it out. They walk down to the Freedom Fighters HQ, where they meet up with the Chaotix and the groom, Antoine. Antoine is visibly nervous and shaking, as Vector the Crocodile tries to calm his nerves by giving him advice. Sonic notices that Espio is missing, when Knuck
| - Sonic and Sir Charles Hedgehog are in the Hedgehog residence preparing for the big wedding of Antoine and Bunnie Rabbot. Sonic is somewhat relieved, but still visibly let down by the break up with Fiona Fox. Tails comes to pick him up and they walk off and part with their parents so that they can go find the lucky couple. The duo have a brief, but encouraging talk about Tails' parents, before Tails confers to Sonic his hopes with Fiona. However, Sonic just tells him to get over it, and that there are plenty of time to figure it out. They walk down to the Freedom Fighters HQ, where they meet up with the Chaotix and the groom, Antoine. Antoine is visibly nervous and shaking, as Vector the Crocodile tries to calm his nerves by giving him advice. Sonic notices that Espio is missing, when Knuckles informs him of a solo mission he decided to go alone to: New Megaopolis. While Espio is doing recon in the city, Sonic meets up with Bunnie and her maid of honor, Sally, as well as Rosie and Amy, the flower girl. They don't let him in, and tell him to go away to help compliment Julie-Su. When Sonic shows reluctance in this task, Rosie then tells him to keep the flower girl entertained, and sends Amy off with Sonic, much to Amy's delight and Sonic's horror. Bunnie, who is in a silver and white wedding dress, jokes with Sally and Rosie on sending Amy with Sonic before moving to the marriage and Sally's love life. Back in New Megapolis, Espio finds a battle suit that Dr. Eggman had constructed. He is surprised and terrified at the same time. Back at the wedding again, Sonic is complimenting Julie-Su and her pretty pink dress, and asks whether the couple will ever call themselves hitched up. Julie-Su comments the Dark Legion never had such a ceremony. Knuckles adds that they need no ceremony; their word is good enough. Sonic rushes to the Grand Hall to meet up with the Royal Acorn Family. The family jokes about the wedding, and the two former lovers tease each other. Elias makes an awkward statement about the two's relationship, but it's tossed aside as Tails and his parents arrive to greet the royal family. As they walk away, Amadeus mutters a bitter statement about Elias, which Tails overhears. In Megaopolis, Espio slips undetected into a computer room where he finds info about Eggman's plans. Shocked, he makes a run for it, only to be detected by one of Eggman's robots. At the wedding, Elias gives a speech to the guests and proceeds to start the ceremony. Meanwhile, Espio is suddenly under attack by the Eggman surveillance forces. He tries to get past them to escape, but is eventually cornered. At the ceremony, Antoine and Bunnie exchange wedding rings, and are pronounced husband and wife by Elias. They kiss, and the crowd breaks out in applause. But... Back at New Megaopolis, Espio is speaking angrily to an unseen figure approaching him, stating that the others will find out about his plan before long. Suddenly he is zapped by the figure, who is revealed to be Dr. Eggman himself wearing a metal glove, stating that they don't stand a chance.