- Efreet (イフリート Ifuriito?) is the Spirit of Fire, also representing one of the four cardinal elements of the Tales games. Efreet has appeared in several games of the series as a character or cameo, and he is able to be summoned through the Efreet arte. Efreet is opposed by Undine, the Spirit of Water, and in certain games Celsius, the Spirit of Ice. In Tales of Rebirth, Efreet is replaced by Fenia, the Sacred Beast of Fire. In Tales of Graces, he is replaced by the Spirit Blood Flamme. Initially appearing as a wispy flame creature, Efreet has evolved into more of a crimson giant.
- Efreet is found in Fire Mountain. Past Parsec's inner sanctum is a chest with a monster and Efreet. You cannot get this chest during your first visit.
- Efreet is a fire-spitting creature that's embedded in the ground. He attacks by spitting orbs of fire, and he can launch his head forward in an attempt to eat the player.
- This Is A Please Help Us By Expanding It. Pip Cost: 8 Accuracy: 75% Description: Deal 895 File:Fire.png File:Damage.png and -90% to next incoming File:Damage.png spell. -Required level: 58 -Spells: None -Can be bought with training points: No
- The Efreet (also ifrit, afreet, afrit, or afrite, Arabic (male) ʿifrīt/عفريت or Arabic (female) ʿifrītah/عفريتة) was a demonic fire spirit from Arabian mythology. It was classified as being an evil type of Djinn or Genie, from a class of infernal jinn (spirits below the level of angels and devils) noted for their strength and cunning. Furthermore, mythology depicted an ifrit as an enormous creature of fire and smoke, either male or female, who lives underground and frequents ruins.
- The Efreet are a particular race of Genie. Depictions of them indicate they are huge, muscular creatures with brooding, dour features. They have been referred to as Genii of the Marid and described as "servants of Hazah". They seem to have had some kind of social structure - Al-Haddar the storyteller speaks of an Efreet prince named Al-Ra'ad al-Kasif who dwelt in the Omnipresent Tower. Efreet can apparently be bound to particular items - the Demon of the Ring is an example of this. However, when summoned they have also been seen emerging through fissures in the ground.
- Efreet is the Area 9 boss. He becomes available for challenge once the player has conquered the Foot, the Nest, and the Beach. Defeating Efreet will yield anywhere between 30,000-200,000 Gold. He can also drop Ruby in place of a bag of Gold.