| - Cosmo is a cosmonaut dog in Taneleer Tivan's collection.
- Cosmo (コスモ Kosumo) es un personaje principal de la serie de anime Sonic X. Ella es una niña de una especie planta-extraterrestre cuyo mundo natal fue destruido por los malvados Metarex, que, en los años que siguieron, dejaron a Cosmo como la única sobreviviente de su especie. Para frustrar las ambiciones de los Metarex por dominio universal, Cosmo se unió a Sonic the Hedgehog y sus aliados en su guerra contra los Metarex, eventualmente convirtiéndose en un interés amoroso para Miles "Tails" Prower. En el final, sin embargo, ella se sacrificó para derrotar a los Metarex para siempre.
- Cosmo was to be the seventh secret playable character in Mushroom Kingdom Fusion. He was later scrapped when the developer behind him quit.
- Cosmo is the animal partner of one of the Sky Arcobaleno and Giglio Nero Ottavo Boss, Luce. Nothing more is known about this tiny squirrel except that it sits atop Luce's head.
- Cosmo (コスモ Kosumo?) is a main character from the anime series Sonic X. She is a female child of a plant-like alien species whose homeworld was destroyed by the villainous Metarex, who, in the years that followed, left Cosmo as the sole survivor of her kind. To thwart the Metarex's ambitions for universal dominance, Cosmo joined Sonic the Hedgehog and his allies in their war against the Metarex, eventually becoming a love interest for Miles "Tails" Prower. In the end however, she sacrificed herself to defeat the Metarex for good.
- Cosmo is a member of New York Pizza Cats. Like Dee-Dee, he is taller than the Samurai Pizza Cats, and is suave and agile. He uses a rapier in combat
- Cosmo was a dog belonging to Carl Cosgrove, Jr..
- Cosmo (コスモ Kosumo?) – żeńska przedstawicielka rasy kosmitów-roślin, córka Ziemiany i siostra Galaxiny. Była ostatnią żyjącą przedstawicielką swojej rasy, którą zniszczyły złe Metarexy. Cosmo dołączyła do niebieskiego jeża Sonica i jego przyjaciół w misji ratowania wszechświata. W trakcie kosmicznej podróży, Cosmo stała się obiektem westchnień Milesa "Tailsa" Prowera. Ostatecznie poświęciła się, aby raz na zawsze ocalić galaktykę przed Metarexami.
- Cosmo is Jetta's baby brother. He appeared in the episode Baby Makes Four.
- Cosmo è uno dei quattro automi costruiti dal dottor Tsukimi su Karakuri.
- Cosmo ist einer der beiden helfenden Elfen von Timmy. Ausserdem ist er der Ehemann Wanda. In der weiten Staffel bekommt er mit Wanda ein Baby.
- Cosmo ist ein Eichhörnchen und Luces Tierpartner. Man kann es in Easy Go, dem Intro der Arcobaleno Trials Arc, auf ihrem Hut sitzen sehen. Es ist nichts weiter über das Eichhörnchen bekannt.
- Le Sergent Cosmo (コスモ 軍曹 Kosumo Gunsou) est l'un des quatre Spaceys créé sur Machine Island par le Dr Tsukumi.
- Cosmo is the deuteragonist of The Fairly Oddparents. He is a dimwitted fairy godparent. He grants wishes when Timmy tells him to.
- El Sargento Cosmo (コスモ軍曹 Kosumo Gunsou?) es uno de los spaceys que viajaron a la Luna y fueron creados por el Dr. Tsukimi.
- Cosmo came from Isle Delfino because he wanted to learn to fight, pilot a spaceship, and explore many galaxies. So, he enrolled in Thunder's academy, where he met Thunder and Vapor.
- Cosmo Julius Cosma is one of the main characters on The Fairly OddParents. He and his wife Wanda are currently Timmy Turner's fairy godparents. They have one son together, named Poof, born in the episode "Fairly Odd Baby". Cosmo, along with Wanda, were assigned to him due to the miserable life he was leading, they grant whatever he wishes for, often with errant results. This article is a stub. You can help the My English Wiki by [ expanding it].
- Cosmo is a priest of the Olacion Order. Coming from a devout family of believers, no one was surprised when he entered the priest guild. He trains hard and has become a very skilled monk. His thoughts are always with the gods. His deeply held religious beliefs govern his every word and deed.
- __INDEX__ Cosmo ist eine helfende Elfe aus der Fernsehserie Cosmo & Wanda. Cosmo trägt, wie fast alle Elfen, schwarze Hosen, ein Krönchen sowie einen Zauberstab und schwebt ununterbrochen auf und ab. Tagsüber tarnt er sich als einen von Timmys Goldfischen. Wenn er sich in andere Gegenstände verwandeln, um seine Existenz Dritten gegenüber zu verbergen, ist Cosmo grün. Seit über 9895 Jahren ist er mit Wanda (meist) glücklich verheiratet. Cosmo ist kindisch, emotional und enthusiastisch und findet für Timmys Probleme meist sehr abenteuerliche Lösungen. Er und Wanda haben die Aufgabe, Timmys Wünsche zu erfüllen; diese dürfen allerdings nicht gegen „Die Regeln“ („Da Rules“) verstoßen.
- Cosmo is one of Timmy Turner's fairy godparents and the main tritagonist of The Fairly OddParents series. He is often called stupid by Wanda. He has green hair and eyes. His mother is Mama Cosma who is overly protective and doesn't like Wanda. His dad is Papa Cosma. Cosmo likes monkeys a lot and can even speak monkey. He has an Anti-Fairy Counterpart named Anti-Cosmo who is intelligiant. Cosmo calls Wanda a naggy lady since she is constantly giving orders to him.
- Cosmo Julius Cosma is one of the main characters on The Fairly OddParents. He and his wife Wanda are currently Timmy Turner's fairy godparents. They have one son together, named Poof, born in the episode "Fairly Odd Baby". Cosmo, along with Wanda, were assigned to him due to the miserable life he was leading, they grant whatever he wishes for, often with errant results. In the shorts and early episodes, his voice was deeper and more suave, but now his voice is higher.
- Cosmo is a dog and a resident of the Knowhere mining colony.
- Cosmo is an inexperienced warrior from Jhelom questing in Dungeon Destard. Prior to the events of Ultima VII, Cosmo became smitten with Ophelia, an attractive barmaid in Jhelom. She did not return his affections, but claimed that she would wed him on one condition - that Cosmo locate a unicorn and thereby prove his sexual innocence. Cosmo, believing that Ophelia would keep her word, travelled to Dungeon Destard with his friends Cairbre and Kallibrus to seek out such a creature.
- Cosmo originated from the Big Bang that gave birth to the universe, and any time Cosmo is burned inside a body, it's a smaller scale reproduction of the real Big Bang. All human beings have Cosmo deep inside themselves, but only a few are truly aware of it, and even fewer are able to burn it and/or increase it until it explodes.
- Viene generalmente indicato con "Cosmo" la gamma di poteri sovrumani che caratterizzano i Sacri Guerrieri. Il cosmo è alla base della trama originale, e viene definito varie volte come "un universo che arde all'interno del corpo". In linea generale il cosmo è una capacità di influire sull'ambiente e le persone a livello fisico e metafisico. Il padroneggiamento di questa influenza, e soprattutto la capacità di avvertirne l'utilizzo da parte di altri, è considerata il "raggiungimento del senso", ovvero il passaggio dall'utilizzo volontario alla piena coscienza e consapevolezza della natura di tali poteri. Kurumada definisce canonicamente il cosmo come "il settimo senso" , ma questa definizione viene spesso contraddetta, specie con l'introduzione di altri sensi superiori (per non parlare dell
- Name: Cosmo Metatype Human Body | 3 Agility | 4(6) Reaction | 4(5) Strength | 3(5) Charisma | 2 Intuition | 4 Logic | 5 Willpower | 4 Edge | 2 Essence | 1.2 Magic | 0 Resonance | 0 Initiative (Wired Reflexes)(Matrix) | 8(9)(10) Passes (Wired Reflexes)(Matrix) | 1(2)(3) Physical Damage Meter | 10 Stun Damage Meter | 10 Positive: Codeslinger (Spoofing Commands). Negative: Scorched, Addiction (Mild, Alcohol). Knowledge Skills: Military Service 3, Russian Politics 2, Engineering 4, Military Matrix Security Procedures 4, Matrix Theory 3, Vory Politics 2, Vory Safehouses 3. Leather Jacket 2/2 Lined Coat 6/4
- Fulfilling a promise made to his dying father, wealthy Canadian scientist Cosmo Grant fought injustice using his "white magic" (which was simply scientific genius so advanced it APPEARED to be magical in nature). His base of operations was a laboratory somewhere on the west coast of Canada. His foes included Thorm the Birdman, Nazi Scientist Von Cadaver, and even Hitler himself. He had a sidekick/partner named Captain Tom "Hoot" Hadden.
- cosMo, also called Bousou-P after one of his more popular works, is an animator and prominent Vocaloid composer. He has become famous in the Vocaloid community for producing a vast number of extremely fast-tempo songs (often over 200 bpm), pushing the software to its limits. He has composed music sung by Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin and Len, Megurine Luka, Gumi, and Gakupo; while most of cosMo's works are Miku songs, he claims that his favorite Vocaloid is Kagamine Len.