| - walnut Roll
* 1 Cake compressed yeast 1 ts SaltOr 1 Cake dry yeast 2 eggs, Well Beaten
* 4 tb Melted shortening 6 c White flour
* 2 c milk, Scalded And Cooled 2 c walnuts, Ground
* 1/2 c sugar 2 c sugar Soften yeast in Lukewarm milk. Add shortening, 1/2 Cup sugar, And salt.Add 1/2 of flour And Beat Until Smooth. Cover And Let Stand in a WarmPlace Overnight. in The Morning, Add eggs, And Enough flour to Make aSmooth Dough. Knead Until Smooth And Elastic. Place Dough in a Bowl, CoverWith a Warm, Damp Cloth, And Let Rise Until Double in Bulk. Knead Down AndLet Rise Again. When it Has Doubled in Bulk Roll 1/8 to 1/4 Inch Thick.Brush With Melted butter or butter Substitute. Cover With 2 Cups GroundNuts Mixed With 2 Cups sugar. Spread This Mixture About 1/4 Inch Thick OnThe Rolled Dough. Roll Like cinnamon Rolls But do Not Cut. Place InWell-Oiled Pan. Set in a Warm Place, Cover Ant Let Rise Until Treble InBulk. Brush Top With Melted butter And Bake in Hot Oven (450? f) 20-25Minutes. 16 Servings.