| - ((In her own words)) I was born. Most of us are, really, when you get right down to it, although I’ve met a few, 'ere and there, what I suspected were spawned, like murlocs, from mud and slime. I was born, as I said, on 'allow’s End. Me Da was Gwydion Dhommnail, a warlock and a teacher of warlocks…though 'e 'ated teaching and 'ated students even more. Me mum was Aiedail Cameron ((Now Nicneven Erstwhile), a priestess who had the misfortune of falling in love with the wrong man. For the first time in my life, I could choose what I would do, and who I would do it with.
| - ((In her own words)) I was born. Most of us are, really, when you get right down to it, although I’ve met a few, 'ere and there, what I suspected were spawned, like murlocs, from mud and slime. I was born, as I said, on 'allow’s End. Me Da was Gwydion Dhommnail, a warlock and a teacher of warlocks…though 'e 'ated teaching and 'ated students even more. Me mum was Aiedail Cameron ((Now Nicneven Erstwhile), a priestess who had the misfortune of falling in love with the wrong man. I grew up 'appy. I 'ad a good childhood, although we moved around quite a bit. I didn't, at the time, really know why me parents kept moving us around. When I was still a girl, I came home from a tryst in the woods to find my parents gone…From then on, my life grew much more difficult…not sad, so much, but difficult, yes… I did what I 'ad to do to survive. I spent some years of my youth as a "lady of negotiable affection". Fortunately, I fell in with a dwarven madam who was fiercely protective of her gels. I credit 'er with my survival, even now. During the day, I learned magic from me Da's books…I learned to summon, to control, to kill with agonizing slowness and effectiveness…I became strong and talented enough to go make a livin' as a mercenary. I’d learned to sew as well, and garments made by my hand were beginnin' to fetch a pretty price. For the first time in my life, I could choose what I would do, and who I would do it with. I met a girl named Elentarri, an assassin…or a former assassin…who became a cherished friend…together with her, and several others, we embarked upon many more adventures.