| - Character artist Jay Doherty designed the "Bananamen" for use in the canon mobile game Star Wars: Uprising, which was developed by Kabam for iOS and Android platforms, and released on September 10, 2015. However, the concept was never approved, let alone added to the game.
- Bananaman is the commodities market on Barbary Island of the Emerald Ocean. Its name comes from comic and cartoon superhero Bananaman. Image:Icon boarding house.pngArr! This article about a building in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
- Bananaman is one of Britain's most famous superheroes. He originally appeared in Nutty as the backpage strip in Issue 1, dated 16 February 1980 drawn by John Geering. He has since appeared in The Dandy and The Beano.
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Bananaman/preload editintro=Bananaman/editintro width=25 Bananaman is a British Comic Book Character. It arrived in 1983.
- Eric is your average, run of the mile, pathetically weak schoolboy. But when he eats a banana, he transforms into a superhero: Bananaman! He is voiced by Graeme Garden. Powers: Superstrong (he has the strenght of "twenty big men"), able to fly (well, more like swim throught the air), invulnerable.
- Goodbye blub Didnt know what time it was the eebles were high on crack oh how I leaned back on my radio... then it slipped and fell and I went too ouch ouch Some gggg was flying around on some flying rock n roll with a lotta soul, he said, but he might be lying or using liberal deceit Then the loud sound did seem to burst my damn eardrums Came back like a slow voice on a wave of mayonnaise ha hase That werent no OMG OMG OMG that was hazy cosmic McFail Theres a bananaman waiting in the fruit bowl Hed like to come and execute us But he thinks hed blow our minds (duh!) Hes told us not to get all hyper
- In 1985, Nutty comic was merged into The Dandy, and thus Bananaman joined the then 48-year-old comic. In 1999, John Geering died, and Steve Bright took on the artwork duties. He drew the strip until 2006, when he was briefly replaced by Captain Handsome. For a few months in 2007, reprints of Bananaman from 1998 were used which adapted episodes of the 80s cartoon, to tie in with a DVD release (it had originally tied in to a CBBC rerun). When The Dandy relaunched as a fortnightly magazine, Dandy Xtreme, later that year, Bananaman was reduced to a single page, now reprinted from BEEB. When those were exhausted, Chris McGhie took over as the artist, until The Dandy reverted back to being weekly with issue 3508 (dated 30 October 2010), and Wayne Thompson took over.
- The original strip, originated by Dave Donaldson and Steve Bright, written and developed by the latter, and mostly drawn by John Geerin] until his death in 1999, is essentially a parody of Superman and Batman with shades of Captain Marvel and his British twin, Marvelman and occasionally other Silver Age characters, while also combining comic slapstick with a heavy dose of eccentric British humour similar to Alan Moore's contemporary work on Captain Britain. In the strip, Eric Wimp, an ordinary schoolboy, living at 29 Acacia Road, Nuttytown (later changed to Dandytown after Nutty's demise), eats a banana to transform into Bananaman, an adult superhero, sporting a distinctive cowled blue and yellow outfit complete with a yellow two-tailed cape resembling a banana skin. His superpowers includ
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| - Super strength, the muscles of twenty men, and the brains of twenty mussels, Flight, Invulnerability, Breathing in space, Helium-boosted heat finger, Intense stupidity. Also equipped with gadgets: Thermal Banana, Banana Laser Gun, electronic thermal underwear.