| - Natalia Gorchakovna, familiarly known as Natasha, was the sister of Vladimir Gorchakov, and managed their lands while he was away in Grantville. Like her brother, she could speak, read, and write English. After Bernie Zeppi arrived in Russia, she became the de facto head of the research center established at the Gorchakov family's dacha near Moscow. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
| - Natalia Gorchakovna, familiarly known as Natasha, was the sister of Vladimir Gorchakov, and managed their lands while he was away in Grantville. Like her brother, she could speak, read, and write English. After Bernie Zeppi arrived in Russia, she became the de facto head of the research center established at the Gorchakov family's dacha near Moscow. She was introduced to Bernie by Boris Ivanovich Petrov, and since she was a tall, slender woman with long back hair, while Boris was short and stocky, they immediately reminded Bernie of Boris and Natasha from the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons. His attempts to explain this led to a discussion of moving pictures and how they were made. This quickly convinced her of the value of having a research center and of having Bernie on the payroll. She developed an interest in women's rights and the options that had been available to women in up-time America. Bernie didn't really know much about the issue, as to him, it had just been the way things were. He did, however, make an off-hand remark about "bra-burning", which led her to ask what a bra was and why anyone would burn one. Bernie suggested writing to Brandy Bates and asking her about it. She did, after which she and Brandy went on to become regular correspondents. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.