| - The enchanted cauldrons are most likely from Naxxramas, originally developed by the Lich King, but further researched and perfected by the necromancers Kel'Thuzad and Heigan; according to Eligor Dawnbringer, Heigan was the real mastermind behind the cauldrons. In preparation for the siege on the north lands, the Cauldrons were moved to Kel'Thuzad's recent acquisition, the Barov Manor on Caer Darrow (Scholomance) where the Plague of Undeath was perfected within them. Using samples from the cauldrons, Kel'Thuzad began to poison grain shipments exported from Andorhal, thus dooming the populace of Lordaeron to the plague. After Arthas' final "purge" of the region, the cauldrons were ordered to be placed in the various fields around Andorhal by Araj the Summoner to help support the Scourge forces in the area. Whether this was a tactical decision (cleared, level ground easily protected), or an ironic monument to the beginnings of the Scourge (the cauldrons sitting in the very fields that produced the corrupted grain), is unknown.